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Conference to assess the province's socio-economic situation in July and deploy key tasks in August 2023

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of July 27, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang chaired the "Conference" in person and online to assess the economic situation. province's socio-economic development Julydeploy key tasks in August 2023.

 Meeting scene

 The socio-economic situation in July 2023 in the province continued to remain stable. During the month, farmers in the province focus on caring for and harvesting crops for the summer-autumn crop of 2023. Continue to promote the re-herd of pigs, develop high-quality beef cattle, associated with effective implementation of vaccination. and disease prevention and control in livestock and poultry. Planting, tending, managing and preventing forest fires are paid attention and directed in a timely manner; continue to effectively implement urgent solutions to combat illegal fishing (IUU) and policies to support fishermen in offshore fishing according to regulations.

 Industrial production activities in the month of July next faced many difficulties, many industries had to reduce production scale due to market demand, especially enterprises with export activities. The industrial growth rate tends to decrease gradually, leading to the export value of goods in July reaching 118 million USD, down 6.5% over the same period. Industrial production index in July increased by 1.68% compared to June and increased by 4.1% over the same period. Generally, over the past 7 months, the index of industrial production increased by 0.36% over the same period.

 Trade and service activities in July 2023 continued to prosper with many activities in the tourism sector being restored, many programs connecting supply and demand, trade organized, production and business activities of the company. People and businesses are gradually recovering, which has had a positive impact on the commodity market in the province. Total retail sales of consumer goods and services in July was estimated at VND 9,199.2 billion, up 4.9% over the same period. In the month, the whole province received 618,500 visitors, accumulated over the past 7 months welcomed over 3 million, 370,000 visitors, an increase of 20.1% over the same period. Total tourism revenue by July 2023 is estimated at 10,727 billion VND, up 25.2% over the same period.

 During the month, the investors continued to accelerate the construction progress of key projects in the province. Disbursement of public investment capital managed by the province so far has reached 40.9%. The quality of socio-cultural activities is improved; social security regimes and policies, gratitude and gratitude activities are fully and timely implemented.

 On the basis of the content of the report, the delegates discussed and evaluated the achieved results, at the same time analyzed the shortcomings and limitations, and proposed solutions to carry out the tasks in August and the last months of 2023.

 The report of the Provincial People's Committee also identifies 9 key tasks of economic development, ensuring social security, maintaining political security and social order and safety in the province, etc. the sector focuses on thoroughly grasping and implementing key solutions to direct and administer socio-economic development and state budget estimates in 2023; focus on disease prevention, production recovery...

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh speaks at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh acknowledged and highly appreciated the results and positive changes in many fields in direction and administration, at all levels, branches and localities. in the socio-economic development of the province. In August, he asked departments, branches and localities to continue effectively implementing the National Target Program on building a new countryside, the One Commune One Product Program (OCOP Program) in the province. In addition, enhancing fishing activities associated with measures to protect and develop aquatic resources; continue to replicate economically efficient aquaculture models in coastal localities. Focus on effectively implementing policies to support fishermen in offshore fishing and solutions to combat illegal, unreported fishing (IUU) under the direction of the Central Government, of the province.  Continue to effectively implement the plan to deploy the "180-day" peak to the army, completely solve illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Binh Dinh province and prepare to work. with the Inspection Delegation of the 4th European Commission. Along with that, review and update the 2023 disaster response plan in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and submit it to the Provincial People's Committee for approval, as a basis for perform.  Develop and review relevant contents of provincial planning.  Soon survey and implement the planning of martyrs memorials and funeral homes of the province. At the same time, focus on drastically and synchronously implementing solutions to support production and business development. Timely monitor and grasp the situation, remove difficulties, create favorable conditions for enterprises to develop production and expand export markets.  Continue to implement the reform of administrative procedures.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the working groups to inspect, urge and remove difficulties and obstacles, support to accelerate disbursement of public investment capital in 2023, to soon inspect, supervise, urge and remove. difficulties and obstacles, accelerating disbursement of public investment capital in 2023 at investors using public investment capital in 2023.

 The socio-cultural sectors promote related activities. Department of Tourism continues to promote tourism, introduce tourism promotion; improve the quality of tourism services; tour structure, tourist route; engage in consumption of OCOP products of the province. The Department of Education and Training focuses on completing the enrollment of the first classes in the school year 2023-2024; urgently build school and classroom facilities in the summer and related work contents in order to well serve the opening of the new school year and implement the tasks of the first semester of the school year 2023-2024. the locality continues to implement the national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction, socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, vocational training, job creation and labor export, ensure labor safety.../.

Author: DHV

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