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Binh Dinh honors artists and authors who have won the State Prize and the Dao Tan - Xuan Dieu award

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of April 12, at the Provincial Convention Center, the Provincial People's Committee held a ceremony to award the title of People's Artisan", "Excellent Artisan"; Honoring the winning author of the State Prize in Literature and Art; awarded the 6th Dao Tan - Xuan Dieu Prize for literature and art Binh Dinh province (2016 - 2020).

Attending the ceremony were comrades: Le Kim Toan, Standing Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial Delegation of National Assembly; Nguyen Thi Phong Vu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Campaign Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province; Huynh Thuy Van, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Lam Hai Giang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; representatives of departments, divisions, branches, localities, associations, and mass organizations of the province.


Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang speaks at the ceremony

 Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the Leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang praised and congratulated the People's Artists, Excellent Artisans, author Van Trong Hung and authors who have works, The work was awarded the Dao Tan - Xuan Dieu Award for literature and art Binh Dinh province for the sixth time (2016 - 2020), congratulations on the achievements that the team of artists and artists province have achieved. in the "journey" of preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage and "literary and artistic activities" over the past time, making worthy contributions to the economic, cultural and social development of the province. At the same time, it is recommended that the Department of Culture and Sport, the Literature and Art Association of the province, together with the Departments, branches and localities continue to pay attention and create more conditions for artisans in organizing presentation activities.  performing, teaching cultural heritage to the young generation and developing into an attractive tourist product for tourists. Continue to coordinate with relevant industries and localities to propose the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate mechanisms and policies to preserve and promote the value of cultural heritage that artisans are holding, and restore cultural values. fine traditions of the nation; continue to create conditions for artists and writers to follow the reality of society,sticking with the people's life, striving to create many works of high value in thought and art, having a great effect on building people, being both oriented and meeting cultural needs. increasing morale of the people. Focusing on improving the quality and effectiveness of various types of culture, art, literature and art, preserving and promoting the unique values of the national culture. To take care of discovering, fostering, appreciating and promoting literary and artistic talents; honoring artists, literary artists on the basis of their dedication to the country and province.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang believes that, in the coming time, with their efforts and responsibilities, "artists" and artists with "hearts and passions" will continue to contribute talents, his wisdom for the cause of construction and homeland construction; continue to practice, strive and preserve moral qualities; is the leading force on the cultural front, contributing to the growing cultural life and literary and artistic career of the province; preserving and teaching intangible cultural forms to the community, especially the young generation; continue to promote talents, creative capacity, try to promote values of cultural heritage, literature and art with full sense of their social responsibility and civic duty.


Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Kim Toan (left), Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee (right) presents flowers and Certificate of People's Artist title to 3 artisans

 In September 2022, the State President signed and promulgated decisions on conferring and posthumously conferring the titles of People's Artists and Excellent Artists to 628 artisans across the country. Among these, Binh Dinh province has 22 artisans conferred the title of People's Artist, Excellent Artisan, in the type of folk art performance; including 3 People's Artists, 19 Excellent Artists. Accordingly, 3 People's Artists awarded this time include: Artist Ho Van Sung, artisan Le Van Canh, artisan Ha Thi Hanh.

The State Prize in literature and art went to poet and playwright Van Trong Hung with a cluster of stage script works: The tragic song and The Land of the Buddha's door.

Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province Nguyen Thi Phong Vu and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang presented flowers and Certificate of Merit for the title of Excellent Artisan to 19 artisans


 Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Kim Toan and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang awarded certificates to 16 individuals and 1 collective representative with 18 works and clusters of works that won the A Prize of the Dao Tan - Spring Prize Dieu

 About Dao Tan - Xuan Dieu Award, Binh Dinh province, this is "one of the prestigious awards in the field of culture, literature and art of the province" held every 5 years. Through the 6th round of awards (period 2016 - 2020), the Provincial People's Committee approved the results with 75 awards, including: 18 A prizes, 31 B prizes and 26 consolation prizes, belonging to 7 categories including: Literature Studies, Fine Arts, Music, Photography, Theater, Folklore and Dance.


Author: DHV

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