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Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan received and worked with Itochu Group (Japan)

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of June 13, at the Office of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan had a meeting and worked with Itochu Group (Japan). Joining the meeting were representatives of leaders of relevant departments and agencies of the province.

 Next scene and work

 At the meeting, the representative of Itochu Group in Vietnam presented the Group's goodwill to invest in Binh Dinh. Itochu is one of the largest economic groups in Japan, established in 1958. The Group's main business lines are textiles, clean energy. Itochu has also cooperated with Phu Tai Bioenergy Joint Stock Company in exporting tablets. On average, Itochu buys and exports about 500,000 tons of tablets from Vietnam every year, 300,000 tons in Binh Dinh alone. In addition to tablets, Itochu also cooperates in purchasing and exporting tuna, and importing and exporting fertilizers through Quy Nhon Port. In order to promote the cooperation between the two sides, especially to be able to capture and meet the demand for tablets in Japan, which will double in the next 3 years, Itochu wants Binh Dinh to create favorable conditions. for the Group to cooperate with Phu Tai Bioenergy Joint Stock Company to manufacture tablets or build a raw material factory.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan expressed his delight at the goodwill of Itochu - a leading Japanese corporation. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan affirmed that Binh Dinh is always eager for Japanese investors to come to Binh Dinh through a series of investment attraction policies that have been implemented in the past time. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Binh Dinh is one of the four furniture capitals of Vietnam, identifying this strength, Binh Dinh also has many attractive preferential policies in this field and wishes Itochu will further expand investment cooperation with Binh Dinh enterprises.  In particular, in addition to wood processing production, afforestation is also one of the policies that the province is interested in, so Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan wants Itochu to invest in afforestation, because this is a high cost. It is an important chain to supply raw materials for the tablet factory to ensure long-term and stable production.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presents gifts to Mr. Tanaka KenJi

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also emphasized that in addition to the advantages, large timber plantations in Binh Dinh are facing three difficulties, namely capital sources, risk insurance policies and long-term stability. The forest area allocated to people is very large. The general view of the province is to create the best conditions for investors to operate and is committed to directing industries to fully support investors when implementing projects in Binh Dinh. On the provincial side, the head of the provincial government affirmed to always accompany and promptly remove obstacles for investors during the investment process and look forward to granting an investment license to Itochu in the near future.

 At the meeting, on behalf of Itochu Group, Mr. Tanaka KenJi - General Manager of the Asia region, expressed his pleasure with Binh Dinh's focus on planting large timber forests, Itochu will consider and discuss with partners in Binh Dinh. Dinh to be able to accompany the province in this view and hope that following the pellet project, afforestation is the second important project that Itochu implements in Binh Dinh.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and leaders of departments and agencies took souvenir photos with the delegation

Author: DHV

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