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Using information and data of citizens' electronic documents integrated on VNeID application in carrying out administrative procedures

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has just issued Official Letter No. 2976/UBND-KSTT dated May 12, 2023 directing the use of citizens' information and electronic document data integrated on the Internet. VNeID application in administrative procedures

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directs the specialized agencies of the province, the Management Board of the Provincial Economic Zone, the People's Committees of the districts, towns and cities to direct the civil servants and public employees assigned to work at the Center for Rehabilitation. Provincial Public Administration Department and District and Commune Single Window Departments strictly implement the use of citizens' information and electronic document data integrated in level 2 electronic identity accounts (through the application of electronic identification). use VNeID of the Ministry of Public Security installed on smart mobile phones) for cases prescribed by law, it is necessary to check and compare information related to citizens before receiving administrative procedures. Instead of requiring citizens to directly present papers under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security, especially in case the papers are identity cards or citizen identification cards.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Provincial Police and the Provincial Standing Committee according to their assigned functions and tasks to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies, units and localities to continue promoting propaganda activities. transmit, guide people to register, activate and use level 2 electronic identity accounts on VNeID application, including the use of citizens' electronic documents integrated on VNeID application when implementing  administrative procedures.

Author: DHV

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