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Online conference on promoting solutions to combat illegal fishing

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of August 29, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang chaired an online conference to promote solutions to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated seafood exploitation. (IUU), prepare to welcome and work with the 4th European Commission (EC) Inspection Delegation to Vietnam.

 Attending the conference at Binh Dinh bridge were Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan, members of the Steering Committee against IUU exploitation and leaders of coastal localities of the province.


 Delegates attended the conference at the bridge point of Binh Dinh province.

 In recent times, Vietnam has focused on implementing 4 groups of EC recommendations to combat IUU exploitation and remove "yellow card" warnings, including: Completing the legal framework; monitor, inspect and control the operation of fishing vessels, manage fleets;  certification of output and traceability of caught fishery products; and law enforcement.

 In line with the EC's recommendations on reducing the number of fishing vessels and fishing effort, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has advised the Prime Minister to direct localities to review the entire number of fishing vessels. Update fishing vessel data into the national fisheries database and issue documents directing localities to temporarily suspend the issuance of new construction approval documents for fishing vessels with a maximum length of 15 meters or more. Temporarily suspend the issuance of approval documents allowing conversion of fishing vessels with a length of less than 15 meters into vessels with a length of 15 meters or more from December 20, 2022. Review and consider adjusting and reducing the number of fishing license quotas in coastal and open areas to closely match the existing number of local fishing vessels.

 By August 29, 2023, the whole country has 86,820 fishing boats with a length of 6m or more, a decrease of 9,789 compared to 2019. Of which, over 30,000 fishing boats have a length of 15m or more, a decrease of 1,206 compared to 2019. The cruise monitoring device has been installed on fishing vessels with a length of 15 meters or more, reaching nearly 98%.

Information at the conference, the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) estimated that, if fined with a "red card", Vietnam will be banned from exporting exploited seafood to the EU market with a total value of  about nearly 500 million USD/year. In addition to the EU, some other countries such as the US also have similar regulations on combating IUU. If Vietnam is subject to a "red card", these countries can also apply similar measures to these products. Vietnam's seafood exports.

 To remove the "yellow card", leaders of ministries, branches and localities attending the meeting said that there needs to be closer coordination between functional forces and localities in managing and preventing fishing vessels.  violating foreign waters; Strengthen information and propaganda work; strictly punish violations.  Ministries, branches, and localities all emphasized the need to investigate, verify, and strictly and thoroughly handle organizations and individuals doing illegal business, legalizing records, abetting, and tolerating illegal acts. en IUU.


 Online conference points to provinces

 Speaking at the conference's conclusion, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang frankly stated that the EC's "yellow card" warning seriously reduced Vietnam's reputation. Besides, the seafood industry may face similar risks of "yellow card" in other markets outside the EU.

 The Deputy Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to develop a plan that clearly states the tasks that need to be focused on from now until the EC inspection team arrives to work; Prepare carefully to welcome the EC's inspection team to achieve the best results and soon remove the EC's "yellow card" warning. The Ministry of National Defense directed the competent forces to strengthen patrols and control, with the goal of not letting any fishing vessels be captured abroad. The Ministry of Public Security urgently consolidates records and prosecutes cases of brokering and connecting Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen to illegally exploit foreign waters.

 Regarding localities, the Deputy Prime Minister assessed that the determination is not uniform. There are localities that manage fishing vessels entering and exiting the wharf well and improving the traceability rate of exploited seafood such as Ca Mau, but also There are still localities that have not been decisive in handling the recommendations of the EC inspection team.

 Immediately after the Government's online meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee thoroughly grasped the key tasks with the members of the Steering Committee and coastal localities in combating IUU fishing.

 Accordingly, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan directed the functional sector to focus on two immediate priority issues: preventing and ensuring that fishing vessels do not disembark in Binh Dinh infringing IUU and implementing source traceability. original product according to regulations. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Border Guard force and localities to closely review, inspect and control 100% of ships entering and leaving the wharf during peak times, detecting suspicious signs and not allowing them to go out to sea. Vessels over 15m disconnecting cruise monitoring equipment must strictly comply with regulations.

 In addition, strictly control and check the logging log to prevent legalizing the sale of seafood of unknown origin and returning to shore. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee suggested that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development continue to work with the locality where the Binh Dinh fishing vessel is anchored to coordinate propaganda and improve management efficiency. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also emphasized the requirement to continue to strengthen propaganda and advocacy for fishermen to agree and be determined to fight IUU fishing.

 In the long term, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to study and plan appropriate coastal and marine aquaculture to both ensure economic development and reduce pressure on exploitation, regeneration and conservation. protect aquatic resources. Along with that, localities study plans and calculate suitable occupations for people in coastal localities.


Author: DHV

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