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A Japanese corporation invested 3 million Yen in organic vegetable growth in Binh Dinh

In the framework of the Japanese business mission, Kei’s Corporation (Japan) and Binh Dinh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development implemented a safe vegetable model under Japan technology in Nhon Hau Commune, An Nhon Town, Binh Dinh Province. This is a premise for Japanese enterprises to establish a series of high techology safe vegetables, technology transfer and linking for product consumption.

A safe vegetable pilot model under Japan technology – Photo for illustration.

The project with its capital investment of 3 million Yen (equivalent to 648 million VND) will be implemented on an area of 3000 m2 in Nhon Hau Commune, An Nhon Town. The objective of the project is to grow and trade in organic vegetables under Japan technology.

Besides, within the framework of the project, Kei’s Corporation will receive 2 ethnic minority labors in K44 Hamlet, Vinh Son Commune (Vinh Thanh District) and send them to Japan to work and train the technique of growing vegetables and raise bees under Japan technology in a two-month period.

Based on the commitment of the investor, the model of safe vegetables must follow Japan technology, contributing to increasing the supply of safe vegetables, ensuring the safety for Vietnamese consumers and improving the trademark of agricultural products in Binh Dinh Province.

Thang Nguyen (Source: binhdinhinvest)

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