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Binh Dinh province rapidly develops social housing projects.

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - Implement the Project "Building at least 01 million social housing apartments for low-income people and industrial park workers in the 2021-2030 period" according to Decision No. 338/QĐ-TTg dated April 3, 2023 by the Prime Minister, in which the target is assigned to Binh Dinh province to complete 12,900 apartment/house (The period 2022-2025 is 6,400 apartment/house, period 2026-2030 is 6,500 apartment/house); Binh Dinh province has been and continues to accelerate the development of social housing projects, ensuring the set targets and plans, and promptly and effectively solving the demand for social housing for  low income of people, especially policy beneficiaries, workers, poor households,...

Up to now, the province has been investing in 19 social housing projects with a total land area of about 29.43 hectares, about 11,166 apartments, using floor area of about 694,808 m2, investment capital 10,497.23 billion VND. In which, completed, handed over and put into use 08 projects, with a total land area of about 6.27 ha, 2,806 apartment/house, usable floor area is 184,691 m2, investment cost is about 2,405.78 billion VND, with projects such as: Social Housing Project - Long Thinh Building with 480 apartments; Phu My - Quy Nhon social housing with 237 apartments; Tan Dai Minh Social House (Lamer1) with 486 apartments; Housing Hoang Van Thu Apartment with 384 apartments; NOXH Hoang Van Thu Apartment (extension) with 255 apartments; Ecohome Nhon Binh Social Housing (phase 1) with 467 apartments; An Phu Thinh Social House (Block A) with 304 apartments; Nam Ngan Social House with 193 apartments. The timely putting into use of these social housing projects has made a very important contribution to partly meeting the demand for low-priced housing for the people, especially in the context of real estate prices in the country in general and in the province in particular increased rapidly as in recent years.

Currently, the investor units are speeding up the site clearance, constructing 04 projects with a total land area of about 6.67 hectares, 2,710 apartments, usable floor area of about 145,579 m2, investment cost investment of about 2,346.11 billion VND, including social housing project Ecohome Nhon Binh (phase 2, Block 2, 3, 4) with 892 apartments; An Phu Thinh Social House (Block B, C) with 622 units; Tan Dai Minh Social House (Lamer 2) with 854 apartments; Social housing Area C belongs to the North Ha Thanh River Urban-Commercial Area (Dai Phu Gia Urban Area) with 342 apartments.


Illustration of the model of area C Hoang Van Thu Apartment.

Besides, is accelerating the progress of investment procedures, building 09 projects with a total land area of about 16.49 ha, about 5,650 apartments, usable floor area of about 364,538 m2, including one project. large projects such as: Trade Union Institutions Project in Binh Dinh, Tran Quang Dieu ward with 1,352 apartments; attend the Social House in the West of Tran Nhan Tong Street, Nhon Phu Ward, Quy Nhon City with 766 apartments; Long Van Social House, Tran Quang Dieu Ward, Quy Nhon City with 828 apartments; Binh Dinh Maritime Social Housing, Hai Cang Ward with 750 units; Van Phat Social House, Tran Quang Dieu Ward with 749 apartments;... It is expected that in 2023, the construction of about 07 social housing projects will begin with about 4,627 apartments...

Accompanying the investor units, in addition to strengthening monitoring and admiring to accelerate the implementation of approved social housing projects, the Provincial People's Committee has been directing the implementation drastically, effectively support solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in investment and development of social housing in the province; in which, focusing on simplifying administrative procedures in related fields such as shortening the time for land allocation, determining land prices, appraising planning, appraising and approving investment policies, assessing the impact of land allocation, environmental activities, appraisal and approval of fire prevention and fighting, appraisal of design documents, issuance of construction permits, etc. to create conditions for investors of social housing construction investment projects to soon deploy. Directing relevant departments, agencies and units to regularly coordinate in inspecting and proposing to remove difficulties and obstacles in social housing construction investment projects to speed up the implementation of social housing projects. approved project.

Thus, with timely and synchronous measures in social housing development, Binh Dinh province will successfully complete the goal of building 12,900 social housing units by 2030 according to TThe Prime Minister's Scheme. 

Author: DHV

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