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Dialogue conference between provincial leaders and businesses

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of June 26, at the Provincial Convention Center, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang chaired a dialogue conference between provincial leaders with businesses in 2023. The conference attracted representatives of more than 400 businesses and industry associations in the province. Attending the conference were also Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Huynh Thuy Van, leaders of departments and agencies.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan delivered the opening speech

 Speaking at the opening of the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan thanked the presence of businesses at the conference, but the number of businesses coming to the conference did not meet expectations compared to the total number of more than 7,000 businesses in operation. in the local area.

 According to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the world economic situation is facing difficulties and recession for many reasons. Domestically, the index of industrial production grew very low. In Binh Dinh, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in the first 6 months only increased by 0.08%, the value of industrial production, which contributes a large proportion to the economic structure, also increased by only 3.49%. Export turnover in the first 6 months is estimated at 720 million USD, down 15.6%. Many key production industries of the province such as wood production, garment, seafood ... face many difficulties, the real estate market is quiet, affecting jobs, reducing budget revenue.

 Over the past time, provincial leaders have had many solutions to remove difficulties for businesses, expand markets and attract investment. However, according to Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan, there are still many unresolved issues, especially the "behavior" and the relationship between departments, branches and businesses. At this conference, the provincial leaders wanted to listen to the thoughts, sharing as well as aspirations, suggestions and recommendations of associations, associations and business community in the area. Any problem that can be solved will be solved directly, discussed on the spot, any problem that has not been resolved will have a meeting and have a longer solution. The views of the provincial leaders are always closely associated with people and businesses. Because businesses are the cell of the economy, the resource, the driving force for economic growth.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan wants businesses to understand the orientation and views of the provincial leaders. In October 2023, the planning of the province was approved, the province will publicly announce it for people and businesses to grasp to have a plan to participate in the successful implementation. Also at this dialogue, the head of the provincial government wanted businesses, to contribute ideas on administrative activities, the provincial leadership to ensure business operation; on macro-policy mechanisms or mechanisms and policies related to the province; especially specifying difficulties and problems that the authorities have not handled satisfactorily, which need to be adjusted and resolved to ensure the development of enterprises and jointly contribute to the overall socio-economic development of the province.

Dialogue scene

 At the conference, Mr. Le Hoang Nghi, Director of Planning and Investment, informed about some key socio-economic contents and investment attraction, production - business of enterprises in the province. The first 6 months of the year and solutions for the last 6 months of 2023.

 The report summarizing recommendations of the Department of Industry and Trade, collected through associations and businesses in the province, has 110 businesses with 54 contents of recommendations and proposals to the Provincial People's Committee, leaders of departments, agencies and sectors. local settlement and removal. Out of 54 comments, 34 are related to the authority of the province, the rest are of the central government.


 Ms. Dong Thi Anh, Chairwoman of Women Entrepreneurs Association, President and General Director of Pisico Corporation speaks at the dialogue conference

The groups of recommendations mainly focused on the banking sector with 26 comments, in which, enterprises proposed to implement Circular No. 02/2022 of the State Bank on debt extension for export enterprises,  reduce the mortgage rate of assets, reduce the interest rate on loans for businesses.  The tax sector has 24 comments, including the proposal to speed up the VAT refund, to refund the tax first and then check it later, to let businesses owe, to delay the tax payment according to the prescribed time, and to extend the land rent.  The field of fire prevention and fighting is also causing many difficulties for businesses in the province and there are 5 recommendations with 19 businesses giving their opinions.  In which, the enterprise proposes to consider reducing to the lowest the investment in installing fire protection systems for the enterprise;  Strengthening support for enterprises to carry out the procedures for licensing fire prevention and fighting, consider reducing to the lowest the project formulation and design for new construction or renovation or change the use nature of the works;  reduce the frequency of fire prevention inspection at the enterprise.


Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Huong, General Director Bidiphar speaks at the dialogue conference

 In addition, enterprises also proposed and proposed agencies, agencies and units to reduce the frequency of inspection and examination, especially in the current difficult period of production and business; Strengthening support for trade promotion activities; regularly update and promptly notify enterprises of relevant information and regulations at home and abroad so that enterprises can have appropriate and effective business and production plans. Extend the payment period of social insurance and unemployment insurance for enterprises, only paying health insurance to apply for maternity and sickness cases. Reducing the contribution to the unemployment insurance fund for enterprises until the end of 2023; Support training costs for employees to meet production and business activities…

 At the conference, representatives of businesses and industry associations also frankly discussed with provincial leaders the current difficulties and problems, and proposed some solutions to promote production and business in the current situation. Currently.


Mr. Le Minh Thien, Chairman of the Association of Timber and Forest Products, Binh Dinh, spoke at the dialogue conference

 Revolving around the proposals and recommendations of businesses, investors, leaders of relevant departments and sectors, directly answered the recommendations and problems of investors; The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also exchanged and clarified issues of concern to businesses.

 Speaking at the conclusion of the dialogue, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan acknowledged the important contributions of businesses to the development of the province in recent years. At the same time, reiterate the province's socio-economic development orientation on 5 pillars, including: Industry; tourism; High-tech agriculture; port and logistics services; urban economy associated with the process of urbanization.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan speaks at the dialogue

 According to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, in the province's development planning strategy, the focus is on the 10-year period (2025-2035), focusing all resources on development for double-digit GRDP growth.  At that time, the province's economy will be 5 times larger than today, and the province will change radically and greatly. Therefore, it requires very enthusiastic and enthusiastic participation, fundamentally changing the thinking of the government and businesses.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that the province's view is that the government accompanies businesses, the success of enterprises is also the success of the government; the province determined to move from administrative government to government serving people and businesses; transparent and consistent publicity, avoiding the type of “term thinking”.

 For example, with the opinion of Ms. Cao Thi Kim Lan regarding the proposal to invest in synchronous infrastructure for fishing ports, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that we develop the marine economy, it is imperative that fishing ports be invested. private. And now, provincial leaders are also planning to do. Thus, we must have an orientation from the beginning to invest in a methodical and basic infrastructure, prepare from afar.

“We will focus on solving difficulties for businesses in the current period. We are affected by double damage a lot of things. In our province, all key fields are greatly affected. Enterprises focus on business innovation, business restructuring, and savings to overcome difficult times. The province will create conditions for businesses to expand their operations on the basis of 5 pillars the province is focusing on developing. The economy of the province must go by many methods, should not rely too much on a few areas that easily lead to the situation of the market economy, if the world market has problems, our businesses will be deeply affected. Along with that, enterprises must do business in a methodical, sustainable, professional manner, protect the environment and apply technology, cannot follow the style of "snatching bears and shoulders", complying with the provisions of the law, associated with  responsibility for social security" emphasized the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

 Regarding governments at all levels, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested to strictly implement the views and orientations of the Central Government and the Government on enterprises. promptly remove difficulties and problems of enterprises. All the issues mentioned by enterprises, the sectors and units that respond at the dialogue are more responsible for implementing the enterprise, being kinder to the enterprise, those problems can be solved. And to answer with reason, by law, there is no need to hold a dialogue conference! The problem is that we have to be responsible for businesses to support, don't have machines, don't legalize too much. Levels of government and businesses are like sitting on the same boat, helping each other, sharing responsibilities.

 In addition, it is necessary to focus on reforming administrative procedures, shortening the time to complete procedures for businesses and ensuring a "true one-stop shop". The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee suggested that local leaders be responsible for implementing projects in their areas, their localities, and jointly take responsibility with investors in site clearance, related procedures, etc. the method needs to change the way of seeing and working with enterprises; The government's solution is "flexible", "facilitation for businesses".The provincial President assigned the State Bank of Vietnam branch in Binh Dinh province to re-statistic all issues related to the debts of enterprises, exemption and reduction policies, etc. to report to the Provincial People's Committee for the province to report to the State Bank of Vietnam. Vietnam and the Government, especially the implementation of commercial banks' support for businesses. Social insurance and health insurance agencies, comply with the instructions of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee at the meeting to check the production and business situation at enterprises.


 Colonel Le Hong Thai, Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security, responded to the enterprise's request for solving problems in fire prevention and fighting.

 Regarding the issue of handing over premises to a number of businesses, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee asked the specialized departments to make a document summarizing the recommendations of enterprises and report to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and appropriate settlement, creating favorable conditions for time to enterprises with relocation plans. Regarding the fire prevention and fighting work of investment projects, works, etc., this regulation has many opinions and is being revised.  Requesting the Provincial Police to classify types of enterprises to apply flexibly and quickly solve administrative procedures, the issues are correct and stable, then unify and standardize the process.

 Regarding the land sector, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the localities to focus on supporting enterprises in site clearance; The Department of Natural Resources and Environment tries its best to help businesses shorten procedures related to land and assess the project's environmental impact.

On the provincial side, the Provincial People's Committee will continue to create the most favorable conditions for businesses to develop sustainably. Provincial leaders always accompany and work with businesses to remove difficulties and create the most favorable environment for investment and business to attract businesses to invest in the province. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee wishes to receive many ideas and suggestions from the business community. For specific recommendations of businesses and investors that have not been resolved at this dialogue conference, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested departments, branches and localities to continue to study and settle in accordance with regulations. provisions of the law to remove difficulties and obstacles and create favorable conditions for enterprises to promote production and business activities.


Author: DHV

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