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World Bank (WB) to assist Binh Dinh to deal with the consequences of natural disaster

On the afternoon of February 14, 2017, the delegation of the central agencies and World Bank (WB) had a meeting with leaders of Binh Dinh People’s Committee regarding the project to deal with the consequences of natural disaster in the central regions, including Binh Dinh Province. Mr. Tran Chau – Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee and leaders of related departments, agencies welcomed the delegation (photo).

At the meeting, Binh Dinh People’s Committee reported and evaluated the consequences caused by the five floods in the end of October and the beginning of December in the province. According to the report, the floods caused serious damage for the transport infrastructure, irrigation and households with its expected loss of 2,945 billion VND. Binh Dinh proposed the Government to arrange the ODA package so that the province would reconstruct and enhance the disaster prevention. On February 10, 2017, the Prime Minister issued the Official Letter No. 205/TTg-HTQT regarding the approval to assist the project “urgently dealing with the consequences of natural disaster in some central regions of Vietnam”, using WB capital, of which Binh Dinh Province was distributed with 52 million USD.

Mr. Tran Chau said the project “urgently dealing with the consequences of natural disaster in some central regions, including Binh Dinh Province” aimed at dealing the damage caused by the natural disaster, restoring the production and stabilizing the people’s lives, having caused by the floods, the drought and not letting the provincial people as well as the whole country “left behind” compared to the development pace and the average living standard of the country. The project also helped to enhance the capacity to deal with storms and floods for vulnerable areas in the future. The project is planned to implement in the whole province of Binh Dinh, at all areas affected by the natural disaster, of which the priority is to reconstruct necessary works to ensure the people’s lives, restore the production and ensure the transport smoothly.

At the meeting, parties focused on the evaluation of consequences caused by the floods and then identified the priority to implement projects as well as prepare for the next steps. After the discussion, both parties agreed on the time, the formalities to complete project documents as well as criteria for the selection of sub-projects to ensure the welfare, the social security. The project would be appropriate to the province’s long-term planning.

Mr. Tran Chau – Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee expressed his thanks to the Government, Ministries and central agencies and WB for their interest and great assistance in terms of proposing the project “urgently dealing with the consequences of natural disaster in some central regions, including Binh Dinh Province.” The Vice Chairman said Binh Dinh would ensure the funding for site clearance and resettlement before project implementation, and the whole ODA package of the World Bank (WB) would be used to implement objectives of the project.

Thang Nguyen (source: The Office of Binh Dinh People’s Committee)

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