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The delegation of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control inspects natural disaster prevention and control in Binh Dinh

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of August 17, the delegation of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, led by Major General Hoang Huu Chien - Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Border Guard, Member  The Steering Committee is the leader of the delegation, working with the Provincial People's Committee on natural disaster prevention and control in the province.

 Working with the delegation, there were comrades: Nguyen Tuan Thanh - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention - Search and Rescue and Civil Defence. PTDS); members of the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - TKCN and Civil Defense.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh spoke at the meeting.

 At the meeting, the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - Disaster Prevention and Technology and Civil Development reported on the preparation of disaster prevention and control in 2023 in the province. Following the direction of the Party and Government on the prevention, response and mitigation of damage caused by natural disasters, the organization and apparatus of disaster prevention and control at all levels in the province have gradually improved; contents of disaster prevention and control are integrated into the province's socio-economic development programs, master plans and plans for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050.  actively implement the provincial disaster prevention plan;  focus on consolidating and assigning tasks to members of the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - TKCN and Civil Defense, Standing Offices of the Steering Committees at all levels; continue to promote communication, propaganda and dissemination of the law, raise public awareness on anti-corruption...

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh emphasized: In recent years, Binh Dinh province has paid special attention to anti-corruption work and identified this as an important political task of the locality. By doing well in disaster prevention, Binh Dinh has minimized the loss of life and property.

 In order to effectively implement disaster prevention in the coming time, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - TKCN and Civil Defense Nguyen Tuan Thanh proposed to the National Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control to support funding for upgrading reservoirs. large water storage with enough capacity to cut floods, reduce inundation, ensure the safety of population and infrastructure in downstream areas; upgrading and repairing reservoirs, dams, embankments, anti-waterlogging works;  anchorage for ships to stay and avoid storms;  specialized system of watch, warning and monitoring of natural disasters. Request the Ministry of Transport to build and expand the flood drainage apertures of Black Bridge, White Bridge 2, Nuoc Xanh Bridge, and Dong Xiem Bridge on National Highway 19 as soon as possible; raise the road surface level of National Highway 19, section Km17+250, Nhon Hoa commune and clear obstacles, service roads through bridges and culverts on National Highway...

 Major General Hoang Huu Chien concluded the meeting.

 On behalf of the delegation, Comrade Major General Hoang Huu Chien highly appreciated the organization, serious and responsible implementation of the directives of the Central Government, the Government, ministries, branches and the National Steering Committee on  disaster prevention and control of Binh Dinh Provincial Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention - Conservation and Development. Comrade Hoang Huu Chien especially appreciated the construction of disaster management software in Binh Dinh province as well as the development of response plans corresponding to the local disaster risk levels.

 In the coming time, comrade Hoang Huu Chien suggested that the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention - Disaster Prevention and Control and Civil Defense focus on performing a number of tasks: Continue to improve the database on anti-corruption; in which, it is necessary to supplement the content related to the issue of people relocation when situations occur; continue to perfect the disaster response plan, in addition to the general plan, it is necessary to have a detailed disaster response plan to the grassroots. Advise on planning a number of boat anchorages and have a plan for fire prevention and fighting in the anchorage areas. Sharing information and data between functional forces in order to strictly control, avoid overlap in control of fishing vessels, and minimize procedures for fishermen.

 Comrade Hoang Huu Chien noted the suggestions and recommendations of the Provincial Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control - TKCN and Civil Defense to summarize and report to the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control for consideration and settlement.

 Also this morning (August 17), the delegation went to inspect the prevention and control of natural disasters at Quy Nhon Fishing Port (Hai Cang Ward, Quy Nhon City).

 Major General Hoang Huu Chien (centre) inspects the anchorage of ships at Quy Nhon Fishing Port.

Author: DHV

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