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Groundbreaking ceremony of the coastal road construction project (DT.639) from National Highway 1D to new National Highway 19

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the 48th anniversary of the liberation of Binh Dinh (March 31, 1975 - March 31, 2023), today (March 31), the Provincial People's Committee solemnly held the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the project. construction project of a coastal road (DT.639) from National Highway 1D to new National Highway 19, in Quy Nhon city. This is one of the key transport projects of the province in the period of 2021-2025.

 Attending the ceremony were comrades: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Le Kim Toan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation;  Pham Anh Tuan – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; former leaders of the province through the periods; comrades in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the People's Council, the leaders of the People's Committee, the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Delegation of the Provincial National Assembly; leaders of provincial departments, branches, unions and officials and people of Nhon Phu, Nhon Binh wards, Quy Nhon city.


 Provincial leaders performed the ceremony of pressing the button to start the project

 The new coastal route (DT.639) from National Highway 1D to National Highway 19 has the first point of intersection with National Highway 1D at Km5+020, in Nhon Phu ward, and the end point at the new National Highway 19 at Km8+100, belonging to the new National Highway 19. Nhon Binh ward, Quy Nhon city. The project has a total investment of more than VND 1,490 billion (of which the central budget is VND 600 billion, the rest is from the local budget) and is expected to be constructed in 23 months.

 The route is designed according to urban road standards with a design speed of 50km/h, 4.3km long, passing through 2 wards Nhon Phu, Nhon Binh, Quy Nhon city.  The roadbed is 29m wide, the asphalt road surface is 24m wide with 4 lanes for motor vehicles and 2 lanes for mixed traffic. Particularly, the section through the intersection of Ong Tho intersection has a roadbed of 48m wide, a road surface of 24m wide asphalt with 4 lanes for motor vehicles and 2 lanes of mixed traffic, a median of 4m wide, and a sidewalk of 20m wide.

Resolution of the 20th Congress of Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee, term 2021 - 2025 has determined the goal of building Binh Dinh into a developed province in the leading group of the Central region; in which, identifying "building and perfecting a synchronous and modern infrastructure system, especially transport infrastructure" is one of the three breakthroughs in the province's socio-economic development strategy.  Over the past time, Binh Dinh province has focused on planning, concentrating resources, promoting the potential and advantages of the province, actively and actively enlisting the support of the Central Government and attracting other resources to invest in the province.  investment, upgrading and synchronous development of economic and social infrastructure, especially transport infrastructure. Many key traffic routes and lifelines have been completed, creating favorable conditions for traffic connections, expanding development space, and being highly supported by leaders and people in the province.


 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang speaks at the ceremony

 Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that, in the past time, with the capital from the provincial budget and the support from the central budget, Binh Dinh province has implemented construction investment.  completed a number of sections of the coastal road, from Tam Quan Bac to Hoai Huong (Hoai Nhon town), My Thanh (Phu My district) to Cat Tien (Phu Cat district), is implementing the construction of a coastal road.  from Cat Tien (Phu Cat district) to Diem Van (Tuy Phuoc district) connecting the new National Highway 19.  And the construction of the road from National Highway 1D to National Highway 19 just in time to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the liberation of Binh Dinh province is very necessary and urgent, contributing to the completion of the coastal road of Binh Dinh province in the coastal road system. National Sea.

In addition, the investment in road construction also aims to gradually improve the urban transport infrastructure system, exploit the potential of the land fund for urban development, service and commerce, and contribute to the development of the city. socio-economic development of Quy Nhon city in particular and of Binh Dinh province in general.

Provincial leaders visit Project work after the groundbreaking ceremony

 Given the importance of this work, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang asked the project investor who is the Provincial Traffic Project Management Board and relevant agencies, units and localities to focus on developing the project. implementation of the following tasks: The investor works closely with the local authorities and authorities in the implementation of the project; strengthen monitoring of the scene, promptly solve problems and problems in site clearance to organize the construction to ensure the project progress;  focus on project management, inspection and supervision of strict implementation of management processes in terms of quality and volume of works, ensuring progress throughout the construction period;  resolutely strictly handle violations in terms of quality, volume and schedule.  Determined to achieve the goals of the project: fast progress - good quality - labor safety, ensuring compliance with the law.


Equipment and machinery operating after the groundbreaking ceremony

The consulting units must uphold the sense of professional responsibility in the consulting work for the project. Fully perform functions, tasks and responsibilities for author supervision, quality and progress supervision during the construction process of construction contractors, strictly abide by current regulations on construction quality management . Construction contractors must strictly and fully comply with the commitments in the contract signed with the investor, especially in terms of financial capacity, construction machinery, equipment, and technical staff. technicians and skilled workers to carry out the construction work with the set quality and schedule.


Equipment and machinery operating after the groundbreaking ceremony

 The Provincial Site Clearance Board focuses on directing and speeding up the implementation of compensation, site clearance and handover of clean ground to investors and construction contractors to carry out construction according to schedule. Being mention; At the same time, actively coordinate with the People's Committee of Quy Nhon city, the investor and the provincial authorities, strengthen the propaganda and mobilization of the people in the project area to strictly comply with the regulations of the Government. water to speed up the implementation of compensation and site clearance.

 The project investor, the Department of Transport, relevant departments and agencies and contractors involved in the construction of the work ensure the works are of good quality, meet the technical, aesthetic and durable requirements according to the regulations. over time, as a model for replication in quality control for construction works in the province.

Author: DHV

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