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Accelerating disbursement of the plan for public investment with state budget capital managed by the province in 2023

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan has just signed and promulgated a Directive to accelerate disbursement of the state budget public investment plan managed by the province in 2023.


 The directive requires Directors of Departments, Heads of branches, Chairmen of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities and investors assigned capital plans in 2023 focus on thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing key viewpoints, orientations, tasks and solutions; In which, accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital is one of the key political tasks of 2023, in order to promote economic growth and achieve the highest socio-economic development goals. in 2023. Accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital must go hand in hand with ensuring the quality of works and the effective use of public investment capital; overcome difficulties and obstacles in implementation and disbursement;  have solutions suitable to the actual situation and work requirements.

 Leaders of agencies, units and localities should directly direct the inspection and review of each specific project; strictly control the necessity and scale of each project in accordance with the approved planning and objectives, ensuring investment efficiency and output results of each project; improve the quality of the selection of consultants and contractors in the stage of investment preparation and project implementation. Actively direct, regularly inspect, urge and handle problems or promptly propose competent authorities to solve them in a timely manner.

 The province's goal is to strive to disburse 100% of the total investment capital plan in 2023. In which, by the end of the second quarter of 2023, it will reach over 40%, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, it will reach over 60%;  by the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, reaching over 90% (only the 2022 capital plan is allowed by the authority to extend to 2023 to reach 100%) and by the end of January 31, 2024, strive to disburse 100% of the investment capital. public capital plan in 2023.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Departments, branches, People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and investors to be drastic in directing and urging to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital; actively review and report problems in the implementation process.

In the process of implementing and disbursing the public investment capital plan in 2023, the Department of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Finance and the provincial State Treasury in regularly reviewing, the directive also emphasized.., actively advise the Provincial People's Committee to transfer (reduce, supplement) the 2023 capital plan (central budget, provincial budget, foreign capital) of projects with low disbursement rate, projects that do not capable of disbursing all the assigned capital plans in 2023 to projects with high disbursement capacity and needing additional capital plans to accelerate progress. Specifically, the review will be carried out in 3 phases, in which, phase 1: Review, withdraw and transfer capital of completed projects, forward to May 31, 2023 with disbursement results of less than 35%  capital plan. Phase 2: Reviewing progress for projects assigned to the 2023 plan to recover and transfer capital of projects until July 31, 2023 with disbursement results of less than 50% of the capital plan. Phase 3: Reviewing and adjusting capital plans of projects that are no longer able to disburse payments, before November 1, 2023.

 During the year, depending on the implementation progress and results of disbursement and payment of the assigned capital, the Provincial People's Committee will make adjustments when necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the 2023 public investment capital plan.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also requested the relevant departments, agencies, sectors and localities to implement solutions to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital in 2023 for the National Target Programs and the Socio-economic Recovery and Development Program results in the province achieved…

Author: DHV

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