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Binh Dinh continues to conduct socio-economic activities as planned, aiming to achieve at least 7% GRDP growth in 2023.

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of April 4, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference in person and online to assess the socio-economic situation in the first quarter and implement the key tasks of the second quarter of 2023. Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh, Lam Hai Giang and Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang chaired the conference. Attending the conference were Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Doan Van Phi, leaders of departments, agencies, 11 districts, towns, cities, 159 communes and wards in the province.

View of the conference at the headquarters of the Provincial People's Committee

 Reported at the conference, the representative of leaders of the Department of Planning and Investment said that the socio-economic situation in the first quarter of 2023 remained stable. Gross regional product (GRDP) in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 4.11% over the same period, 0.79 percentage points higher than the national average growth (national GDP in the first quarter increased by 3.32%), ranked  40th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide, 11 out of 14 provinces and cities in the North Central and Central Coast regions and 3rd out of 5 provinces and cities in the Central Key Economic Zone. In which: agriculture, forestry and fishery increased by 2.22%; industry and construction increased by 3.75% (industry alone increased by 3.17%); services increased by 5.31%; product tax minus product subsidies increased by 4.03% over the same period.

 For 11 districts, towns and cities in the province, although the value of local gross domestic product has increased over the same period, only Van Canh district has the economic growth target exceeding the quarterly plan. According to Decision No. 19/QD-UBND dated January 4, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee, assigned from the beginning of the year, other localities all achieved lower than the detailed breakdown plan.


The scene of the online conference at the local bridge points

 The report at the conference also pointed out the shortcomings and limitations in the socio-economic development of the first quarter, that is, production, business and product consumption of a large part of enterprises encountered difficulties. Investment attraction, especially foreign investment, is still limited. The work of compensation and ground clearance for a number of works and projects, especially key projects, is still slow. Budget revenue from land use levy is difficult. Land encroachment, illegal construction, and environmental pollution in some industrial clusters and spots... still occur in some localities but have not been completely handled.  Some localities are still confused in planning, directing and administering socio-economic development with specific targets, data and scenarios. The administrative reform and administrative procedure settlement of some units is still limited, there is still a situation of delayed processing of administrative documents...

 At the conference, leaders of departments, branches and localities focused on discussing advantages and disadvantages in economic development of each branch and field; at the same time, propose solutions to achieve the tasks, goals and targets in the second quarter and the whole year of 2023.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan delivered a speech at the conference

 Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan reviewed the results in the operation and socio-economic development of the province. Most notably, the province has organized many large-scale events and signed activities with travel businesses and airlines, thereby contributing to promoting and enhancing the image of Binh Dinh province.

Regarding the shortcomings and limitations, besides the objective causes due to the economic decline, the decrease in domestic and international purchasing power, and the high interest rate, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also frankly pointed out: The branches and localities have only initially entered data, have not looked at the numbers and parameters to operate and make decisions, and are not aware that the delay in handling tasks within their responsibilities will affect development. socio-economic development. The coordination between departments, branches and localities is not good, and there are signs of avoidance, fear of responsibility, and dare not report and tell the truth about the backlogs; not actively solving work, lack of drastic in operating and solving difficulties for businesses and people. These are subjective causes, if they can be overcome, they will perform better development target tasks.

 Regarding the orientations and solutions to promote socio-economic development of the province in the second quarter and the following months, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed his determination to continue managing and developing the goals and targets of each field according to the plan. registered plan. Striving for the growth rate of gross local product (GRDP) for the whole year 2023 to reach the lowest at 7%.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized: "To do this, we start operating and making decisions with data, I suggest all localities and departments to look at the results of the first quarter. from there point out the problems that need to be done. Regarding the projects entering the province, in the immediate future, the general review of all licensed projects, day by day, the departments and the provincial leaders together with the provincial leaders to free all projects that have problems if the investor has all the conditions. events, and resources. If the conditions are not met, it can be stopped or withdrawn.  Along with that, is to continue to remove difficulties for businesses and expand production; continue to promote investment attraction for this year and the following years. Next, focus on developing tourism, tourism projects, especially projects in Quy Nhon city, improving the quality of major tourism programs of the province, especially tourism associated with the tourism industry. With service development, commodity products must be deployed and sold. Continuing to expand export products, especially agricultural products, OCOP products must be reviewed for export step by step.  Focus on implementing key tasks and especially 7 action programs; completing the provincial plan, this is very important, please pay attention to the implementation and 11 proposals of the province have been approved by the Government, this is the key task we focus on to create major project highlights  of the province.”


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the conference

 In the field of investment and finance, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directs the investors, departments, branches and localities to focus on implementing investment projects to ensure the regulations on the quality of works and projects. resolutely handle weak contractors and construction units; accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital and resolutely transfer capital in localities and projects that do not guarantee the disbursement progress to construction projects with good disbursement progress, especially key projects of the State. conscious; continue to implement budget collection solutions, focusing on collecting land use levy, in which it is necessary to boldly organize auctions and bring the land price level to real value, contributing to promoting production development; At the same time, implementing cost-saving measures…

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also suggested that departments and branches stick to the key tasks of the industry to implement. Particularly, the agricultural sector continues to promote the transformation of crop structure, increasing the value of income per unit area; together with the province to attract and call for investment in agro-forestry-fishery processing projects and drastically implement solutions to combat IUU fishing.

 Departments: Industry and Trade, Construction, Planning and Investment and localities coordinate all existing production investment projects to promptly solve problems for businesses. Department of Information and Communications continues to perform the task of digital transformation of the province methodically, efficiently and economically.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also asked the units and localities to continue focusing on environmental protection, solid waste collection, and also criticized some localities for not timely implementation of waste collection according to the regulations.  plans and resources already approved and specifically allocated by the Provincial People's Committee; strengthen the management of urban order, restore order and discipline, fight against land encroachment in the whole province.

 For 11 districts, towns and cities, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested to actively review all detailed data on the results of socio-economic development in the first quarter, point out the causes, problems, and propose appropriate solutions. in the second quarter and the following months. At the same time, continue to focus on implementing registered projects, clearing construction sites in the area; continue to research and propose breakthrough projects for local development. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp and direct communes, wards and departments to focus on supporting local people and businesses for economic development. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan suggested: Firmly grasp the duties of the commune and ward authorities and follow the training and exchange instructions.  The Central Committee has specified the tasks of communes and wards, concretized it and then proposed to the comrades to organize the implementation; at the same time, it is recommended that commune authorities perform well on public service ethics and comply with regulations.  Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also asked the whole province to continue to innovate working style, efficiency, initiative, administrative reform not to shy away from work, all for the common good.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also said that in the near future, the Provincial People's Committee will establish two working groups, in which one will perform the task of grasping and removing difficulties for each project and the other will conduct public inspection. serving the contingent of civil servants and public employees of the provincial government sector.


Author: DHV

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