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The Provincial People's Committee organizes information on the project of the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex and the Specialized Port to the people of the project area

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of May 30, the Provincial People's Committee organized information on the policy of the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex Project and the Specialized Port of the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex in Lo Dieu village, Hoai My commune. Hoai Nhon town. Chairing the project information session were Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Pham Truong, Secretary of the Hoai Nhon City Party Committee. A large number of people in Lo Dieu village, Hoai My commune, the area where the project is expected to be implemented, attended.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spoke about the project

Speaking at the opening of the information session, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan would like to thank you for taking the time to attend the information session about the contents related to the project of the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex and the Special-use Port. Long Son iron and steel complex; At the same time, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said, this is just a meeting to inform people about the project in Lo Dieu village, the purpose is to listen to their thoughts and aspirations, this is not a meeting. for provincial leaders to announce the implementation of the project.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee emphasized, Binh Dinh wants to develop, it needs big projects, leading, leading and creating a push.  Accordingly, the locomotive project must be consistent with the overall planning and regional planning according to Resolution No. 26 - NQ/TW dated November 3, 2022 of the Politburo on "Development of economy and society". and ensure national defense and security in the North Central Coast and Central Coast by 2030, with a vision to 2045”. And the project of Long Son Iron and Steel Complex and the Specialized Port of Long Son Iron and Steel Complex is identified as one of the projects that play the leading role, leading and creating a push to develop the province's economy.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung exchanges with the people of Lo Dieu to attend the information session about the project

However, according to Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan, the province's consistent view does not trade off the environment for economic development. Currently, this project has just implemented the initial steps, there are many next steps, such as research, survey, inspection, project formulation, environmental protection plan, technology...; synthesize these contents to develop an investment scheme and submit it to the Government, ministries, central agencies for appraisal and approval, then the project can be implemented.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized: This project wants to be approved by the province before the investment is deployed, it must ensure advanced and modern technology; ensure the environment according to Vietnam's standards; project-affected people, when resettled, must have a better life than their old place of residence, creating a more stable and long-term livelihood; the project does not violate the scope of protection of recognized historical relics and natural landscapes in the area; The place name of Lo Dieu village and the socio-political organizations of Lo Dieu village are kept as they are today.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed that if the project does not meet the above principles, Binh Dinh province will not approve the submission of the investment proposal.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan discussed with the people of Lo Dieu who attended the information session about the project

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also believes that when this project is put into operation and operated, besides making a significant contribution to the socio-economic of the province and Hoai Nhon town, Hoai My commune, people will have a good life. than the old residence, creating a more stable and long-term livelihood.  After the information session, Binh Dinh province also coordinated with the investor to organize for people to visit the area of similar projects, including the Formosa project. The purpose is that when returning, people continue to have opinions and suggestions to State agencies to absorb and adjust to suit the regulations and aspirations of the people.

The leaders of the province and Hoai Nhon town jointly chaired the project information session to the people of Lo Dieu

 Detailed information about the project, Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Le Hoang Nghi said: Iron and Steel Complex has an area of about 468 hectares, with an investment of 56,257 billion VND;  Estimated capacity of 5.4 million tons/year, including high quality steel products, construction steel, steel coil. The specialized port is about 496.9 hectares, of which the land on the shore is about 23 hectares, the sea surface is about 473.9 hectares, the total investment is estimated at 10,500 billion VND. The total area for implementation of the Iron and Steel Complex and Specialized Port project accounts for about 39% of the total land area in Lo Dieu village, Hoai My commune. The area expected to be recovered is about 491 hectares out of a total of 1,257 hectares.

 When completed, the project will contribute directly to creating jobs for more than 7,500 people, about 3,000 people in phase 1 alone. Tax contribution to the state budget during the construction period: VND 4,926 billion.  When completing 3 stages of going into production, tax payment is 10,395 billion VND/year. Contribution to Gross Local Product (GRDP) at current prices is about VND 20,524 billion, significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of Hoai Nhon town in particular and Binh Dinh province in general.

 At the information session, some people in Lo Dieu village expressed their concerns and concerns if the two projects are implemented in their village

After listening to the people expressing their opinions, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung expressed his sharing with the thoughts and feelings of the people when they had to sacrifice their attachments and feelings to this land to move to this land.  new place.  According to the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, generations of Lo Dieu people also need to have a more holistic view of the current socio-economic development issues in their own homeland as well as in the province in general. Currently, provincial budget revenue, if subtracting land sales, can only meet about 40% of the province's spending needs, 60% must be requested from the Central Government. According to the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, for Binh Dinh to come up from agriculture, it will be very difficult. If only relying on rice and potatoes, Binh Dinh will forever be poor.  Regarding tourism, it is still possible to develop tourism normally. But if tourism does not, it will not make a significant contribution to the budget. Therefore, besides agricultural development, tourism needs a breakthrough of industry.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung speaks at the information session

 Therefore, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung wants the people of Lo Dieu village to read, study and understand clearly the information about the Long Son Iron and Steel Complex Project and the Specialized Port, from which to calculate. worse to make a choice. Provincial leaders always listen to the people's thoughts and legitimate aspirations with the spirit of market demand.  Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung also affirmed that any factory that affects the environment will be immediately forced to stop and that this project will not adversely affect Lo Dieu.

A large number of people from Lo Dieu village came to the event information organized by the Provincial People's Committee

Author: DHV

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