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Provincial leaders have a courtesy meeting with the Director of the World Link School in Vietnam

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of July 17, at the Office of the Provincial People's Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang had a courtesy call with Mr. Sam Jeong - Project Director of the United World Schools (UWC). Attending the meeting were Prof. Tran Thanh Van - President of the Association of Science Meets Vietnam; Prof. Le Kim Ngoc - Chairman of the Association to Help Vietnamese Children in France; leaders of relevant departments and branches of the province, the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE).

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 At the meeting, Mr. Sam Jeong shared information about the UWC project - this is an international educational organization that connects people, countries and cultures through education, towards peace and a future. sustainable future. To date, UWC has 18 schools in 4 continents, most of which focus mainly on teaching students in the 16-19 age group. In Vietnam alone, each year there are about 300 student applications for admission to the school.

 Currently, UWC has a policy to invest in a project to build a World Link School in Vietnam, operating under the model of a boarding school. The project team has visited a number of locations in a number of provinces and cities in Vietnam. With a convenient location, especially the presence of the ICISE Center, Mr. Sam Jeong expressed his desire to learn and promote investment in this project in Binh Dinh province. Accordingly, the project has a training scale of 450 students; of which, half will be Vietnamese students and the rest will be students enrolled from 80 countries around the world.


 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang (5th on the right) took a photo with Mr. Sam Jeong; Prof. Tran Thanh Van; Prof. Le Kim Ngoc and the participants

 At the meeting, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang thanked Mr. Sam Jeong for his interest in the survey and wished to invest in the World Link School in Binh Dinh.

 With the advantages and potentials of Binh Dinh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang said that the province's point of view pays special attention to education, science and technology in socio-economic development in the coming time. Currently, Binh Dinh is also the destination of many domestic and foreign investors. Especially, with the ICISE Center founded by Prof. Tran Thanh Van, Binh Dinh brings together many of the world's leading professors and scientists to attend scientific conferences and seminars here. However, except for ICISE, Binh Dinh has not yet had a large investment project in the field of education. Therefore, with the information that the World Link School investment project group wants to invest in Binh Dinh is a good start to promote investment in the soon-formed project.

Author: DVH

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