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Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan received a courtesy call on the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Vietnam

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of June 17, at the headquarters of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and representatives of several departments and branches received Mr. Karl Van Den Bossche - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium. in Vietnam on the occasion of the Ambassador's working visit to Binh Dinh province.


 Scene of the reception.

 Talking with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Vietnam, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Belgium is a country in Europe with many potentials, especially in science and technology, engineering, and machinery , equipment,... Besides, Belgium is also a quite close and familiar country to the authorities in Binh Dinh province. Although attracting foreign direct investment to Belgian businesses and investors has not achieved the desired results, through two-way foreign trade activities and ODA and NGO capital sources,...Belgium has also made positive contributions to the socio-economic development process of Binh Dinh province.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan hopes that the Ambassador will pay attention to support and connect so that Binh Dinh province continues to cooperate with Belgian partners in the fields of industry, transportation, trade, education, science and technology.  technology,...Especially in economic and trade relations. At the same time, support the province to promote investment promotion activities, creating favorable conditions for businesses from both sides to continue to connect, cooperate and invest in potential fields that Binh Dinh province is calling for. Attracting investments such as seaport logistics, shipping, environmental technology, renewable energy,...

 Regarding the toxic chemical/dioxin pollution at Phu Cat airport, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that Phu Cat Airport has been identified as one of the hot spots of Agent Orange/dioxin pollution. Since 1999, many organizations and agencies have conducted surveys, analyzed and assessed the level of dioxin pollution.  Investigation and survey results show that the highest dioxin concentration values recorded in some areas are as follows: Loading area: 49,500 ppt TEQ, storage area: 238,000 ppt TEQ, new area: 89,879 ppt TEQ, the Pacer Ivy area and the new area have some pollution spots exceeding 1,000 ppt TEQ.  The remaining areas are basically not within the threshold for treatment (less than 1,000 ppt TEQ). From the results of investigation and analysis of projects, in 2012 Office 33 collected and buried 7,500 m3 of contaminated soil exceeding standards in the above areas. 

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that the province is planning to invest in expanding Phu Cat airport. Therefore, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan requested the Ambassador to consider and propose to relevant Belgian organizations financial support to thoroughly treat 7,500 m3 of dioxin-contaminated soil that has been buried and isolated in the north. North the runway, and at the same time completely treat contaminated sediment at Phu Cat airport.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented a souvenir to the Belgian Ambassador to Vietnam Karl Van Den Bossche.

 Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Vietnam Karl Van Den Bossche thanked the province for the respectful welcome given to the delegation. The Ambassador affirmed his desire to promote cooperation between Belgium - Vietnam in general and with Binh Dinh province in particular in the coming time.  Ambassador Karl Van Den Bossche promised to make efforts to connect, introduce and promote information about Binh Dinh to partners, businesses and investors in the Kingdom of Belgium. Regarding the dioxin contamination situation at Phu Cat airport, Ambassador Karl Van Den Bossche wishes to conduct a field survey at Phu Cat airport to discuss directly with the locality about pollution treatment here. At the same time, he promised to pay attention and propose to relevant Belgian organizations to provide financial support to thoroughly handle the dioxin contamination at Phu Cat airport.


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and leaders of departments and branches took souvenir photos with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Vietnam.


Author: DHV

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