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George Washington International School (GWIS) (America) to implement a training program in Binh Dinh

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On September 13, 2016 Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh issued an Official Letter No. 3996/UBND-VX regarding the approval for Binh Dinh Department of Education and Training in collaboration with George Washington International School to implement the training program by George Washington International School in Binh Dinh Province.


George Washington International School – Photo for Illustration.

Binh Dinh People’s Committee assigned Binh Dinh Department of Education and Training to fully implement and strictly follow the contents directed by Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training at an Official Letter No. 4143/BGDDT-GDTrH on August 24, 2016 regarding the cooperation with George Washington International School. Binh Dinh Department of Education and Training would provide guidelines and direct related educational agencies to carry out cooperation programs, checking, evaluating and experience sharing, reporting the results to Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training and Binh Dinh People’s Committee under current regulations. Besides, Binh Dinh Department of Education and Training actively co-operated Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs, provincial public security and related departments, agencies to provide guidelines for the implementation of project, ensuring functions and current regulations of Vietnam.

Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs, provincial public security and other agencies provide guidelines to Binh Dinh Department of Education and Training and George Washington International School to implement cooperation programs under current regulations.

As known, George Washington International School is a school for students from 1st grade to 12th grade, established in Orlando City, Florida, America. The school had received all American students as well as other students from countries in the world.

The program of George Washington International School started with English and mathematics in English under the curriculum of the U.S Ministry of Education and after that the program would be enlarged to other subjects based on the advancement of students. The advantage of the program is that teaching method is really flexible and school fee is appropriate with Vietnam conditions (120 USD – 150 USD – 180 USD) based on the requirements of the students. Students can partake curricular or extracurricular courses and they need to learn two or three subjects (English, mathematics in English and science). For other subjects, George Washington International School would use Vietnam educational program and send to America so as to ensure enough credits and grant certificates for the students. The certificate has the same value as the certificates that other students receive in the U.S.A.

Students graduated from George Washington International School will be able to move to higher level or graduate level in the U.S.A.

Thang Nguyen 

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