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Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang receives the Chinese Consul General in Da Nang city

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of June 22, at the headquarters of the Provincial People's Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang and representatives of leaders of some departments and branches received Ms. Dong Bich Du - Consulate General of China. Quoc in Da Nang city, visiting and working in Binh Dinh. This is the second time, the delegation of the Consulate General of China in Da Nang city paid an official visit to Binh Dinh province.

The scene of the meeting

 At the meeting, in addition to information about the socio-economic situation of Binh Dinh province in recent years, Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee also introduced the potentials and strengths of the province and suggested a number of areas. It is possible to cooperate between Binh Dinh province and China in the near future such as tourism, export of agricultural products...

 Comrade Lam Hai Giang said that the Chinese market is one of the main import and export markets of enterprises in Binh Dinh province. still modest. In the coming time, Binh Dinh province wishes to increase bilateral trade activities and continue to invite Chinese investors to survey and explore opportunities for business investment cooperation, trade promotion, etc tourism in Binh Dinh.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang highly appreciated and thanked the Consulate General of China for connecting and developing cooperation relations between Binh Dinh province and Chinese partners in the past time. The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee hoped that this business trip to the province would help the delegation have more information about Binh Dinh, especially information about the province's development orientation and environment, foreign investment attraction policies. Thereby, we hope that the delegation will pay attention to promote and introduce Binh Dinh's image to Chinese partners and investors; continue to pay attention to connecting, constantly cultivating the friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China in general, between Binh Dinh province and the Chinese Consulate General in Da Nang city and  Chinese partners in particular are growing more and more. The province is committed to creating all favorable conditions for businesses to come and explore investment in the province.

 Consul General Dong Bich Du thanked for the respectful welcome of Binh Dinh province's leaders for the delegation. Ms. Dong Bich Du informed some basic features of the situation in China since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the reopening of China from January 8, 2023 after 03 months. The year of implementing measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic has created favorable conditions for exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

On this occasion, Ms. Dong Bich Du thanked leaders of the Provincial People's Committee and departments and agencies for supporting and creating favorable conditions for Chinese enterprises to operate in the province in recent years. Ms. Dong Bich Du affirmed that the Consulate General will support and connect Chinese businesses to Binh Dinh province to survey and invest. China to invest and do business in the province.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang and leaders of departments and branches took souvenir photos with Ms. Dong Bich Du (5th from the left) and members of the delegation.

Author: DHV

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