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The Provincial People's Committee meets to evaluate the socio-economic situation in August 2023

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of August 24, the Provincial People's Committee held a meeting in person and online to assess the province's socio-economic situation in August and implement key tasks in September 2023, under chaired by Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. Attending the meeting were Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang.

 Scene of the meeting at the main bridge of the Provincial People's Committee

 According to the Report at the meeting, the socio-economic situation in August 2023 in the province continues to remain stable. The focus of agricultural production in August 2023 is on caring for and harvesting crops in the summer-autumn crop 2023. Up to now, farmers in the province have harvested 34,442 hectares of autumn rice, the yield is estimated at 67.8 quintals/ha. increased 2.0 quintals/ha over the same period. The price of post-harvest rice increased, with an average of over 8,000 VND per kilogram of rice, so farmers were very excited. For the agricultural industry, in the past time, there have been 4 investors to the province to survey the location and source of raw materials to build projects of agro-forestry-fishery processing factories. Currently, the local departments and branches are actively supporting the projects so that they can soon come into reality, contributing to increasing the production value of the agricultural and industrial sectors.

 For industrial production, the Industrial Production Index in August 2023 is estimated to increase by 6.89% over the same period. Overall, over the past 8 months, the Industrial Production Index increased by 0.92% over the same period. Export turnover in August 2023 was estimated at 125.1 million USD, up 3.2% compared to July. These are positive signs for industrial production and export of the province after many consecutive months. decline.

 Trade and service activities in August 2023 continued to prosper when the growth rate maintained at double digits and increased by 19.5% over the same period, with total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenue. in the month reached more than 9,191 billion dong. Tourism continued to maintain a high growth rate when the province received 520,900 arrivals, bringing the total number of visitors to Binh Dinh province over the past eight months to nearly 3.9 million. Total tourism revenue by August 2023 is estimated to reach 12,833 billion VND, up 26.3% over the same period.

 Total state budget revenue in 8 months of 2023 is estimated at 7,173.4 billion VND, reaching 52.6% of the year estimate, down 33.5% over the same period; in which, domestic revenue (excluding land use fees, lottery, dividends, distributed profits and remaining profits) is VND 4,296.1 billion, reaching 62% of the yearly estimate. Localities are currently facing difficulties to secure the revenue of land use levy according to the assigned plan.

 Online at departments, agencies and localities

In August, investors continued to accelerate the construction progress of key projects in the province. Disbursement of public investment capital managed by the province so far has reached more than 60% with a disbursed value of more than 4,605 billion VND.

 The quality of cultural and social activities has been improved; the education and training sector together with localities to focus on preparing the conditions for the new school year 2023-2024; Social security regimes and policies are fully and promptly implemented.

 On the basis of the content of the report, the delegates discussed and evaluated the achieved results, at the same time analyzed the shortcomings and limitations, and proposed solutions to carry out the tasks in September and the last months of 2023.

 The report of the Provincial People's Committee also identifies 9 key tasks for economic development, ensuring social security, maintaining political security and social order and safety in the province, etc. The industry focuses on thoroughly understanding and implementing key solutions to direct and manage socio-economic development and state budget estimates for 2023; In which, it is determined to continue to provide maximum support for people and businesses to develop production and business from now until the end of the year...


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan gave instructions at the meeting

 Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan assessed that the province's three main economic sectors continue to maintain stability and growth.

 Regarding development directions in the coming time, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee noted that the agricultural sector and localities should focus on promoting the conversion of crops and livestock, aiming to meet raw material sources for processing factories. In addition, it is necessary to continue to be proactive in plans and solutions to prevent natural disasters, storms and floods, and prevent and fight forest fires; Resolutely implement measures against IUU fishing.

 In the field of industry, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan requested agencies and units to create the most favorable conditions for industrial production investment projects to be put into operation, operate, and create added value. and create jobs for workers, striving to achieve the lowest growth rate of about 4.5%.

 For public investment disbursement, the Provincial People's Committee, departments and localities review all projects using public investment capital, resolutely transfer sources of projects that do not ensure implementation and report to the Provincial People's Council in next September meeting. In addition, urge investing businesses in the province to focus on disbursement of ongoing works and projects, regularly update progress and support businesses to solve any problems.  Localities and sectors must disburse capital reaching 100% central and local capital.  Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee emphasized: "This year, in the context of industrial production facing difficulties, other industries must try to achieve higher growth rates so that the indicators complement each other to ensure that Gross Local Product increases." over 7% growth”.

Regarding trade, services, and tourism, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee continues to request the organization of well-organized tourism activities to attract tourists, with the orientation of developing green, environmentally friendly tourism, raising public awareness. knowledge, civilized and polite behavior between residents and tourists. The province's viewpoint is that it will not ban forms of sea tourism, but must ensure compliance with legal regulations, strictly manage environmental issues and delineate specific management areas.

 As for budget revenue issues, especially land use fees, sectors and localities specifically review each revenue item, update data and specific time to ensure revenue.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized that from now until the end of the year, departments, branches, branches and localities prioritize actively supporting people and businesses in production activities to ensure good growth and export; continue to change the thinking, working style, and sense of responsibility of each officer and employee in performing their duties. Departments, branches and localities must comply with the monthly database update, the data must be truly accurate. At the same time, departments and branches according to their functions and tasks continue to complete the details in the Binh Dinh Provincial Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, which has been commented and strived by ministries and central branches.  It will be completed soon and the announcement ceremony will be held in October.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also requested agencies, units and localities to organize fun and entertainment activities, ensure security, order and traffic safety during the National Day holiday September 2; fully prepare the conditions for facilities to prepare for the opening of the new school year 2023-2024.../.

Author: DHV

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