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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam always accompanies and supports Binh Dinh province to connect and strengthen substantive and effective cooperation with Japanese partners.

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - Investment and trade promotion conference of Japanese enterprises in Binh Dinh province in 2023, with the theme "Binh Dinh - a meeting place, convergence and development of Japanese investors" Japan" is an important event in a series of events organized by Vietnamese localities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan, contributing to further deepening the strategic partnership. Extensive strategy for peace and prosperity in Asia between Vietnam and Japan.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc speaks at the conference

 Speaking at the conference, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc said that the cooperation between Vietnam and Japan is at the best stage of development in the history of bilateral relations; Japan is Vietnam's leading economic partner. Specifically: Number one partner in ODA, second in labor, third in investment and tourism, fourth in trade. By the end of March 2023, Japan's total direct investment in Vietnam reached $69.39 billion with over 5,000 projects.  Japan's cooperation in the above fields has made important contributions to Vietnam's socio-economic development over the past decades. Currently, nearly 500,000 Vietnamese people live and work in Japan. As the Vietnamese often say, "Good land, birds perch", this is the second largest expat community, actively contributing to the socio-economic development of Japan.

 Vietnam is considered as one of the ideal investment destinations of Japanese enterprises. Japan continues to prioritize Vietnam in its new-generation ODA policy. According to research results of the Japan Trade Promotion Organization (JETRO), 64% of Japanese enterprises investing in business in Vietnam intend to continue and expand their operations in Vietnam - leading in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia and Oceania.

 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc said that Binh Dinh is a land of "human genius", rich in historical and cultural traditions;  hometown of the national hero Quang Trung - Nguyen Hue, a genius who has glorified the history of the Vietnamese nation. Binh Dinh is also a land of the future and opportunities with lush products, diligent and creative people; has an important strategic position in the socio-economic development of the central key economic region, with convenient transportation infrastructure, located in the center of the North-South axis on all four routes of road and railway across Vietnam, by air and by sea. These advantages are not available in all areas of Vietnam.

 Over the years, Binh Dinh province has always achieved positive results in economic diplomacy and international integration. Binh Dinh province's leaders are always interested in directing and building positive policies to promote economic cooperation, encourage investment and trade with foreign partners, determined to build Binh Dinh into a developed province. belongs to the leading group of the Central region.

However, at present, Japanese investment in Binh Dinh is still modest, with nearly 20 projects, with a total registered investment capital of about 100 million USD, not commensurate with Binh Dinh's potential and good relationship. between Vietnam and Japan. These projects have been operating effectively, contributing to creating jobs and increasing incomes for people in Binh Dinh province. The potential for cooperation between Binh Dinh and Japan is still very large, especially in the field of import and export and processing of products that Binh Dinh has strengths such as shrimp, fruit, tuna, industrial production. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc believes that with a long-term strategic vision and great acumen as well as affection for Binh Dinh, Japanese investors and businesses will choose Binh Dinh as the destination to visit. Take advantage of the great opportunities that await you.


 Conference scene

 With the motto "promoting the pioneering role of foreign affairs in creating and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, mobilizing external resources for development and enhancing the position and prestige of the country" and  "Building economic diplomacy in service of development, taking people, localities and businesses as the center to serve", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs identified "economic diplomacy is a fundamental and central task of diplomacy. diplomatic relations with Vietnam, is an important driving force for the country's rapid and sustainable development", with that spirit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been implementing many new ways to further promote its role as a bridge, bringing  Foreign partners, including Japan, come closer to Vietnamese localities and enterprises. The coordination with Binh Dinh province to organize the Conference today continues to be a testament to the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to connect, support and accompany localities and businesses.

 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc welcomed and highly appreciated Binh Dinh province for taking the initiative in organizing an investment promotion conference with Japanese partners today. I hope that the results at the event will shape concrete and practical ideas and cooperation projects, meeting the wishes of both sides, opening a new and deeper cooperation period between Binh  Dinh and other localities, Japanese enterprises. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and Vietnamese representative missions in Japan will continue to accompany and support Binh Dinh province to connect and strengthen practical and effective cooperation with Japanese partners.

Author: DHV

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