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“Search for life: From early Earth to exoplanets”

This is the topic of the international conference, co-organized by Rencontres du Vietnam, Binh Dinh People’s Committee and Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology. The conference was opened on December 12, 2016 in Quy Nhon City. Prof. Tran Thanh Van – President of Rencontres du Vietnam and more than 80 scientists from 23 countries attended the conference.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh attended and delivered a welcome speech and highly valued the importance and scientific value, especially the topic that scientists will discuss in the conference. 

The International Scientific Conference entitled “Search for life: From early Earth to exoplanets” is the last one of “The 12th Rencontres du Vietnam” in 2016.

The conference aims at gathering interdisciplinary community together to answer the basic but challenging questions, related to life, including: Where, when and how life appeared and developed on the Earth? The conditions for life could exist? Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? And if so, how to identify and recognize it? etc.

These are the questions for astrophysics, a new field including those studies of the origin, evolution and distribution of life forms in the Universe. The astrophysics has closely linked with topics related to the origin and life on the Earth.

Delegates, national and international scientists at the opening ceremony.

The conference focuses experts from different fields with various themes: Searching the evidence of chemical transformations; searching the origin and early advancement of life on the Earth; searching for the adaptable potential of life and the challenging conditions on the Earth as well as outer space (equivalent to extremely tough environment), searching the habitual areas in the Solar System and exoplanets, etc.

The conference lasts until December 16, 2016 and is the last conference in the framework of “The 12th Rencontres du Vietnam” (including 12 conferences and 03 courses in physics) and many scientific events beside “The 12th Rencontres du Vietnam” in 2016 in Quy Nhon City.

Nguyen Duc Thang (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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