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The National Assembly's Economic Committee surveyed the need to change the use purpose of forests, forest land, and rice land in Binh Dinh

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of May 16, in Hoai Nhon town, a working group of the National Assembly's Economic Committee, led by comrade Nguyen Minh Son - Deputy Chairman of the Committee, went to survey the needs of the National Assembly.  Bridge to change the use purpose of forests, forest land, and rice cultivation land for two or more crops of the Eastern North-South Expressway Project for the period 2021 - 2025, in Binh Dinh province (referred to as the Project).  On the side of Binh Dinh province, there were comrades: Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Representatives of leaders of relevant departments and branches; Representative of the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang (left) reported the need to change the use purpose of forests, forest land, and land for growing rice from two or more crops in Binh Dinh province.

 On July 11, 2022, the National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 273/NQ-UBTVQH15 on the Project's policy of changing the purpose of using forest land and rice cultivation land for two or more crops. Accordingly, the project's area for changing the purpose of using forest land and rice cultivation land for two or more crops: wet rice cultivation land for two or more crops is 331.48 hectares; Protective forest land is 32.60 hectares and production forest land is 481.34 hectares. The forest area converted to use for project implementation is 158.05 hectares.

 The results of measuring the area of ​​forest land and land planted with wet rice from two or more crops in Binh Dinh province all increased compared to Resolution No. 273/NQ-UBTVQH15. Specifically: The area of ​​land for wet rice cultivation with two or more crops is 420.44 hectares, an increase of 88.95 hectares;  The area of ​​protective forest land is 37.96 hectares, an increase of 5.36 hectares;  Production forest land is 632.61 hectares, an increase of 151.27 hectares. The forest area converted to use purposes to implement the project is 250.31 hectares, an increase of 92.26 hectares.

 Particularly for the Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon route project, the area of ​​land for wet rice cultivation with two or more crops increased by 35.68 hectares; The area of ​​protective forest land increased by 17.96 hectares;  Production forest land increased by 82.51 hectares; The forest area converted to use purposes to implement the Project increased by 50.82 hectares.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang said: Implementing the Project according to Resolution No. 273/NQ-UBTVQH15, the Provincial People's Committee has directed the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to coordinate with relevant departments and branches.  Review and include projects in the district-level land use planning for the period 2021-2030, annual land use plans, and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval according to regulations; ensure sufficient legal basis for project implementation. In addition, the Provincial People's Committee decided to change the forest use purpose to another purpose with an area of ​​158.05 hectares.

In recent times, the Provincial People's Committee has directed relevant localities, departments, agencies and branches to urgently carry out compensation, site clearance and resettlement to hand over the site to the project investor (Project Management Board 2, Project Management Board 85); At the same time, regularly monitor, grasp and promptly resolve investors' recommendations, including changing the use purpose of forests, forest land, and rice land for two or more crops. To date, 10/10 land mines with reserves of 7.87 million m3 have been confirmed for exploitation by the Provincial People's Committee, and the Provincial People's Council has approved the policy of changing the use purpose; 17 sand mines, 8 stone quarries and 13 waste disposal sites have completed procedures, basically ensuring the needs of the Project.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang requested the National Assembly's Economic Committee to consider and agree to report to the National Assembly to pass a Resolution on adjusting the policy of changing the use purpose of forests, forest land and wet rice land.  from two or more cases of the Project so that the province has a basis to implement the Project in accordance with regulations.

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Nguyen Minh Son (left cover) conducts a field survey at TDHN26 land mine.

 Through inspection and field survey at TDHN26 land mine (Hoai Tan ward, Hoai Nhon town), Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Nguyen Minh Son acknowledged the efforts of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province and the private sector consulting and the investor in coordinating the implementation of related tasks serving project construction, including the review and assessment of the need to change the use purpose of forests, forest land and rice land on the locality; At the same time, note that Binh Dinh province reviews resettlement areas and waste disposal sites to serve project construction, avoiding affecting forests, forest land and rice land.

 Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Nguyen Minh Son acknowledged Binh Dinh province's proposal and will advise the National Assembly Standing Committee to consider and approve the policy on adjusting and increasing the area for conversion purposes of using forests, forest land and rice land to meet the project's construction requirements./.


Author: DHV

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