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Opening of the 2nd Hoai An District Agricultural Products Festival in 2024

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the evening of May 17, at Tang Bat Ho town's pedestrian park, Hoai An district People's Committee held the opening ceremony of the second Agricultural Products Festival in 2024. This is an emulation activity, achievements to celebrate the 134th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2024) and celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Liberation of Hoai An district (April 19, 1972 - April 19, 2024).

 Attending the opening ceremony were comrades: Le Kim Toan - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation;  Doan Van Phi - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council;  Nguyen Tuan Thanh - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee;  Representatives of leaders of departments, branches and localities in the province.

 District People's Committee leaders awarded OCOP product certificates to 19 subjects.

 Speaking at the opening of the Festival, Chairman of Hoai An District People's Committee Nguyen Huu Khuc said: The second Hoai An District Agricultural Products Festival was organized on a larger scale, fully and comprehensively introduced to friends near and far.  potential and strengths of local agricultural products. Thereby, creating conditions to connect with businesses to promote production and business activities, attract the attention of investors, develop the agricultural industry associated with tourism development and create an image localities, contributing to economic and social development and increasing people's income. At the same time, through the festival, honor the district's typical agricultural products; Introduce and promote safe and quality products to businesses, distributors and consumers; Support farmers to consume products and promote commercial activities, strengthen close connections between the four "State, farmers, businesses and scientists" in linking production and processing  and sell products to farmers...

 The Agricultural Products Festival takes place for 3 days (from May 16 to 18), attracting 18 booths with 105 key agricultural products, typical of the locality. The festival is an activity to honor the labor achievements of farmers; Tighten the solidarity and attachment between farmers who meet to exchange and learn from experiences in farming, producing, preserving, processing, and consuming all kinds of fruits and agricultural products, ensuring  quality and safety; is a place to connect trade, creating conditions for businesses, entrepreneurs and farmers to cooperate, joint venture, and link in the production chain, improving product value, especially introducing and bringing new products to the market. Characteristic safety, products with traceability labels, products recognized as OCOP, organic, VietGAP in the district to consumers.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh spoke at the ceremony.

 Speaking at the ceremony, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh assessed: In recent years, Hoai An district has well exploited the local potential and strengths, affirming its pioneering role in industry development high-tech agriculture and commodity agriculture of the province. Hoai An has synchronously and effectively implemented many solutions to comprehensively develop agriculture. Especially the pig farming industry accounts for over 1/3 of the total herd of the whole province. In addition, many specialized fruit growing areas have been formed with an area of ​​over 4,000 hectares; with many key crop groups such as green grapefruit, Siamese coconut, Thai jackfruit and many other fruit trees such as strawberry, durian, dragon fruit, rubi grapefruit, avocado...creating the diversity of fruit gardens. The quality and output of agricultural products in Hoai An district are increasingly improved and affirmed its position in the market, trusted and favored by customers inside and outside the province. Currently, there are 8 agricultural products of the district recognized by the Department of Intellectual Property as trademarks and 41 products evaluated and ranked as OCOP products by the Provincial People's Committee.

 Awarding certificate of product trademark registration from the Intellectual Property Department to leaders of Hoai An district

 “The agricultural sector of Hoai An district has had remarkable development in recent times, playing a decisive role in the local socio-economic development. Since then, the appearance of the countryside has flourished, and the material and spiritual lives of the people have been constantly improved and enhanced. The results achieved by Hoai An district in the field of agricultural development are concrete and vivid evidence of the spirit of hard work and creativity, overcoming many difficulties and challenges; At the same time, it demonstrates the right direction in local leadership and direction in implementing assigned political tasks." - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh emphasized.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh suggested that in the coming time, Hoai An district needs to focus on drastically directing and improving the effectiveness of the agricultural restructuring project associated with the implementation of the National Target Programs; Focus on developing concentrated agricultural production areas associated with the application of advanced scientific and technical advances to improve productivity and product quality; At the same time, pay attention to brand building associated with product promotion and consumption.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh also suggested that Hoai An district need to research and proactively participate in the production and consumption chain of agricultural products to contribute to improving the value of agricultural products and developing production be sustainable.

 Signing a contract to link the consumption of some agricultural products of Hoai An district

 At the ceremony, leaders of the Provincial People's Committee awarded product trademark registration certificates from the Intellectual Property Department for 3 products: Hoai An pepper, Hoai An jackfruit and Hoai An organic rice. District People's Committee leaders awarded OCOP product certificates to 19 products. Companies, businesses, units, organizations, individuals and related units sign association contracts to consume some agricultural products of Hoai An district.

 On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 03 collectives and 05 individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the agricultural production development movement, contributing to the construction and socio-economic development of the Hoai An district ./.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh awarded Certificates of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to groups and individuals.


Author: DHV

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