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The International Workshop on Innovations in English Language Teaching and Learning

On the morning of August 11, 2016 Quy Nhon University in collaboration with the Regional Training Center - Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO RETRAC) and Curtin University (Australia) organized the opening session of international workshop on English language teaching. It was the 7th annual international workshop in Vietnam and the 1st one at Quy Nhon University.

Delegates at the Workshop.

The workshop entitled “Innovations in English Language Teaching and Learning” lasts within 3 days (from August 11 till August 13, 2016), attracting many well-known researchers, lecturers, scholars from England, Australia, America, the Philippines, etc. and about 250 delegates of teachers, lecturers and post-graduates majored in English linguistics and pedagogics in Vietnam.

The workshop includes three plenary sessions and some specialized sessions with 55 presentations focusing on the connection between learners’ aspiration and the learning and using of English; the building of stability in teaching and learning of English; the enhancing of technological application in teaching and learning of English; the promoting of diversification in methodology and models of teaching and learning of English; the English teaching oriented to regional and international integration.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Anh, President of Quy Nhon University gave a speech at the workshop.

Five lecturers at Quy Nhon University were selected to have presentations and monitor specialized sessions and four lecturers for secretaries of discussion sessions.

Dr. Nguyen Quang Ngoan, Dean of Foreign Languages Department – Quy Nhon University said SEAMEO RETRAC was cooperating with Quy Nhon University to implement the tasks of the 2020 Foreign Language Project and the workshop aimed at discussing and finding out new methods for teaching and learning of foreign languages, improving the quality of foreign language teaching and contributing to the implementation of the 2020 National Foreign Language Project.

“The hope of SEAMEO RETRAC is to develop the teaching and learning of English in the whole country, so we decided to organize international workshops at provinces/cities with advantages for English language teaching. Six previous international workshops were organized in Ho Chi Minh City, Foreign Languages College – Hue University, Foreign Languages College – Da Nang University and this time Quy Nhon University was chosen. In April, 2016, a delegation of SEAMEO RETRAC paid a visit to Quy Nhon University to discuss about the cooperation between the two units. This workshop is one of the initial results of that cooperation.” said Dr. Nguyen Quang Ngoan.

A photo-taken among researchers, scholars and delegates at the workshop.

This workshop is a forum for delegates majored in English language teaching. The workshop aimed at discussing and sharing research results and experience, theories and realities in teaching and learning of English for those people coming from different regions, levels, conditions, concern and motivation.

This is a really good opportunity for delegates of English teachers to improve their professional skills and they may co-operate with their colleagues from different countries in the world. Especially, this workshop is an activity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of SEAMEO RETRAC Center. This is also an event for the cooperation between SEAMEO RETRAC, Quy Nhon University and Curtin University.

On this occasion, sponsors including the Regional English Language Office – the U.S. Embassy to Vietnam, FAHASA Bookstore and National Geographic Learning Organization held a bookstall with updated information on innovations in English language teaching and learning, international workshops and scholarships in the future.

Đ.T (Source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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