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Implement the Tax System Reform Strategy to 2030

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has just signed and promulgated Directive No. 10/CT-UBND requesting the heads of departments, departments and branches; Chairman of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities seriously and effectively implement the Strategy on tax system reform to 2030 in the province.


 Accordingly, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Tax Department of Binh Dinh Province to establish a Steering Committee for the implementation of the Strategy on Tax System Reform to 2030. To organize well the activities of the Steering Committee for timely and effective implementation. effectiveness of programs, plans and contents of tax reform and modernization in the whole province. Develop an implementation plan for the implementation of the Tax System Reform Strategy to 2030 in accordance with the requirements and roadmap of the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Taxation, in line with the administrative reform program and the actual requirements of the People's Committee. conscious; closely coordinate with departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities in implementing programs of tax reform and modernization, digital transformation in tax administration.

 Participating in completing Vietnam's tax policies in accordance with the standards of the tax system in accordance with international practices, while ensuring consistency, fairness and efficiency. Implement well the application of information technology to modernize tax administration, complying with the principle of "Correct collection, full collection, civilized collection". Implement open and public management of administrative procedures and professional management processes of tax authorities. Promote the development and application of information technology applications for tax administration in line with the orientation of building e-Government. Building a system of solutions to promptly detect and prevent fraudulent acts in the use of e-invoices.

Strengthening the building of a contingent of tax officials, especially leading civil servants who meet the standards of titles, employment positions and competency frameworks according to regulations, professionalism, depth, integrity, and requirements. modern tax administration. Coordinating sectors, levels and press agencies to well implement tax law propaganda, widely disseminate the Strategy on tax system reform to 2030 to all organizations and classes of people, in order to improve compliance, voluntarily comply with tax laws, focusing on the form of propaganda on the digital platform.

 Departments of Finance, State Treasury, Binh Dinh Customs Department closely coordinate with tax authorities in implementing the Tax Administration Reform Strategy in related fields such as modernizing budget revenue and authorizing revenue through tax collection. bank; electronic tax payment; develop and organize the implementation of budget revenue estimates; ... on the basis of application of modern information technology, with high connectivity, integration and automation, creating the best conditions for taxpayers  when performing tax obligations.

 The Department of Planning and Investment closely cooperates with the Provincial Department of Taxation to well organize the activities of the "one-stop shop" department in the granting of business registration, tax identification number, seal sample registration, information about the settlement of the tax liability. businesses, on revocation of business registration licenses, etc., to ensure the creation of all the most favorable conditions for organizations and people to carry out administrative procedures and fully comply with legal policies on Tax.

 The Department of Industry and Trade closely cooperates with the Provincial Tax Department in monitoring the activities of representative offices and branches of foreign companies and traders in the province; provide copies of operation licenses of representative offices, promotion activities, etc., which have been licensed and certified by the Department of Industry and Trade, so that the tax agency can serve as a basis for tax management and collection in accordance with regulations. Provide information on the handling of commercial fraud cases to tax authorities; linking the fight against smuggling and trade fraud with the fight against tax evasion and tax evasion.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, enhancing coordination with tax authorities in providing information and solving problems related to land policies and mechanisms, to ensure full mobilization of resources. sufficiently and promptly land-related revenues into the state budget; direct the land registration offices to well organize the activities of the "one-stop shop" department of the province and districts, towns and cities in receiving dossiers and handling related administrative procedures. financial obligations of real estate business.

 The Department of Tourism strengthens the dissemination of tax guidelines and policies related to the management and registration of tourists to organizations and individuals engaged in tourism business throughout the province. Coordinating to provide tax authorities with information about businesses and tourism business establishments, information on the number and length of stay of arrivals and departures at accommodation establishments, attractions, The Department of Transport shall coordinate in providing information on transport business operation licenses, information on the grant and re-issuance of badges and signboards for transport business vehicles; revoke the transport business license at the request of the tax authority for cases of enforcement of tax debt and cases of abandoning the business address, not doing transport business for 6 months or stopping the transportation business.  for a period of 06 consecutive months as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 23 of the Government's Decree 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 on business and conditions for transport business by car. Provide necessary information and data (if any) from the cruise monitoring device, information on the passenger transport contract and compare information from the vehicle's cruise monitoring device when requested.  recommendation of the tax authority.

The Department of Construction shall coordinate in providing information related to construction activities in the province, information on construction permits for projects and construction works granted by the Department of Construction, information on contractors implementing projects. judgment; creating conditions for tax authorities in tax administration for enterprises and individuals doing business in the construction sector in the whole province.

 The Department of Health shall coordinate in providing information on medical and pharmaceutical business licenses of enterprises, organizations, branches and affiliated units, and private medical facilities in the whole province; information on construction projects, medical equipment procurement and project implementation contractors, serving tax authorities to closely and comprehensively manage revenue sources in the health sector.

 The Economic Zone Management Board shall coordinate in providing information to the tax authorities of enterprises operating in economic zones and industrial zones about business operation permits, tax incentives, land and water surface rents; speeding up the inspection, urging and reminding projects that are slow to be implemented or put into use according to the committed schedule of investors; support enterprises, promptly handle or propose to deal with difficulties and problems to support enterprises in operation, production and business in conditions of recovery and development; continue to focus on inviting potential investors and strong brands to invest in industrial parks, especially projects with high added value, spillover effects, connecting production and supply chains. globally, in order to increase sustainable revenue for the provincial budget.

 Provincial police strengthen coordination and sharing with tax authorities in exploiting the national population database in Binh Dinh province according to Decision No. 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022 of the Prime Minister. The Government "Approved the Scheme to develop the application of data on population, electronic identification and authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030"; closely coordinate with tax authorities in providing information related to residence registration activities; focus on grasping the situation, detecting violations of tax laws such as tax evasion, VAT refund in order to appropriate, illegally buy and sell invoices for profiteering, and handle according to regulations; at the same time, step up the investigation and handling of tax evasion and tax fraud cases that have been discovered to bring to trial before the law in order to educate and deter general prevention.

State Bank Binh Dinh Provincial Branch directs commercial banks and credit institutions to promote the implementation of non-cash payment methods;  coordinate with tax authorities when requesting to provide information of organizations and individuals related to the implementation of tax obligations; to deduct and transfer money from taxpayers' accounts into the state budget according to decisions on enforcement of enforcement of decisions on sanctioning of tax-related administrative violations and collection orders of tax authorities.

 Department of Information and Communications, Binh Dinh Radio and Television Station, Binh Dinh Newspaper promote propaganda on tax work, in which the focus is on reform and modernization programs implemented by the provincial Tax Department, promptly commend organizations and individuals for well performing tax obligations; at the same time strongly criticize the phenomena and violations of tax law.

 Other relevant departments and branches shall coordinate with tax authorities in providing information on enterprises, organizations and individuals having business activities in the fields under their management; coordinate in propagating and disseminating tax policies for organizations and individuals to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations towards the state in accordance with law; coordinate with tax authorities to strengthen inspection and supervision in order to detect, prevent and promptly handle violations of tax laws; regularly exchange and provide tax authorities with information on capital construction investment projects under their respective departments and branches, information on contractors to implement projects, creating favorable conditions for tax authorities to manage. and cover revenue sources, serving the management of state budget revenue of the Provincial People's Committee.

 People's Committees of districts, towns and cities shall coordinate to provide tax authorities with information related to construction permits for works of grade III or less and separate houses within administrative boundaries according to regulations. Decision No. 38/2021/QD-UBND dated July 27, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on granting construction permits in Binh Dinh province.  Directing subordinate units, People's Committees of communes, wards and townships to closely coordinate with tax authorities in organizing tax administration in the locality. Well organize information and propaganda about tax law policies in the locality so that people can understand and obey tax laws well

Author: DHV

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