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Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to officers, soldiers, policy families and worked with Nhon Chau commune

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19, 1945 - August 19, 2023) and the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945 - September 2, 2023) On the morning of August 27, Comrade Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee led the provincial working group to visit and give gifts to officers, soldiers and people of Nhon Chau island commune, Quy Nhon city. Also participating in the working group were comrades: Nguyen Thi Phong Vu - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Nguyen Van Dung, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of Quy Nhon City Party Committee; and representatives of leaders of relevant departments, agencies and the City People's Committee.  Quy Nhon.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan kindly visits people in the island commune

 As soon as he arrived at Cu Lao Xanh island, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spent a lot of time surveying water reservoirs and waste incineration facilities in the island commune, discussing directly with people about the development situation. Socio-economic and local life; visited and gave gifts to units on duty in the commune including: Company D30 on Cu Lao Xanh island (Ministry of Military Affairs of the province); Nhon Chau Border Guard Station (Provincial Border Guard Command); Local police; Commune Health Station; Primary and secondary schools of the commune…

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan went to survey waste incineration facility in island commune

 Next, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee worked with the Party Committee and People's Committee of Nhon Chau commune on the socio-economic development situation in the past 8 months and key tasks and solutions in the last 4 months of 2023.

 Working scene

 The report of the leaders of Nhon Chau commune said that in recent times, the Party Committee and local authorities have focused on leading, propagandizing and mobilizing people to stick to production, boldly cultivate aquaculture and maintain the industries. traditional occupations, develop sea tourism services, in order to create stable incomes for people. By the end of August 2023, the commune has completed 5/6 socio-economic development targets and tasks assigned by the City People's Committee. Notably, the commune has achieved 8/19 criteria for building new rural communes; strive to reach the finish line by 2024. The entire commune has 38 households developing aquaculture, with 64 cages and rafts of all kinds raising fish, squid, lobsters... In particular, in recent times, tourism, business, trade, and non-commercial production have increased.  Agriculture in the commune has developed quite strongly.  Currently, the entire commune has 72 households doing business in tourism services, homestays, motels..., contributing significantly to creating jobs and increasing income for local people.


 Representatives of the people of Nhon Chau island commune presented recommendations to the provincial leaders at the working session

 To create conditions for Nhon Chau to develop more strongly in the coming time, commune leaders proposed and recommended that the province pay attention to investing in boat locks on the island to serve as a place to anchor and park boats to avoid storms and help fishermen. People develop fisheries exploitation. It is recommended that the province pay attention to investing in building a bridge leading to a pair of ferry wharves in Dong village to facilitate the landing of vehicles transporting goods, passengers and people. Recommend that the province continue to propose to ministries and central branches to resolve policies and regulations for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces stationed in the island commune...

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spoke at the working session

 Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan expressed his joy at the efforts and efforts of the entire Party Committee, government and people of the island commune. In particular, in recent years, the commune's economy has gradually grown and developed, especially people have focused on changing careers, developing and replicating aquaculture models and marine tourism services. Thanks to that, the rural face of the commune is increasingly improving. According to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Cu Lao Xanh still retains its beautiful wild features, honest and simple people, these are strengths for local development, attracting more tourists to the island. sea fence of the province.

 In order for Nhon Chau to accelerate development in the coming period, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized 3 local areas that need to focus: fishing, aquaculture and developing sea and island tourism services. In particular, sea and island tourism is the focus and must be considered a key economic sector. According to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, currently the entire commune has only 72 households doing tourism services, 13 households have homestays with 180 workers working related to tourism, these are quite modest numbers. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee suggested that instead of doing spontaneous tourism, local authorities and people will participate decisively and work together to develop this type of community tourism. Everyone must "share". know how to guide others to do the same, attracting more tourists.

 In addition, the head of the provincial government also reminded the island commune authorities and people to pay special attention to protecting and always keeping the environment green, clean and beautiful. Because, when the environment is clean, it will attract a large number of tourists to the island and consume farm-raised products.  In addition, each person also needs to improve their English skills to communicate with foreign tourists. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized that the provincial leaders are always concerned and determined to find solutions to develop Nhon Chau, calling for investment to develop it into a tourist island, while contributing to improving living standards.  of the people, while also serving to protect the homeland.

 Another important task that the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee noted to the government and people of Nhon Chau is that the island is beautiful, so it is necessary to do good planning and management and invest in infrastructure. floors suitable to development requirements. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also expressed his wish that in the future, when investors come to the island, the people will unanimously support the project implementation.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also suggested that local authorities need to well implement social security policies; Pay attention to investing in medical facilities, education and training, and improving the quality of labor working in the tourism sector. In the coming time, the Provincial People's Committee will research and propose additional policies to support education and training for children in the island commune and will submit them to the Provincial People's Council for consideration and decision. Comrade Pham Anh Tuan also requested the City. Quy Nhon and Nhon Chau commune promote activities to take care of the cultural, spiritual and physical life of the people; Maintain political security, social order and safety, national defense in the area...


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province Nguyen Thi Phong Vu presented flowers to express gratitude for the companionship and support of businesses to Nhon Chau island commune

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also suggested that local authorities need to have innovative and creative thinking in implementing socio-economic development solutions, solving specific and timely problems raised by people.  …. Regarding the issue of people having to pay extra costs when wanting to enter Quy Nhon inner city because the commune's public boats are not qualified to operate, at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and other units agreed. Sponsored 1.8 billion VND to support 3 local ship owners to repair civilian ships to ensure safety, shuttle and transport people and passengers from Nhon Chau island commune to City.  Quy Nhon and vice versa…

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee Nguyen Thi Phong Vu presented gifts to policy families and people in difficult circumstances in the island commune

 On the occasion of the Independence Day holiday on September 2, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented 608 gifts, worth 1 million VND each, to 608 households in the commune; presented gifts to 8 poor households, 9 near-poor households and 15 policy households, people with revolutionary contributions in the commune.


 The Provincial Youth Union donated 100 Fatherland flags to the Commune People's Committee and Commune Youth Union

 On this occasion, Binh Dinh Provincial Youth Union donated 100 national flags (worth 25 million VND) to the Commune People's Committee and Commune Youth Union...

 Some pictures during the working visit of the Working Group led by Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan:

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented gifts to the staff on duty at the island commune's waste incineration facility

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan surveyed water reservoir works and presented gifts to Nhon Chau Commune Freshwater Reservoir Management Board

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to Company D30 on duty in the island commune

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to the commune's public kindergarten

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to the Commune Primary and Secondary School teachers' collective.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to Nhon Chau Commune Medical Station

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to Nhon Chau Commune Police

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to Border Guard Station 332 Nhon Chau

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and presented gifts to the Hai Dang Working Group

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and gave gifts to leaders of Nhon Chau commune

 The delegation took souvenir photos at the Cu Lao Xanh flagpole

Author: DHV

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