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Strengthening the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - In this regard, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee asked the heads of the member agencies of the Provincial Steering Committee 389, based on their assigned functions and tasks, to actively and fully implement them fully and seriously. related tasks under Plan No. 92/KH-BCD389 dated September 13, 2022 of the National Steering Committee against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting on strengthening the fight against smuggling and trade fraud. trade and counterfeit goods on border lines, sea areas and inland areas.


 Accordingly, strengthening the work of grasping the situation on key routes, areas and fields, using professional measures, promptly detecting acts of smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods on the routes. borders, sea areas and inland areas. Organize the review and screening of a list of organizations and individuals involved in smuggling and trade fraud, especially petroleum, minerals, timber, fertilizers, etc. to organize according to  monitor and grasp the situation, arrange and use forces and means to fight and prevent effectively. Organize forces to grasp the local situation, regularly supervise the activities of organizations and individuals in the area under their management, especially the situation of smuggling, illegal mining and transportation of minerals in the border areas. sea boundary, on the sea; strengthen patrol and control, detect, arrest and handle acts related to smuggling and illegal mineral transportation in accordance with law.

 Maintain and improve the quality of coordination between relevant agencies and units. Regularly do well in internal protection, resolutely handle cases of covering up, tolerating, abetting and protecting smuggling activities. To step up the propaganda, mobilization and promotion of mass movements to participate in the fight against crime and social evils; protect security, social order and safety in the province.

Market Management Department - Standing Committee of 389 Provincial Steering Committees to monitor, urge, summarize and report on implementation results to 389 National Steering Committees according to regulations; advise, propose, and report to the Head of the Provincial Steering Committee 389 to direct the implementation of activities of the Binh Dinh Provincial Steering Committee against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods to ensure compliance with the provisions of law.


Author: DHV

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