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Organize activities to respond to World Oceans Day 2024

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - Implement document No. 3214/BTNMT-BHĐVN-TTTT dated May 21, 2024 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on organizing Vietnam Sea and Islands Week activities and enjoying in response to World Ocean Day 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee gave instructions on this content in Official Dispatch No. 3915/UBND-TH dated May 24, 2024.

World Ocean Day (June 8 every year) adopted by the United Nations demonstrates efforts and connects people around the world to conserve and sustainably develop seas and oceans;  Let's honor the values ​​of the ocean for life, sustainable development and prosperity of humanity.

 With the theme "Awaken new depths", World Oceans Day 2024 calls on countries and organizations to jointly explore and awaken knowledge about the ocean; Let's work together to make changes to protect the ocean, for a blue and sustainable ocean.

 Responding to World Oceans Day, Vietnam Seas and Islands Week is held from June 1 to 8 every year. This is an opportunity for Vietnam to affirm its potential and determination to sustainably develop marine economic sectors, while protecting environmental resources and national sovereignty at sea. Associated with the theme of World Ocean Day 2024, implementing the Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy to 2030, with a vision to 2045, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment determines the key theme of the Vietnam's Seas and Islands Week in 2024 is "Sustainable management and use of marine space".

Illustration photo (Source: baotainguyenmoitruong.vn)

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directed agencies, units and localities, based on the actual conditions of the agencies, units and localities, to organize activities in response to Vietnam Sea and Islands Week (01 -  June 8), World Ocean Day (June 8) 2024. In particular, agencies, units and localities focus on propagating the Party's views and policies, and the State's policies and laws international law on seas and islands;  Vietnam's legal and legitimate rights and interests at sea;  location, role, importance of seas, islands and oceans;  marine and island resources and environment; The goal is to effectively allocate and manage and minimize conflicts in the exploitation and use of marine space to achieve sustainable development goals in marine economy, society, environmental protection, and marine conservation, developing science and technology, ensuring national defense, security and effective international cooperation, gradually building Vietnam into a strong and rich country from the sea.

From now until the end of June 2024, agencies, units and localities simultaneously organize Vietnam Sea and Island Week activities and respond to World Ocean Day 2024 in the province such as: Announcement  Communicate the purpose and meaning of the theme of Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and World Oceans Day 2024 in an economical, effective and creative way. Organize or participate in seminars, conferences, and discussions on the management, exploitation, and reasonable, effective, equitable, and sustainable use of marine and island resources; prevent and control marine environmental pollution;  protect, maintain and restore marine, coastal and island biodiversity; preserve and promote the values ​​of natural heritage and marine cultural heritage; Safe, sustainable and legal exploitation and fishing associated with environmental protection;  Minimize the impact of natural disasters as much as possible;  proactively respond effectively to climate change and sea level rise;  Investigate and conduct scientific research on the sea and islands to serve the management and sustainable use of marine space, socio-economic development, and ensure national defense and security.  Launch emulation movements and organize activities with community participation;  discover, praise and reward organizations, individuals, communities and businesses that have made effective and practical contributions to the management and sustainable use of marine space, reasonable use of resources, and conservation of marine space  protect the marine and island environment.  Strengthen control of collection, transportation, and treatment of coastal waste and plastic waste; Encourage research on the sea and islands, production and business activities friendly to the marine environment;  activities to protect the marine and island environment. Media agencies, newspapers, radio and television stations focus on reporting, articles, reports, pages, and columns to propagate activities in response to Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and Oceans Day on the world in 2024; Promote information and propaganda about Vietnam's seas and islands.

 The Department of Natural Resources and Environment presides and coordinates with the People's Committee of Phu My district and relevant agencies to organize a launching ceremony to clean up the beach, a propaganda parade in Phu My district and organize the implementation of other activities. Propaganda activities about the sea and islands according to the direction of the Provincial People's Committee in document No. 1165/UBND-TH dated February 20, 2024 on the policy of organizing propaganda activities about the sea and islands in 2024./.

Author: DHV

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