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Strengthening the presence of Japanese investors in Binh Dinh

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - Speaking at the conference, on behalf of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), Deputy Minister Do Thanh Trung highly appreciated the interest and initiative of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province and the close cooperation. The close and effective cooperation of the Consul General of Japan in Da Nang City, leaders of Izumisano City, leaders of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in Sakai City to organize this conference. This is really a good opportunity for Binh Dinh province to introduce and promote its potential, strengths as well as the increasingly improved business and investment environment of the province to major Japanese investors. In the opposite direction, Japanese investors can learn, research and approach investment policies and opportunities in Binh Dinh province, especially in the fields the province is prioritizing in attracting investment, thereby enhancing the presence of Japanese investment projects in this potential area.

 Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Do Thanh Trung speaks at the conference

 Over the past 50 years of cultivation and construction, the friendship and cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Japan has been continuously consolidated and comprehensively developed in all fields. In particular, economic - investment - trade cooperation has always been focused and comprehensively promoted.

 Regarding development cooperation (ODA), Japan is Vietnam's leading ODA donor, making an important contribution to the development of key infrastructure projects, creating positive spillovers, promoting promote the process of socio-economic development in a sustainable way; supporting advanced technology transfer and training high-quality human resources for Vietnam.

 Japanese investors are always appreciated for their determination, seriousness, prestige, responsibility, law compliance, as well as concern and care for workers' lives and focus on environmental protection. The Japanese business community always supports, shares, trusts and commits to accompany during the socio-economic development of Vietnam in general and of localities throughout the country in particular, including the province. Pacify. Up to now, Japanese enterprises have invested in 21 projects in Binh Dinh with a total investment capital of more than 160 million USD, making it the second largest investor among 22 foreign investors present in the province.

 Binh Dinh is a locality in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, holding many advantages in terms of geographical location, traffic infrastructure conditions; have a unique culture; favorable conditions for marine economic development; has great potential for sea and island tourism, culture and history with a system of islands, peninsulas, rocky capes, beautiful landscapes and famous beaches; many precious mineral resources and potential for energy development. And most importantly, the people of Binh Dinh have a spirit of solidarity, patriotism, industriousness, creativity, aspiration to rise, the land of "the land of martial arts, heaven and earth".

The above-mentioned distinct potentials, comparative advantages, outstanding opportunities, and abundant resources are the conditions and prerequisites for Binh Dinh to enter a new development period, create a breakthrough, and rise to become a developed province. leading development in the South Central Coast region. To realize that goal, the province needs to promote calling for investment to develop Nhon Hoi economic zone and satellite industrial zones and clusters; development of shipping, logistics, warehousing, finance, banking, postal, telecommunications...; to focus on developing tourism into a spearhead economic sector, attracting resources for investment in tourism and service infrastructure; develop diverse and unique tourism products, form tourist routes and clusters associated with history, tradition, cultural identity and natural conditions.

 At this conference, we welcome, call and welcome Japanese investors to invest in Binh Dinh province in such fields as: supporting industries, electrical - electronic components...; science and technology, innovation, research and development; green economy, digital economy, circular economy, knowledge economy; new energy (such as ammonia, hydrogen...), renewable energy; eco-industrial parks associated with smart cities. At the same time, we expect Japanese enterprises to further strengthen cooperation in training high-quality human resources, exchanging management experiences, and developing business culture.

 These are industries and fields in which Japan has strengths and are suitable for Vietnam's investment attraction orientation as well as the potential of Binh Dinh province. Thereby, contributing to the good long-term traditional friendship between Vietnam and Japan in general; promote investment cooperation, create growth momentum and promote strong and sustainable development of Binh Dinh province and Japanese investors in the coming time in particular.

 On the side of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, we are committed to always accompany Binh Dinh province to turn ideas and determination into reality. We will also continue to accompany investors and businesses, especially Japan, to create favorable conditions and solve difficulties and obstacles in the process of exploring investment opportunities, project implementation, promoting opportunities for cooperation and development.

 (Excerpt from the speech at the Investment and Trade Promotion Conference of Japanese Enterprises in Binh Dinh Province in 2023)

Author: DHV

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