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Investment promotion conference of Japanese enterprises in Binh Dinh

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of July 7, at the Provincial Convention Center, the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province held an investment promotion conference for Japanese enterprises in Binh Dinh. This is one of the activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan; is an opportunity for Binh Dinh to further promote friendship, investment and trade cooperation with localities, investors and Japanese enterprises; helping businesses in the province and Japanese enterprises meet, exchange information, sign investment cooperation agreements, and sell products for sustainable development.

 Attending the event, on the Central side, were Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Do Thanh Trung, representatives of ministries, branches and members of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council.  On the side of the diplomatic missions and localities in Japan, there were Mr. Yakabe Yoshinori, Consul General of Japan in Da Nang City; Mase Michihiro, Vice Mayor of Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture; Konno Yasuyuki, Chairman of Izumisano City Office of Industry and Trade; Kato Hirosuke, Chairman of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association of Sakai City, Wada Keiji, Deputy Head of Yoshino Town, Nara Prefecture, and representatives of Japanese corporations and enterprises.

 On the Binh Dinh side, there were comrades: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Doan Van Phi - Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Council; Nguyen Tuan Thanh, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; and comrades in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee, the Provincial Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; representatives of departments, departments, branches of the province, districts, towns, cities and enterprises in the province.


 Overview of the conference

 At the conference, delegates focused on discussing and exchanging solutions to enhance image promotion, investment promotion, and attract Japanese businesses to Binh Dinh.

 Dr. Tran Du Lich, Member of the National Monetary and Financial Policy Advisory Council: Binh Dinh - the right choice for investors

 Dr. Tran Du Lich, Member of the National Monetary and Financial Policy Advisory Council

 That is also the thought that I would like to send to Japanese investors at this conference.  Binh Dinh is a difficult area, so all preferential policies are given to industrial zones. Binh Dinh provincial government is always proactive, accompanies and is ready to create favorable conditions for businesses.  It must be said that the Binh Dinh provincial government is doing everything, businesses only need to invest capital - the procedures are handled by the government.

As a local consultant - 10 years working as a consultant for the Binh Dinh provincial government, at the conference, I am pleased to welcome 100 businesses seeking cooperation opportunities today. Binh Dinh province is like a miniature Vietnam with seas and islands, plains, all natural conditions, and a complete and synchronously connected transport system. Binh Dinh is implementing the construction of Becamex Industrial Park and industrial parks and technology clusters with a very convenient traffic system; With a population of 1.5 million people, Binh Dinh is a place with abundant human resources to serve the production needs of enterprises. As the investors have shared, the issues of space rent, transportation costs, and shortage of human resources in the North and the South, in Binh Dinh, investors will be able to solve these problems quickly. most favorable way. Therefore, if I am an investor, choosing Binh Dinh is inevitable.

 Mr. Kato Hirosuke, Chairman of Sakai City Japan - Vietnam Friendship Association: The association will continue to accompany Binh Dinh in cooperation with Japan


Mr. Kato Hirosuke, Chairman of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association of Sakai City

 Mr. Kato Hirosuke said that the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association of Sakai City was established in 2011, just four years later, marking the Association's support in economic development cooperation, which is the project of technology transfer, fishery and fishing. modern tools in fishing activities, in order to improve the quality of tuna for fishermen, increase value and increase income. In 2019, the Friendship Association continues to coordinate and transfer techniques and technologies such as a tuna shocker, a tuna preservation tunnel with nanotechnology, to help Binh Dinh fishermen successfully apply in the exploitation and preservation of fish. tuna. In addition to the projects being transferred technology, the Association is implementing many projects to strengthen the friendship relationship such as: Project to develop Japanese cherry blossoms at Vinh Son eco-tourism area (Vinh Son commune, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Son commune, Vinh city, Dong Nai province, Dong Nai province). Vinh Thanh district); Investment project to build Japanese Koi Fish Center - Binh Dinh…

 As a bridge, the Sakai City Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association has helped Binh Dinh province connect and establish cooperative relationships with Sakai City, Izumisano City and other partners in the Kansai region;  regularly support, introduce and bring Japanese enterprises and investors to survey, invest, produce and do business in Binh Dinh province.

 Mr. Nguyen Van Lang, General Director of Becamex Binh Dinh Joint Stock Company: We invite Japanese and Vietnamese enterprises to Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh

 Mr. Nguyen Van Lang, General Director of Becamex Binh Dinh Joint Stock Company

 Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh project is one of 21 projects of Becamex IDC and VSIP throughout Vietnam.  The project has an overall scale of 1,425 ha, divided into 5 component projects, which are 1,000 ha Industrial Park project and 4 residential, urban and service projects with a scale of 425 ha (Commercial complex). industrial, urban and service Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh), invested by Becamex Binh Dinh Joint Stock Company.

Accordingly, the complex was started in September 2020, located in Division 7, Nhon Hoi Economic Zone. Although it is not located adjacent to Nhon Hoi Economic Zone, the project is approved by the Government to be included in Nhon Hoi Economic Zone to enjoy the preferential policies of the Government of Vietnam for the EZ. After coming into operation, it is expected to attract more than 2 billion USD to invest in industrial production, create job opportunities for 120-150 thousand people, contribute to the socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province.

 After 3 years of starting construction, up to now, 100% of the work of compensation and site clearance has been completed; synchronous construction of industrial park infrastructure of more than 300 hectares, currently about 200 hectares of clean land ready to be handed over to secondary investors. Currently, 3 investors from Germany, Korea, Hong Kong (China) have been building factories on a scale of 19 hectares;  built and put into use more than 150 worker houses, completed phase 1 wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 4,000 m3/day and night, completed 110 kV power station and phase 1 clean water supply plant with capacity 2,900 m3/day.  Along with the drastic and drastic changes of Binh Dinh province, from the policy of accompanying businesses, to the changes in administrative procedures, always creating favorable conditions and finding ways to remove difficulties for enterprises as quickly as possible., believes that Binh Dinh province in general and Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh's project in particular will be a rendezvous for Japanese investors to explore investment opportunities.

 Mr. Takimoto Jo - representative of Marubeni Lumber Vietnam Company in Binh Dinh: Binh Dinh has many advantages in developing the wood processing industry


 Mr. Takimoto Jo - representative of Marubeni Lumber Vietnam Company in Binh Dinh

 As a company operating in the field of manufacturing wood products in Binh Dinh, we have the advantage of an abundant source of wood materials. From surveying the source of raw materials, we chose Binh Dinh as the place to stop, and when implementing issues related to investment procedures, the provincial government provided maximum support. The company was established and put into operation very smoothly. Currently in Vietnam, both the North and the South are facing difficulties in issues such as the cost of renting premises, service prices, labor shortages, etc. In Binh Dinh, we have an advantage because we are not  face this situation.  At this conference, we would like to share with Japanese businesses who are in need and intend to seek opportunities in Binh Dinh so that you can have an appropriate reference information channel.

Mr. Kosaburo Kimura, Director of Mai Tin Binh Dinh Co., Ltd.: Binh Dinh government has very good support for businesses

 Mr. Kosaburo Kimura, Director of Mai Tin Binh Dinh Co., Ltd

 Our company specializes in seafood processing. We choose Binh Dinh to invest in the factory because this locality has many advantages, especially the fish stocks that can be exploited to meet our operational needs. After investing in Khanh Hoa province, we found a new area and were fortunate to have an opportunity in Binh Dinh; In the process of researching investment opportunities, we received a lot of government support in setting up a company.

 In the field of seafood processing, we receive direct support from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in researching, cooperating, and transferring techniques to deploy the chain of exploitation and consumption of ocean tuna. In addition to tuna, we are researching more suitable fish for sashimi to export to the Japanese market. In maintaining the labor force, we get maximum support from the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to recruit workers. Currently, the company cooperates with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Quy Nhon University to research and turn production waste into fertilizer products for agricultural production, solving problems related to environmental pollution.

 With the majority of employees being young, we consider creating mechanisms to help employees, such as improving lunches, building kindergartens for employees to feel secure and stick to work.

 Mr. Do Xuan Lap, Chairman of Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association: Many advantages if investing in wood processing in Binh Dinh

 Mr. Do Xuan Lap, Chairman of Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association

 Regarding wood processing, investment in Binh Dinh is a good opportunity for Japanese investors. Firstly, Binh Dinh is an area of abundant timber material from planted forests. Besides, Binh Dinh is the gateway connecting the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands provinces, having more raw material areas outside the province becomes a competitive advantage in attracting investment in this field. In particular, we know that the furniture that the Japanese side is importing from Vietnam is furniture from planted forest wood, most of which is rubber wood. And of course, the Central Highlands is a large rubber development area, so it is appropriate to invest in Binh Dinh to use the rubber wood material area from the Central Highlands.

 The wood industry is the key industry of Binh Dinh province, so investing in the wood industry here, Japanese enterprises will receive support from the local government. With so many advantages, we are looking forward to Japanese enterprises to invest in this field.


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan speaks at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Binh Dinh province determined to develop five economic pillars: agriculture, technology, seaports - logistics;  tourism, urban economy. Therefore, the economic investment attraction of Binh Dinh province focuses on those 5 pillars, besides we need to handle environmental, health and education issues, and coordinate in development.  culture and tourism.

 At the conference, we heard many opinions from experts and delegates, especially Japanese investors operating in Binh Dinh province, we hope you pay attention to make investment decisions. in the present and in the future.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Binh Dinh has advantages, but in order to attract investment, I would like to carefully analyze the advantages of the province when attracting investment in 5 pillars through the following points: First,  Binh Dinh province's government is very supportive, very interested in supporting businesses, all problems of businesses, the government accompanies, actively finds ways to solve; Secondly, Binh Dinh has a very favorable geographical position, we have an airport, a seaport - Binh Dinh's deep-water port can fully receive large ships. The short-term future is completely convenient when completing the planning for the development of connected transport infrastructure; Third, we have basically guaranteed policies and human resources. Currently, we focus on vocational training resources for human resources to meet the requirements of investors;  Fourth, in terms of culture, although there are differences, when we try to approach and learn, we can all solve it for successful cooperation;  Fifth, in terms of environment, it is very suitable for both the natural environment and the living environment.

 With the planning strategy of the province, along with 5 advantages both analyzed and experienced by investors in the past day, we invite large enterprises to be the "leading cranes" and also interested in business. small and medium enterprises. We are waiting for investment opportunities from Japan to Binh Dinh, looking for investment opportunities in Binh Dinh.

 Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung delivered a speech at the conference's conclusion

 Concluding remarks at the conference, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung said that today is a rare occasion for us to organize a conference to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the friendship between Vietnam and Japan, with the participation of Mr.  representatives of many ministries, central branches, embassies, city authorities... especially many Japanese businesses here.

 We have listened to the opinions of delegates, experts and businesses. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung further emphasized: Binh Dinh meets all favorable conditions to attract investors, especially Japanese investors. Today, there are many Japanese investors who are real people, such as: Enterprises Marubeni Lumber Vietnam Company in Binh Dinh, Mai Tin Binh Dinh Co., Ltd., we direct the issuance of investment certificates in 1 day. Although when awarding the certificate, the business side does not have enough documents as prescribed, but we trust and appreciate them in actively seeking opportunities to decide to issue an investment certificate.

At this conference, once again, I would like to commit to investors and Binh Dinh province's government to create maximum conditions in handling procedures. Binh Dinh already has a clean land fund of 7,000 hectares, ready to be delivered to investors at any time, at the most reasonable price. Binh Dinh has synchronous infrastructure, transport infrastructure connecting the airport, seaport, here is the connecting highway; Phu Cat airport is being upgraded to an international airport, Quy Nhon port is dredging to welcome large ships, removing congestion; The coastal road is continuing to invest. Along with that, human resources are always ready to meet investors. We have full social infrastructure such as healthcare, education, and accommodation to serve investors in all activities.

 From the above advantages, we hope that Japanese investors will continue to research and promote investment in Binh Dinh province. As the head of the province, together with comrades in the Standing Committee, I hope that Japanese investors continue to study and realize investment in Binh Dinh; We are ready to create all conditions for investors. Supporting investors is a companion and sharing during the process of investors working in Binh Dinh, the government always listens and solves all difficulties for businesses.


Binh Dinh Department of Tourism and Sakai City Japan - Vietnam Friendship Association signed a cooperation agreement to develop tourism and cuisine in the period of 2023-2025

 At the conference, many agreements were signed, marking the initial success of the Conference, and through that affirming to further promote the friendship, investment and trade cooperation between Binh Determined with Japanese partners, localities and businesses.

Accordingly, Binh Dinh Department of Tourism and the Japan - Vietnam Friendship Association of Sakai city have agreed to sign an agreement on cooperation in tourism development; The People's Committee of Vinh Thanh District and the Government of Yoshino Town, Nara Prefecture, Japan signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a friendly and cooperative relationship, in the immediate future, in the field of planting and developing flower planting projects. cherry in Vinh Son commune, Vinh Thanh district;  Phu Tai Bioenergy Joint Stock Company and Erex Group agreed to sign a contract to import and export pellets worth USD 235 million and a Memorandum of Understanding to invest in building a plant to produce bio-capsules from plants. elephant investment value 15 million USD; HR PISICO One Member Co., Ltd and TMJ KyouDou Kumiai Union conducted the signing ceremony of a labor supply contract under the technical intern training program between the two parties; Kato Hitoshi General Office Corporation and TQC International Trade and Human Resources Cooperation Joint Stock Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the supply of labor resources to work in Japan; Nhon Tan Holdings Joint Stock Company and Marubeni Lumber Co., Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding to buy and sell tablets with the volume of about 200,000 tons/year. Vinh Thanh District People's Committee and the government of Yoshino town, Nara province signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish friendly and cooperative relations.

 Vinh Thanh District People's Committee and the government of Yoshino town, Nara province signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish friendly and cooperative relations.

 Vinh Thanh District People's Committee and the government of Yoshino town, Nara province signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish friendly and cooperative relations.

 Phu Tai Bioenergy Joint Stock Company and Erex Group signed a contract to import and export tablets.

 Kato Hitoshi General Office Corporation and TQC International Human Resources Cooperation and Trading Joint Stock Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the supply of labor to work in Japan

 Nhon Tan Holdings Joint Stock Company and Marubeni Lumber Co., Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding to buy and sell tablets

 HR PISICO One Member Company Limited and TMJ KyouDou Kumiai Union signed a labor supply contract

Leaders of Binh Dinh province give souvenirs to delegates


Author: DHV

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