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The situation of youth union members in the province carrying out propaganda, supporting and guiding people to perform online public services

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - The Office of the Provincial People's Committee issued Notice No. 434/TB-VPUBND dated 7/7/2023 on the situation and results of the implementation of Project 5299 of the Provincial People's Committee.

 By extracting data from "Project 5299 Reporting System" (at https://dean5299.binhdinh.gov.vn) and matching data, verifying and verifying information from "System" information on handling administrative procedures of the province” (VNPT iGate system); The Office of the Provincial People's Committee has notified and evaluated the results of the implementation of the targets of the 5299 Project as of July 1, 2023, specifically as follows:

 - Target 1 "48,000 youth union members open accounts using the National Public Service Portal": 49,795/48,000 accounts have been created, reaching 104% of the target. In which, 02 units achieved over 100% of the set targets: Phu My District Youth Union, Hoai Nhon Town Union; 03 units have not made any changes such as: Youth Union of Provincial Military Command, Youth Union of Provincial Border Guards, Union of Central College of Engineering, Construction and Agriculture and Forestry; In addition, there are many units that have not yet achieved the set targets, but the implementation results in July 2023 have made positive changes compared to June 2023 such as: Provincial Business Union (up 278%), The delegation of Quy Nhon College of Technology and Technology (up 85%), the delegation of Quy Nhon University (up 75%), Tay Son District Union (up 120%), An Nhon Town Union (up 202%).

 - Target 2 "66,000 people outside the youth age are guided and supported by youth union members to open accounts to use the National Public Service Portal": 40,676/66,000 accounts have been created, reaching 62.6% of the target. In July, there were positive changes of: Union of Quy Nhon College of Engineering and Technology (up 133%), Tay Son District Youth Union (up 171%), An Nhon Town Union (up 347%); In addition, according to the results, there are 03 units that exceed 100% of the set target: Provincial Public Security Youth Union, Hoai An District Union, and Van Canh District Union.

 - Target 3 "40% of total accounts using the National Public Service Portal have actual transactions": there are currently 29,440/90,471 accounts having transactions, reaching the rate of 32.5%. For this indicator, due to the large number of new accounts arising, but people have not yet had the need to carry out administrative procedures, resulting in a lower performance in July than in June.

 - Target 4 "80% of administrative procedure records made by union members and youth can be transacted online": there are currently 10,594/32,580 records made by union members online, achieving the rate of 32.5%.Some units have a high rate compared to the common ground such as: An Nhon Town Union reached 61%, Phu My District Union reached 49%, Tuy Phuoc District Union reached 42%, Hoai An District Union reached 37 %...

 - Target 5 "51,000 online public service records supported by youth unions": "Youth volunteer team performing online public services" operating at the One-Stop Department at all levels guided, supporting people to submit 24,938/51,000 online applications, reaching 48.9% of the target.  Through the statistical results, only 01 unit (Van Canh District Union) achieved 100% of the set target.  At the same time, the positive changes of 02 units were recorded: Van Canh District Youth Union (up 168%) and An Nhon Town Union (up 172%). The results also show that some units have not had much change such as: Vinh Thanh District Youth Union, Quy Nhon University Union (despite having organized "Youth Volunteer Teams to perform online public services" operating in the province. Provincial Public Administration Service Center)…

- Target 6 "There are at least 06 news and articles published on the website and social networking sites of the unit": there are currently 801/2,460 articles published, reaching 32.6%. In July 2023, there was 1 unit (Provincial Public Security Youth Union) reaching 100% of the set targets, 13/20 units having results increased by over 75% compared to June 2023.

 - Target 7 "Strive to reach about 400,000 households with members having public service accounts and be informed and propagated about online public services": currently 47,256/400.000 households are informed and informed about public services. transmission of public services online, reaching 11.8%. In July 2023, there were 07/20 units exceeding 100% of the set target, and 02/20 units with a lower increase than in June 2023: An Lao District Youth Union, Vinh Thanh District Youth Union.

 In addition, on the basis of grasping some shortcomings and limitations in the implementation process, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee has proposed agencies, units and the Youth Union at all levels to pay attention and improve the quality of public services. Propaganda through consulting and researching articles related to online public services from official information sources, including some provincial information sites such as: Provincial web portal (https://binhdinh.gov.vn), the website of the Provincial Police (https://congan.binhdinh.gov.vn), the official Zalo account (Zalo Official Account) of the e-Government of Binh Dinh Province, Binh Dinh Provincial Public Service Portal…

 At the same time, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee asked the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union, the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to continue to coordinate and master the "Youth Digital Technology Teams" and the "Youth Volunteer Teams to practice".  online public service" gives priority to guiding people to activate the level 2 e-identification account issued by the Ministry of Public Security and not needing to create an account on the National Public Service Portal in case people have registered  Signing a level 2 electronic identity account according to the instructions of the Office of the Provincial People's Committee at Official Letter No. 284/VPUBND-KSTT dated May 17, 2023 to avoid wasting time for both the people and the youth union members. year of duty.

 The project "Promoting the role of union members and youth in performing online public services in the period of 2022 - 2027" was developed by the Office of the Provincial People's Committee and submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for approval in Decision No. 5299/QD-The People's Committee on December 30, 2021 (commonly referred to as Project 5299), after being organized by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union for the youth union members to organize the implementation, has promoted its effectiveness and contributed to the transformation.  There is a clear change in the implementation of online public services in the province, notably raising people's awareness and awareness about the implementation of administrative procedures through the use of online public services.  line.

 At the Conference on preliminary assessment of the situation and results of the implementation of Project 06 in the first 6 months of 2023 (held on June 21, 2023), Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan noted and highly appreciated The Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union has made great efforts in coordinating with relevant localities, agencies and units to effectively organize the implementation of Project 5299 in recent years; at the same time, continue to assign additional tasks of information, propaganda, guidance and support for people to register, activate and use level 2 electronic identity accounts through VNeID application on smartphones; consider this as one of the key political tasks in 2023 of the youth union members of the province.

Author: DHV

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