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Online and in-person conference on evaluating food safety in the first 5 months of 2024 and implementing food poisoning prevention and treatment in the current situation

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of May 28, the Provincial People's Committee organized an online and in-person conference on evaluating food safety work in the first 5 months of 2024 and implementing food poisoning prevention and handling Food poisoning in the current situation. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang, Head of the Binh Dinh Provincial Interdisciplinary Steering Committee on Food Safety chaired the Conference. 


Conference scene.

 According to a report at the conference, the whole province currently has 21,553 establishments producing and trading food and providing catering services. Of which, the provincial level manages 5,617 establishments; The district level manages 3,551 establishments; The commune level manages 12,385 establishments. In the first 5 months of 2024, People's Committees at all levels, departments, branches and localities have synchronously implemented food safety management according to assigned functions and tasks. Departments, branches, unions, and organizations have coordinated synchronously, so food safety activities in localities in the province have achieved high results, contributing to protecting people's health.

 The work of propagandizing and disseminating knowledge about food safety has changed dramatically, the number of food production and business establishments violating food safety regulations has decreased compared to the same period last year. Consumers pay more attention to choosing safe food products to limit the occurrence of food poisoning in the area.  Accordingly, the following sectors: Industry and Trade, Agriculture and Rural Development, Education and Training, and the Market Management Department have strengthened communication work with many diverse forms such as radio broadcasting and news posting, articles, organizing conferences, training...In addition, the Provincial Police regularly maintain coordinated activities to propagate compliance with food safety laws for business and food processing establishments  products throughout the province. Binh Dinh Newspaper proactively coordinates with the Provincial Inter-sectoral Steering Committee on Food Safety, departments and branches, and the Inter-sectoral Steering Committee on Food Safety at district and commune levels to disseminate objective, timely, comprehensive and relevant information  responsibility;  Propagating food safety inspection and testing at food production, processing and trading establishments, strengthening supervision and post-inspection. At the district and commune levels, on mass media, especially the loudspeaker systems of communes, wards and towns, regularly transmit information, topics and knowledge about food safety. Direct communication activities such as training and topical talks continue to be promoted and enhanced in remote areas.

 Trade promotion and consumption connection of safe food products continues to be deployed, attracting many food production and business establishments in the area to participate in product introduction.  Safe food distribution systems and food safety market models are increasingly being replicated and developed.

 Food safety inspection and testing in the province is also maintained, promptly detecting and strictly handling violations.  Food safety monitoring activities at facilities managed by the health sector are organized and implemented at all three levels: province, district and commune.  From the beginning of the year until now, the whole province has monitored food safety at 749 food service establishments and collective kitchens, of which the district level has supervised 173 establishments and the commune level supervised 576 establishments. The Department of Food Safety and Hygiene coordinated with the Provincial Center for Disease Control to develop a plan to take 200 samples in May and June 2024, monitoring the risk of food contamination at bread businesses in the province to warn people of the risk of causing food poisoning. The Agriculture sector has monitored toxic residues in farmed animals and aquatic animal products with 17 samples...

At the conference, delegates focused on discussing and evaluating the results achieved in food safety work in the first 5 months of 2024, some remaining aspects, limitations, difficulties, obstacles and problems. Propose directions, tasks, and solutions to continue promoting propaganda, dissemination and implementation of food poisoning prevention and treatment in the coming time.


 Comrade Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Binh Dinh Provincial Interdisciplinary Steering Committee on food safety gave a directive speech at the conference.

 Speaking at the conference, comrade Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Binh Dinh Provincial Interdisciplinary Steering Committee on Food Safety, emphasized that the issue of ensuring food safety is very important and a urgent problem and long-term, directly affecting people's health and life. In addition to the results achieved in food safety work recently, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang pointed out a number of shortcomings and limitations such as: livestock raising, cultivation, and agricultural processing. Forestry and fisheries are very diverse and quite small;  The scale of food production and business of establishments in the province is still small, family-owned, and seasonal production and business...so state management of food safety still faces many difficulties; The handling of food safety violations for small establishments and street food businesses by the Commune People's Committee is not strict, the main form is reminders, so it has not created a sense of compliance with the law of this type.

 In the coming time, to effectively implement the work of ensuring food safety and the work of preventing and handling food poisoning in the province, Vice Chairman Lam Hai Giang requests that departments and branches, associations, unions, relevant localities and units according to assigned functions and tasks continue to implement Plan No. 82/KH-UBND dated October 14, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementation.  Directive No. 17/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on continuing to strengthen state management responsibility for food safety in the new situation; Plan No. 62/KH-UBND dated March 29, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementing Directive No. 17-CT/TW dated October 21, 2022 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat on strengthening security and safety food in the new situation in Binh Dinh province. In the immediate future, focus on effectively implementing Directive No. 11/CT-UBND dated May 21, 2024 of the Provincial People's Committee on strengthening measures to prevent and handle food poisoning in the province.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang emphasized propaganda and dissemination of knowledge and legal regulations on food safety; promptly report, praise, and report food safety activities and food safety violations to warn people to be vigilant and absolutely not use unsafe products and foods safe. At the same time, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also proposed to promote post-inspection work at establishments producing and trading food, agricultural, forestry and fishery products.  Organize focused and focused inspections, tests and supervisions;  Especially focusing on holidays, Tet and "Action Month for Food Safety". At the same time, monthly update, publicize and promptly inform the results of inspection, examination and handling of food safety violations; A/B/C classification of agricultural, forestry and fishery production and business establishments; results of monitoring and handling violations...

Author: DHV

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