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Concentrate fiercely to fulfill the goal of making Binh Dinh tourism become a spearhead economic sector

 That was the direction of comrade Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, at the meeting of the Steering Committee for Action Program No. 06-CTr/TU on Tourism Development  Binh Dinh becomes a key economic sector in the period of 2020 - 2025. Attending were: Mr. Nguyen Van Dung - Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of Quy Nhon City Party Committee; Lam Hai Giang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; representatives of leaders of relevant departments and branches.

 Work session scene.  Photo: HOANG QUAN

 According to the assessment of the Steering Committee of Action Program No. 06-CTr/TU, in recent years, Binh Dinh tourism has undergone a transformation, the number of tourists coming to visit and tourism is more, the service business establishments have increased. Tourism has grown strongly in number. However, in general, tourism activities still have many spontaneous and unprofessional factors, and there are still many limitations such as: Tourism development investment mainly focuses on the field of accommodation, not much participation in the field of tourism. entertainment services and a number of other services to meet the needs of dining, souvenirs, nightlife entertainment for visitors. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, many organizations and individuals operating in tourism services closed down, tour guides and employees had to quit their jobs and switch to other professions, leading to a shortage of human resources. service force when the tourism industry resumes, especially staff with expertise and training in tourism.

 In addition, investment capital to build infrastructure, develop material and technical facilities at cultural and sightseeing sites is still limited compared to demand. Tourism enterprises operate in small and fragmented areas; There is no coordination, no real investment strategy, promoting the potential of tourism products and contributing resources to socialization for tourism development of the province. Propaganda about business awareness to the people is still limited; cultural strengths have not yet developed into tourism products; there are no entertainment spots, high-class shopping places to serve tourists; Human resources for tourism have increased but are still low and the quality has not met the demand

At the meeting, members of the Steering Committee and representatives of departments and sectors jointly analyzed and evaluated the reasons why Binh Dinh tourism has not developed as expected.

 Concluding the meeting, in order to promote the tourism industry to develop more orderly and strongly, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung assigned specific tasks to units, departments, branches and localities. In which, Quy Nhon city must complete the infrastructure planning in Nhon Chau commune, build a symbol for the island commune; develop community tourism in Ly Luong (Nhon Ly commune), Bai Xep (Ghenh Rang ward)...; survey and deploy nightlife entertainment in Quy Nhon city. The Department of Construction ensures the planning and calls for investment to build the road to Vung Dong (Nhon Chau commune). The Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee prepares a project to submit to the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee on the socialization of the management and exploitation of tourism services for the relics of Thap Doi and Thap Banh It. The Department of Culture and Sports promotes the construction of a new Provincial Museum, researches to restore festivals in a more lively way, and organizes sports activities at sea. In particular, the Department of Science and Technology plans to open the Science Discovery Center more at night to serve visitors. Regarding the development of eco-tourism and community-based tourism, the Department of Construction has planned La Vuong area (Hoai Son, Hoai Nhon town) to call for investors…

 Comrade Ho Quoc Dung emphasized: “It is recommended that each member of the Steering Committee raise their sense of responsibility, need to think to do well the assigned tasks within their authority. Must closely follow projects and investors to guide, remove difficulties and obstacles, and urge project implementation on schedule. In addition, handling and even withdrawing projects that are slow to be deployed to other investors. The tourism industry must develop new and unique products to attract visitors.  When it comes time, the thinking and perception of both officials and people must change, how to make guests satisfied, feel friendly, without entanglement, not adversely affect visitors.

Author: DHV

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