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Korea Medical Leading Congregation (MLC) paid a working visit to Binh Dinh

On the morning of November 13, 2016, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh had a meeting with the delegation of Korea MLC, led by Prof, Dr. Han Duck-Jong, Chairman of Korea MLC.

A photo –taken among delegates and the delegation of Korea MLC.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh welcomed the delegation of Korea MLC to find out the actual infrastructure, treatment and health care system in Quy Nhon City and suggest the cooperative orientation in the medical sector with the province. He also said that Vietnam Government in general and Binh Dinh in particular always take a lot of interest in health care for the people. For the past years, Binh Dinh has devoted more resources to invest in health sector and the health system is gradually strengthened from the provincial level to the ward/commune level. However, infrastructure conditions as well as the quality of medical care have not met the requirements of the people. Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh requested MLC to assist Binh Dinh in training and technical transfer to enhance the professional qualifications for medical staff of Binh Dinh General Hospial and Quy Nhon City Health Clinic and support the construction of the Hostital of Odonto-Stomatology in the province. 

Mr. Han Duck-Jong, Chairman of MLC talked about the plan to assist Quy Nhon City in the medical sector.

Mr. Han Duck-Jong said, MLC is an organization including leading experts in Korea medical sector. The objective of MLC is to assist in the medical sector aboard. Mr. Han suggested the province would send a number of doctors to Korea for their studies and experience sharing, and MLC would assist the province with human resource training and technical transfer. In the coming time, MLC would continue surveying so as to build a specific plan and activities to support in the medical sector towards Quy Nhon City.

Thang Nguyen (Source: The Office of Binh Dinh People’s Committee)

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