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To implement the project “Assisting the people with physical disabilities in Binh Dinh”

On the afternoon of 20 February, 2017, Department of Health organized the conference of the project implementation “Assisting the people with physical disabilities in Binh Dinh, period 2016-2020”

Dr. Nguyen Thi Mai Hien – Director of Disability & Metal Health Programs (standing) talked about the project

The project “Assisting the people with physical disabilities in Binh Dinh, period 2016-2020” is funded by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through the International Center (IC). The project objectives are to increase the disabled’s chances to use the aid devices and help them actively integrate into the community. The project timeline is from January 2017 to December 2020 in An Nhon Town, Tuy Phuoc District and Tay Son District. The total budget of the project is about 13 billion VND, of which the assistance funding is about 10.2 billion VND and the provincial counterpart is more than 2.7 billion VND.

At the conference, participants discussed about the activities of the project in 2017; the general activities of the project in Binh Dinh; the planning to rehabilitate the functions, assisting the people with disabilities in Binh Dinh health sector, etc.

Thang Nguyen (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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