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Professor Gerardus't Hooft (Nobel Physics 1999) returned to Binh Dinh to attend the International Scientific Conference

On the afternoon of August 5, Professor Gerardus't Hooft - the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics and his wife came to Binh Dinh to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Science Association and the 10th anniversary of the International Center for Science. and Interdisciplinary Education. On this occasion, Professor Gerardus't Hooft and his wife visited Chu Van An High School for the Gifted (Hoai Nhon Town).

 Welcoming Prof. Gerardus't Hooft and his wife were Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee; leaders of relevant departments and branches of the province, Hoai Nhon Town People's Committee, more than 30 typical students of Chu Van An High School for the Gifted, Ly Tu Trong High School and a number of junior and primary schools in Hoai Nhon town


 Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang (right cover) and Chairman of Hoai Nhon Town People's Committee Le Dang Tuan (left cover) give gifts and flowers to Prof. Gerardus't Hooft and his wife.

 Prof. Gerardus't Hooft expressed his joy in returning to Binh Dinh for the third time, especially the opportunity to go to a school with many excellent students in the North of the province.


Professor Gerardus't Hooft (right) shares with students when visiting Chu Van An High School for the Gifted.

 Sharing with students at Hoai Nhon about his path to the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics, as well as many other scientists from the Netherlands who have won science Nobel prizes in many fields, Prof. Gerardus't Hooft emphasized that success comes from focusing on developing the education system, the importance of education, including basic science education.

“Education creates new people as a sustainable foundation for the future. I also hope that Chu Van An High School for the Gifted will train many talented students to make great contributions to the development of the homeland and the country of Vietnam,” said Professor Gerardus't Hooft.


Typical students of Hoai Nhon attend the visit of Professor Gerardus't Hooft at Chu Van An High School for the Gifted.

 Within the framework of the visit, Professor Gerardus't Hooft gave students the book "Vietnam at the end of the sky" by journalist Ham Chau about Professor Tran Thanh Van - Le Kim Ngoc and many world scientists joining hands. for Vietnamese science; At the same time, planting souvenir trees at Chu Van An High School for the Gifted.

 Professor Gerardus't Hooft presents the book "Vietnam at the end of the sky" to students.

Professor Gerardus't Hooft signs books for students.

 Professor Gerardus't Hooft (SN 1946) is a Dutch theoretical physicist, working at Utrecht University (Netherlands). In 1999, he and his doctoral instructor Professor Martinus J.G. Veltman received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on "Quantum structure in electroweak interactions" - the work that built the foundation of mathematics. solid study for the physical theory of elementary particles.

 In addition, in his scientific career, Professor Gerardus't Hooft also made important contributions in the fields of standard field theory in elementary particle physics, theory of quantum gravity and black holes in the universe, research on  fundamental foundations of quantum mechanics.

Professor Gerardus't Hooft planted a souvenir tree on the occasion of his visit to Chu Van An High School for the Gifted.


Professor Gerardus't Hooft and his wife visited and took souvenir photos at the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town.

 As planned, Prof. Gerardus't Hooft will attend the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Encounter Science Association (1993-2023), the 10th anniversary of the operation of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (2013-2023); The international scientific conference "Windows overlooking the universe", took place in Quy Nhon City on August 7. The event brought together nearly 180 delegates from 25 countries around the world to discuss and exchange the latest discoveries in the fields of Particle Physics, High Energy Physics and Astronomy.

Author: DHV

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