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Conference to assess the socio-economic situation in April, deploy tasks in May 2023

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of May 9, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference to combine online with localities to assess the socio-economic situation in April, implementing key tasks in May 2023, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee, Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang chaired the conference.

Conference scene

 According to the report at the conference, in April, farmers in the province focused on harvesting winter-spring crops and sowing summer-autumn crops; Livestock production is maintained. Localities with forests focus on managing and preventing forest fires in the dry season. Activities to prevent IUU fishing continue to be drastically implemented.

 The trade and service sectors continued to grow strongly. Total retail sales of consumer goods and services in April was estimated at 8,340 billion VND, up 20.5% over the same period.  In the first 4 months of the year, the total retail sales of goods and services was estimated at VND 33,150.4 billion, up 15.1% over the same period and reaching 31.2% of the year plan.  Tourism activities in the province are active.  Over 4 months, the province is estimated to welcome 1.7 million visitors, up 26.1% over the same period. Tourism revenue is estimated at 3,453 billion VND, up 85% over the same period.  During the month, investors continued to accelerate the construction of key projects in the province, contributing to job creation and economic growth.

 However, industrial production and export of goods continued to face difficulties. Generally, in the first four months of the year, the industrial production index increased by 1.27% over the same period. Merchandise export turnover was estimated at $522.9 million, down 10.7% over the same period and reaching 32.1% of the year plan.  The work of attracting investment, especially foreign investment, has not shown any signs of improvement since there are no newly registered FDI projects. Social security programs continue to be implemented timely by all levels and in accordance with regulations, contributing to ensuring people's lives.

At the conference, the delegates focused on discussing and clarifying more objective and subjective reasons affecting the production development plan of each industry, profession and locality. Along with that, proposing immediate and long-term solutions to ensure the achievement of assigned development tasks and targets.

 The report of the Provincial People's Committee also identifies 8 key tasks for socio-economic development, ensuring social security, maintaining political security and social order and safety in the province. In particular, for industrial production - construction, at all levels, how the industry strengthens meetings and dialogues with businesses, grasps the production and business situation, difficulties and obstacles in the process of operation. and recommendations of enterprises to promptly solve and remove difficulties for enterprises. Urging and creating favorable conditions for large projects to be completed and put into operation soon, creating new values for industrial production in 2023. Continue to direct and promote the development of commercial and export activities. exports, tourism, services. Carefully prepare relevant conditions to organize tourism stimulus programs in the peak tourist season of Summer 2023; organizing cultural, physical training and sports events, especially the program of Binh Dinh Tourism Festival in 2023.

 In the field of agriculture, drastic measures have been taken to protect forests, prevent and fight forest fires in hot and dry conditions. For budget collection, provincial and local Tax Departments have strengthened collection management, urged collection, fought against revenue loss, and reduced tax arrears. Increase revenue for areas where there is room to increase revenue to compensate for areas that may not meet the estimate...


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan delivered a speech at the conference

 Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan pointed out that the direction and implementation of socio-economic indicators of the province and localities have changed slowly.  Departments and localities pay little attention to the daily and weekly development indicators of their industries and localities to operate closely. This problem must be fixed immediately. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Statistics to work definitively with localities in updating socio-economic data and indicators. The second problem is that the reform of administrative procedures to serve people and businesses is still slow, there is a situation of avoidance and push. The Provincial People's Committee will review how long the enterprise's documents and procedures are "waiting" at the departments and branches, and at the same time request the provincial civil service ethics team to consider and discipline a number of leaders of departments and localities. in case of avoidance, extrusion of responsibility. Leaders of local departments and branches must resolutely overcome this situation, avoiding missing opportunities to attract investment and develop the economy, especially in the context that many businesses are interested in investing in the province. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also reminded that some key tasks have been implemented slowly and the quality of the work is not high.  This is also an issue that needs to be addressed.

 Regarding the socio-economic development orientations in the coming time, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan asked to continue to focus on socio-economic development and to stick to the assigned targets for management, along with  with that is to focus on implementing key tasks and action programs that have been promulgated by the Provincial Party Committee. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan continued to emphasize the requirement to perform tasks and work in the spirit of innovation, innovation in ways to shorten time, dare to think, dare to do, not push; limit the request for written opinions and are not allowed to ask for opinions when it is not necessary. Strictly implement public service ethics, effectively handle the work. According to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, if officials of the state agencies well perform their assigned tasks and promptly solve the problems raised by the people, the situation of complaints and denunciations will be limited.

Going into specific tasks, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan asked the agricultural sector to continue to transform the structure of crops and livestock well, along with focusing on building processing plants in all areas. field. In order to have a processing plant, a raw material area is required. This is a mandatory requirement and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development together with the Department of Science and Technology must actively participate. In addition, it is necessary to develop large timber plantations and prepare work to welcome the inspection team of the European Commission (EC) to inspect the prevention of IUU fishing. In particular, the Border Guard must resolutely and carefully inspect the imported and exported fishing vessels. Localities must strictly handle violating ships. In addition, the agricultural sector needs to forecast and prepare plans to prevent natural disasters, especially hot weather on a large scale, forest fire prevention, etc.

 Particularly, the Department of Industry and Trade focuses on dialogue with businesses, promptly removing difficulties for businesses, related departments and agencies in solving difficulties for enterprises in terms of production capital, tax, insurance and administrative procedures; improve the operational efficiency of industrial clusters, move towards transferring industrial clusters to enterprises for investment and management. Criteria for selecting enterprises to invest in industrial clusters do not only need capital for infrastructure investment but also need more capacity to attract investment with the province.

 The Department of Construction focuses on implementing component planning, urging the implementation of construction projects, social housing and flexibly flexing licensing procedures, preparing raw materials for key projects. . The Department of Natural Resources and Environment focuses on environmental management and mineral management.  In particular, the industry needs to focus on the plan to digitize land in the whole province.

 The Department of Planning and Investment continues to focus on attracting investment. For the implementation of large projects in the province, the Department shall assume the prime responsibility for, and make specific schedules and plans for each project and coordinate with other branches and localities to implement it; focus on completing the provincial planning to report to the Ministry of Planning and Investment; continue to urge the disbursement of public investment capital and resolutely transfer capital sources of works and projects behind schedule to ensure the disbursement plan of public investment capital. The Department of Finance continues to perform well the management of revenue and expenditure, and at the same time has solutions to ensure the revenue of land use fees of the province and localities.

Particularly for the tourism industry, it is necessary to review and re-evaluate the flow of visitors to the province during the past holiday and prepare new plans and orientations in attracting tourists, especially ensuring infrastructure for tourism. The Department of Home Affairs continues to promote administrative reform, improving the administrative reform indicators of the province. In addition, continuing to implement the contents after the training and retraining courses for commune-level cadres and civil servants to bring about substantive results.  The remaining departments and branches continue to achieve the results of the assigned tasks, goals and targets.

 People's Committees of districts, towns and cities continue to administer socio-economic development indicators in the area; join hands in attracting investment; accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital, and at the same time strengthen the assurance of budget revenue and expenditure measures. Continue to change the way of working, putting people and businesses at the center. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also noted that localities should strengthen management, monitor how to administer and handle work at the commune level. In the near future, the provincial working group will inspect the implementation of tasks at the commune level in the province…/.

Author: DHV

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