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The International Scientific Conference “High Sensitivity Experiments beyond the Standard Model”

On August 1, 2016, at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE), Quy Nhon City, Rencontres du Vietnam and Binh Dinh People’s Committee organized the International Scientific Conference “High Sensitivity Experiments beyond the Standard Model”. The conference attracted 35 professors, scientists from 13 countries in the world.

At the conference, international professors and scientists have their presentations on latest physics researches, including: The exploration of dark energy model with neutrino, the search for strange sub-millimeter, etc.

The conference is chaired by Prof. Gilles Ban, the French National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, a Vietnamese –born French. Prof. Gilles Ban said, “The goal of the conference is to gather researchers, theoreticians, experimentalists and young scientists searching for physics beyond the standard model of particle physics and using high sensitivity experiments. These sensitivity experiments follow slight deviation to the standard model, and those are hypotheses in high-energy experiments with accelerators. Main researches include electric dipole moment, g-2, CP symmetry violation in neutrinos, nuclear beta decay and correlations, CPT and Lorentz invariance tests, etc. These studies are being conducted around the world, with world-class equipment, by international leading scientists.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau confirmed the conference is a good opportunity for professors, scientists, national and international students to meet and exchange one another in the fields of basic particle physics; at the same time, connect and co-operate in research and application of technology achievements in the future.

The conference lasts until August 6, 2016.

Nguyen Duc Thang (Source: Quoc Dung/TTXVN)

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