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Binh Dinh and 4 provinces of Southern Laos signed a cooperation agreement for the period of 2021 - 2025

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - Continuing the Program of the Cooperation Signing Conference between the People's Committee of Binh Dinh Province and the Governments of 4 Southern Laos Provinces in the 2021-2025 period, after the opening speech of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan, Leaders of the two sides jointly assessed the results achieved in cooperation between Binh Dinh and the southern provinces of Laos in the 2016-2020 period and the directions and tasks for the 2021-2025 period.


Conference scene

 Although facing many difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a number of related obstacles such as geographical distance, language, production and living habits of each side, they promote the tradition of solidarity, preserving the friendly relationship, good neighborly cooperation between the two parties, the two states and the people of the two countries Vietnam - Laos in general and Binh Dinh province with 04 southern Laos provinces in particular, the implementation of phase cooperation  In the 2016-2020 period between Binh Dinh province and Attapu, Champasak, Salavan and Sekong provinces, the leaders of the provinces, authorities and mass organizations of the two sides have always paid attention to promote and create favorable conditions. cooperation has been completed and put into operation, bringing practical results, contributing to promoting socio-economic development, maintaining security - defense between the two sides; trust among the people is increasingly consolidated;  Awareness among cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees and employees at agencies, organizations, mass organizations and enterprises has continuously improved, and has become an important driving force for development. Cooperation activities between the two sides are increasingly comprehensive, substantive, in-depth and effective.

In the period of 2021-2025, Binh Dinh province and Southern Laos provinces will continue to sign cooperation agreements with the main contents including: the two sides alternately organize visits and work between senior leaders of Binh Dinh province with senior leaders of southern Laos provinces, exchanging experiences on building political system; promoting political relations, foreign affairs, security, defense, investment cooperation and mutual support in all socio-economic fields, especially education, health care, agriculture, industry and trade, science and technology, culture, sports, tourism, information and communication…


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung (2nd right) speaks at the conference

 Particularly for the field of education and training: From the academic year 2021-2022 to the academic year 2025-2026, each year, Binh Dinh province grants 15 full scholarships to students from each province to study at universities. , colleges in Binh Dinh province, including:  05 undergraduate degrees (study period of 05 years, including 01 year of studying Vietnamese) and 01 degree of master's degree (study period of 03 years, including 1 year of study in Vietnamese) 01 year of studying Vietnamese) studying at Quy Nhon University; 06 consecutive study slots from vocational intermediate to vocational college (one-year study period for students who already have basic Vietnamese knowledge) studying at Quy Nhon College of Engineering and Technology; 03 college degrees (4 years of study, including 1 year of Vietnamese) studying at Binh Dinh Medical College. Quy Nhon University receives, trains and grants Vietnamese language certificates to students from provinces receiving scholarships of Binh Dinh province (for those who must learn Vietnamese) before students majoring in universities. in Binh Dinh province.

 The southern provinces of Laos will regularly announce the list of projects calling for foreign investment; mechanisms and policies to attract investment; the focal agency to carry out investment procedures; creating favorable conditions for Binh Dinh enterprises to survey, cooperate, invest, produce and do business in each province.  At the same time, the southern provinces of Laos will strengthen support for legal procedures related to Vietnamese citizens who are Binh Dinh people living, studying, working, traveling, etc. in the southern provinces of Laos. ; on the contrary, Binh Dinh province also continues to care for Lao citizens living and studying in the locality. The two sides also agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of foreign affairs, creating a solid foundation for the special friendship between the two provinces, contributing to maintaining peace and stability, and enhancing the position and prestige of the two countries. Vietnam and Laos.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Province Governor Attapu Let Xay-Nha-Phon signed a cooperation document for the period of 2021 - 2025

 Speaking at the conference, comrade Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council emphasized: Today's cooperation signing conference is an opportunity for each province to look back together on the journey and relationship.  cooperation relationship between Binh Dinh province and localities of Laos in recent years. At the same time, the success of the Conference is also an opportunity for leaders of localities to meet, exchange and share valuable experiences, specific orientations for the two sides to further promote cooperation in the region. next time; continue to write new and fresh pages in the history of friendship and cooperation between the two countries Vietnam - Laos as well as between Binh Dinh province and the four southern provinces of Laos in particular.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Sekong Dong Phet Pha-Nhon signed a cooperation document for the period of 2021 - 2025

 As two close neighbors, leaning back against the majestic Truong Son mountain range, sharing the same Mekong river, the people of Vietnam and Laos have stood shoulder to shoulder throughout the history of nation building and  defending the country of the two peoples, working together to fight and defeat the enemy together, help each other to restore the economy, heal the wounds of war, build and develop the country, and cultivate the relationship between the two nations. special friendship, solidarity, exemplary, fidelity, purity, rare in the history of international relations.

Experiencing many difficulties and challenges, including the unprecedented impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic over the past 3 years, we are very pleased to see that the cooperation relationship between the two Parties, the two countries of Vietnam - Laos continues to develop steadily, deepening and effectively in many fields, from the central to local levels, with political trust increasingly consolidated and upgraded from "friendly relations". tradition” to “great friendship” in February 2019. These are important premise, a solid foundation contributing to building and further promoting the cooperation at local level between the two countries in the coming time.


Vice-Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang and Deputy Governor Champasak Sóm-Bun Huong-Vong-Sá  signed a cooperation document for the period of 2021 - 2025

 Inheriting and promoting the achievements achieved in that great friendship, over the years, implementing the foreign policy and guidelines of the Party and State of Vietnam, Binh Dinh province attaches great importance to itt, took strong and concrete steps to promote cooperation between the province and localities of Laos. After the first cooperation relationship was established with Champasak province in 1979, Binh Dinh connected and expanded cooperation with Attapu, Sekong and Salavan provinces.

 Through many stages with many signed cooperation programs, with sincere affection, trust and mutual respect, generations of leaders and people of Binh Dinh province and 4 southern provinces of Laos have constantly cultivated  build and step by step bring the cooperation relationship between the two sides to a new height; From the initial cooperation content was quite modest in fields such as agriculture, industry and trade, education, etc., it has now expanded cooperation in almost all fields with many rich, diverse and effective forms, contribute significantly to the development of each locality and of the two countries.


Leaders of Binh Dinh province and 4 southern Laos provinces take souvenir photos

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung emphasized: As a close friend and brother, the Party Committee, government and people of Binh Dinh province are always interested in monitoring and very happy and excited about the great achievements. in the construction and development of Laos in general and the four southern provinces of Laos in particular. I firmly believe that under the wise leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, the southern provinces of Laos will definitely gain greater achievements in all fields, contributing to the construction of Laos. more and more beautiful, peaceful, independent, democratic, unified and prosperous.

Author: DHV

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