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Workshop on perfecting the law, enhancing the effectiveness of organizing the implementation of anti-corruption measures

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On August 21, in Quy Nhon city, the Judicial Committee of the National Assembly held a workshop on "Improving the law, enhancing the effectiveness of organization and implementation of prevention and control measures. corruption” (anticorruption). Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairwoman of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly Le Thi Nga chaired the workshop.

Attending the workshop were Mr. Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; representatives of the Department of Legal and Scientific Management - Supreme People's Procuracy, Department of Anti-corruption - Government Inspector...


 Comrade Le Thi Nga - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly chaired the workshop

 Speaking at the seminar, Comrade Le Thi Nga - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chair of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly said that in recent years, anti-corruption work is considered an important, regular and continuous task.  of the Party and State. Anti-corruption measures are promoted, regularly reviewed, evaluated and adjusted to be more appropriate. Supervision of anti-corruption work has been increasingly focused and strengthened, thereby achieving many remarkable results. Inspection and auditing agencies, judicial agencies, and other relevant agencies have also actively implemented many anti-corruption measures, speeding up progress, and improving the quality and efficiency of detection and investigation. prosecuting and adjudicating large, serious and complicated corruption cases, attracting public attention. The recovery of corrupt assets has achieved many positive results.  Thereby contributing to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of anti-corruption work, promoting the achievement of the goal of preventing and gradually repelling corruption.

 However, besides the achieved results, "Comrade Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly" stated that it is necessary to "frankly recognize that the situation of corruption and negativity in some fields is still serious and complicated, occurs both in the public sector and in the non-state sector; Corruption is becoming more sophisticated and unpredictable. Anti-corruption work still has some shortcomings and limitations. The work of building and perfecting institutions for anticorruption still has shortcomings, stability and predictability are not high...

 Faced with this situation, many Resolutions of the Party have been issued, requesting to continue to improve the legal system on anti-corruption, negative; strengthen supervision over anti-corruption work, and at the same time, focus on effectively implementing measures to prevent, detect, handle and recover corrupt assets. In order to ensure timely and comprehensive institutionalization of these undertakings and policies, today, the Judiciary Committee held a seminar on "Improving the law, enhancing the effectiveness of organizing the implementation of anti-corruption measures". 

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang speaks at the Conference

 Speaking at the Workshop, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang said that the workshop was organized with very practical topics and contents, ensuring timely and comprehensive institutionalization of the Party's guidelines and policies, further strengthen the supervision of anti-corruption; at the same time, propose solutions to overcome difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing the Law on Anti-corruption. The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee emphasized that this is also an opportunity for the delegates of the provinces and cities to share and exchange expertise, expertise and mutual experiences, thereby, continuing to further improve the work of perfecting the law, strengthen the effectiveness of organizing the implementation of anti-corruption measures, contributing to the well implementation of the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, contributing to socio-economic development,  ensure national defense - security in each locality and unit.

 At the conference, the delegates heard presentations on: Practical implementation of the provisions of the Anticorruption Law 2018. Difficulties, problems and causes. Proposing amendments and supplements to the law; Effectiveness of administrative reform, scientific application in management, public and transparent implementation of organization and operation of agencies, organizations and units in service of anti-corruption work; Actual situation of implementing regulations on measures to control assets and income – Difficulties, problems and solutions; The reality of the investigation of reports on anti-corruption work and the supervision of the detection and handling of corrupt acts by the Judiciary Committee. Difficulties, problems and solutions to overcome…

Author: DHV

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