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Press conference on socio-economic situation in the first quarter of 2023

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of April 13, the Provincial People's Committee held a press conference on the socio-economic situation of the first quarter, the key tasks of the second quarter of 2023. Comrade Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee, Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang chaired the press conference. Attending the press conference were representatives of leaders of relevant departments, agencies, Hoai Nhon town, Provincial Journalists Association, provincial press agencies and representatives of resident press agencies in the province.

 Comrades: Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Lam Hai Giang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee co-chaired the press conference.

 At the press conference, on behalf of the Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Le Ngoc An - Chief of Office of the Provincial People's Committee informed about the socio-economic situation in the first quarter of 2023, key tasks and solutions in the second quarter of 2023.

 In the first quarter of 2023, despite many difficulties, but with the drastic direction of the Provincial People's Committee and the efforts of all levels and sectors, the socio-economic situation has maintained stability. Gross regional product (GRDP) in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 4.11% over the same period, 0.79 percentage points higher than the national average growth (national GDP in the first quarter increased by 3.32%), ranked 40th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide, 11 out of 14 provinces and cities in the North Central and Central Coast regions and 3rd out of 5 provinces and cities in the Central Key Economic Zone.  In which: agriculture, forestry and fishery increased by 2.22%; industry and construction increased by 3.75% (industry alone increased by 3.17%); services increased by 5.31%; product tax minus product subsidies increased by 4.03% over the same period.

 In the first quarter of 2023, the province's state budget revenue was VND 2,309 billion, reaching 16.9% of the year estimate, down 42.8% over the same period. In which, domestic revenue (excluding land use fee) is 1,815 billion VND, reaching 25.7% of the yearly estimate, down 2.4% over the same period. Particularly, land use revenue was estimated at VND 388 billion, reaching 7.1% of the yearly estimate, down 73.3% over the same period.

Social security policies are fully and timely implemented. Military and national defense work is ensured, troops are assigned safely and targets are met; political security, social order and safety are stable. Administrative reform has achieved many positive results, and the operational efficiency of the government apparatus at all levels has been gradually improved.


 Press conference scene

 At the press conference, in the spirit of openness, representatives of news agencies and press discussed issues of press and public opinion of concern such as: The current situation and measures to handle land encroachment  illegal construction, especially in Quy Nhon city; the conservation of a number of cultural landmarks in the province; The Phu Hoa Lake project is lying motionless; handle violations related to land in Vinh Thanh district; Especially, many reporters have asked questions about the Long Son Iron and Steel Factory Project, including the question that the marine environment will be polluted when implementing the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex project in Hoai Nhon town. into operation?  Is the livelihood of the people living along the coast of the project area disturbed?... The above-mentioned press issues were answered by the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, frankly exchanged, responsible for providing content and information to the press. solstice.

 Answering questions related to the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex project in Hoai Nhon town, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex in Hoai Nhon, Binh Dinh province is a project. the leading project on the province's industrial index in the future. This project is in line with the provincial planning and is only at the policy stage, starting research to build the project and approving the investor to survey and build. This project, in order to be approved for submission to the Government for approval, must first ensure factors such as: Advanced and modern technology; ensure the environment according to Vietnam's standards; Project-affected people must have a minimum standard of living, or even better, after resettlement; people must have a stable and long-term livelihood; the project does not violate the historical site where the pier is not numbered Lo Dieu.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan speaks at the press conference

 In the project area of Long Son Iron and Steel Complex, there are 561 affected households. In the province's compensation policy, compensation comes with a longer livelihood and stability for the people. Firstly, the province will require investors to stick to the current compensation policies of the province. Second, businesses provide additional support for displaced people. Third, supplement social security policies, especially on people's livelihoods. Specifically, for 561 households in this project area, the Provincial People's Committee will ask the investor of the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex and Hoai Nhon town to make compensation and support plans for each household.

 Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed: "The province's consistent view is not to trade off the environment for the economy - society. This project is only now advocated by the province, starting to research to build the project and approve for investors to survey and build.  Submit the proposal to the government for approval, we are not entitled to this. Regarding the environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment must be responsible for their appraisal. The view of the province is that if the project wants to be approved and approved by the Central Government, the technology must be modern.”

 Concluding the press conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee thanked the press agencies for timely informing and propagating local activities in all fields of activities, thereby encouraging, motivating and motivating. to promote economic and social development. Orientation for propaganda in the coming time, Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the press agencies to propagate the results of socio-economic development in the first quarter and to implement the tasks of the second quarter of 2023; strengthen news and articles reflecting on Party building work, socio-economic development results, national defense and security, and business support information. Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested departments, branches and localities to continue to coordinate in providing adequate, timely and standard information to the press; promptly answer and solve the problems reflected by the press, thereby contributing to the development of the province in the coming time.

 Regarding the orientations and solutions to promote socio-economic development of the province in the second quarter and the following months, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed his determination to continue managing and developing the goals and targets of each field according to the plan. registered plan. Striving for the growth rate of gross local product (GRDP) for the whole year 2023 to reach 7-7.5%.

Author: DHV

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