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Conference on implementing key tasks and solutions on digital transformation in 2023

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of May 5, at the Provincial Convention Center, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference in combination with online on digital transformation in Binh Dinh province to implement specific tasks that need to be focused on. will be implemented in 2023 and exchanged and discussed contents of interest to departments, sectors and localities about digital transformation.

Chairing the conference were Mr. Pham Anh Tuan - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee; Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee; Tran Kim Kha - Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Deputy Head of the Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee. Attending the conference were members of the Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee; leaders of People's Committees of districts, towns, cities, telecommunications and digital technology enterprises.


Conference scene

 Reported at the conference, Mr. Tran Kim Kha, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, said that the province's digital transformation Index (DTI) has improved significantly (in 2021, it ranks 34th out of 63). Awareness and skills of information technology application of cadres, civil servants and public employees have been raised; initially deploying applications, building e-government; 13 interdisciplinary databases have been built; digital transformation infrastructure meets actual requirements. Up to now, many common applications have been built and established in the whole province, such as: electronic office, electronic one-stop shop, financial applications, online public services, online conference, public email. service...

 However, the task of digital transformation in the province still exists and is limited, especially the applications are mainly small-scale and discrete; distributed data, lack of sharing; digital transformation expenses are still low; commune-level information technology infrastructure has not been completed…

Mr. Tran Kim Kha, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Deputy Head of the Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee, reported at the conference

The topic of the digital transformation in 2023: "Year of Digital Data", therefore, the mission of the digital transformation in the year at the provincial level is to prioritize the implementation of the digital platform on a large scale; focus on priority areas; data is the core element, “right, enough, clean, live”; prioritizing hiring of information technology services; maintaining existing systems, leveraging data; providing dashboards and digital data; sharing data between systems via APIs; single application login portal; Single sign-on (SSO) integration for applications…

 In order to effectively implement the digital transformation mission in 2023, the Provincial digital transformation's Steering Committee has proposed 10 groups of digital transformation' tasks, including: Digital awareness, digital institutions, digital infrastructure, digital data, digital platform, and safety. network information, digital empowerment, digital government, digital economy, digital society. At the same time, 30 groups of tasks on digital platforms - digital government - digital data were proposed. These are the systems: land management, mineral management, mineral surveillance cameras, school information management, cadre management, civil servants, public employees, work, reporting information, facilities data on handling administrative violations, financial industry management, specialized medical platforms and EMR systems, shared digital maps, disaster prevention information, paperless meeting rooms, building data warehouses whether the number of provinces…

 Regarding digital awareness - the digital institution has 9 groups of tasks, such as: Organizing conferences to thoroughly grasp the digital transformation, maintaining specialized pages and categories, increasing the time for propaganda about digital transformation, using the source information system, and propagandizing. on social networks, issuing the DTI, IOC indexes...

 Representatives of telecommunications and digital technology enterprises presented at the conference

 With digital infrastructure - digital human resources have 8 main tasks, which are broadband coverage in concave areas, piloting 5G deployment, online training in digital transformation for commune level, and intensive training for specialized forces. , skills in using basic information technology applications for people…

 Regarding network information security, there are 6 groups of tasks, including: Maintaining the operation of the SOC, checking and evaluating network intelligence security, information security training, practical combat drills, and propaganda on information security. network information, approve the level of information system security.

For the digital economy and digital society, there are 6 tasks, namely supporting SME digital transformation, electronic payment accounts reaching 35%, youth digital technology group, full-scale public information services (100% of procedures). eligible administrative), 1,500 people working at  Quang Trung Software Park - Binh Dinh, digital economy (15%, GRDP 30%, SME using digital platform).


Mr. Luong Dinh Tien - Chairman of Van Canh District People's Committee participated in the discussion at the conference

 At the conference, representatives of telecommunications and digital technology enterprises presented presentations on topics such as: Digital data warehouse; about the solution of Radio station applying information technology - Telecommunications and provincial information system; traffic monitoring and violation handling system integrated with artificial intelligence (AI).

 The conference also focused on discussing and analyzing more clearly the results, difficulties and challenges in digital transformation and proposed directions and solutions to complete the tasks set out in the digital transformation plan. 2023 and the period 2024 - 2025.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan (centre) delivered a guiding speech at the conference

 Concluding the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized: 2023 is the "year of digital data", the year of data creation and exploitation to create new values with the main task. is to digitize, build, connect and share data among all levels and sectors; personal data protection; exploit and use data to better serve people and businesses, towards the formation of digital citizens and digital society.

 Therefore, in order for digital transformation to be really the driving force for the province's socio-economic development, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee asked departments, agencies, branches and localities to continue to define community as the task of the whole system. In politics, in which the role of the head is especially important, the leader must be more determined, actionable and aware. Must understand the implementation content; application and use of the system; forcing subordinate employees to use and decide on funding and allocation of funds.

Regarding the people's awareness and skills in applying information technology, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Information and Communications, telecommunications and technology enterprises to coordinate with local authorities to organize training courses. , fostering, especially members of community digital technology groups.  Activities of application and use of information technology infrastructure must be effectively integrated with training.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Information and Communications to orient the whole province.  Information technology and telecommunications infrastructure enterprises must step into complete the entire infrastructure (transmission lines, equipment, transmission and connection systems...). Regarding the digital platform, focus is on the province, but must focus on digitizing and building data, especially localities must focus on updating data to ensure the correct frequency.

 Regarding data, Comrade Pham Anh Tuan asked the Department of Information and Communications to focus on building a data warehouse soon. From there, there is a plan to divide and assign for units and localities to use and deploy.  At the same time, the Provincial Police are requested to note that the current national population database acts as the "heart of the heart" to follow, deploy and use science.

 In order to continue to effectively implement the work of digital transformation, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee suggested that departments, departments, branches, districts, towns and cities must always determine that digital transformation are the central task and must focus strongly. Moreover, it is carried out regularly and continuously at all levels, branches and localities on the basis of mobilizing the entire population, society and enterprises to actively, actively and substantively participate in digital transformation work. , effective. Continue to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the conclusions of the Prime Minister at the 5th Session of the National digital transformation, closely linking the implementation of the Government's Project 06 with the work of the digital transformation.

Regarding public administrative services, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee noted that the localities are currently implementing the Provincial Public Administration Center under the Prime Minister's Decision 468/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2021 on approving the proposal. project to renovate the implementation of the one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures. However, in the coming time, the province will study and direct localities to implement the socialization of a number of public administrative services, firstly, district-level public administration for non-state organizations to perform; if done well, this will contribute to mobilizing social resources, improving the quality and efficiency of public administrative service provision; at the same time, contributing to streamlining the administrative apparatus, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management.

 Regarding loudspeakers, focus on technology-oriented, technologically-corrected standards, and estimate specific prices to help localities implement bidding. Youth union members are the core force in deploying community digital technology groups. The province has the orientation to develop digital technology enterprises, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan wishes that key telecommunications and digital technology enterprises will support and "inspire" businesses in the province to develop. The Provincial digital transformation Steering Committee holds a monthly meeting to review and evaluate the progress and implementation of the digital transformation's tasks in the departments, branches and localities.



Author: DHV

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