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Champasak high-ranking delegation, People’s Democratic Republic of Laos pays a working visit to Binh Dinh

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On the morning of March 3, 2016 at the Office of Binh Dinh People’s Committee, the high-ranking delegation of Champasak Province led by Mr. Buonthong Divixay, Member of the Central Party Committee, Champasak Provincial Party Committee Secretary paid a working visit to Binh Dinh Province. The delegation was welcomed and received by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, Member of the Central Party Committee, Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee and leading representatives of related departments and agencies.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, Secretary of Binh Dinh Provincial Party’s Committee, gives a speech at the meeting.


At the meeting, Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Ho Quoc Dung informed the socio-economic development of the province in 2015 and the cooperation results between Binh Dinh and Champasak in the past years. Since 2011, Binh Dinh has assisted Champasak in constructing 5 agricultural extension models and sent a vet and a fishery engineer to Champasak for guidance and technical transfer to agricultural technicians and farmers. Binh Dinh also granted 20 full scholarships to Champasak students to study at Quy Nhon University. Each scholarship is worth 1,430 USD/student/year. Binh Dinh also assisted 51 Champasak students in continuous training from middle-ranking level to higher level. Vietnam – Laos Friendship Association actively helped Champasak students at Quy Nhon University with their studies as well as daily lives. Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Joint Stock Company (Bidifar) implemented to plant 340 ha of coffee trees in Champasak Province, etc. The total expenditure that Binh Dinh assisted Champasak is approximately more than 2,536 million VND.

Mr. Ho Quoc Dung also said that the cooperation between Binh Dinh and Champasak had brought practical results, which can meet Champasak’s need and the capability of Binh Dinh Province. However, the cooperation between the two provinces in trade sector is still limited since Binh Dinh commodities hardly compete with others. In tourism sector, practical cooperation activities have not been carried out yet because the tourism of the two provinces has not been connected each other. Actually, no tourism firm in Champasak and Binh Dinh meets demands and conditions of this sector.

Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Ho Quoc Dung also requested leaders of Champasak Province to create favorable conditions for Binh Dinh enterprises to invest and do business in Champasak; at the same time, directed relevant departments and agencies to prepare for the following cooperation contents so that leaders of the two provinces would take into consideration and sign Binh Dinh – Champasak cooperation program in the time to come.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung (right) offers flowers and gift to Champasak leader.


At the meeting, Mr. Buonthong Divixay, Member of the Central Party Committee, Champasak Party Committee Secretary expressed his thanks to Binh Dinh leaders for warm welcome and felt pleased with the achievements of Binh Dinh Province. He also briefed on Champasak socio-economic development in the past years. Accordingly, Champasak’s economy has reached positive changes; economic structure has dramatically changed with the annual average growth rate of 10.6%. He also highly valued the support and assistance of Binh Dinh Province and hoped that in the coming time both provinces would promote and implement the cooperation in many fields. For the limitations of cooperation between the two provinces, leaders of related departments and agencies need to research, review and add to the cooperation program period 2016-2020 that leaders of Binh Dinh and Champasak will sign in the coming time. On this occasion, to enhance the cooperation between the two sides, Mr. Buonthong Divixay invited leaders of Binh Dinh Province to pay a working visit to Champasak and sign Binh Dinh – Champasak cooperation program.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, Secretary of Binh Dinh Party Committee, expressed his pleasure when welcoming and receiving Champasak high-ranking delegation to pay a working visit to Binh Dinh Province. He also confirmed the meeting was an opportunity for both sides to meet each other, share experience and contribute to enhancing friendship relation, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two provinces. He also hoped that the friendship relation between Binh Dinh and Champasak in particular, Vietnam and Laos in general would be increasingly developed.

At the invitation of the Secretary of Champasak Party Committee Buonthong Divixay, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, Secretary of Binh Dinh Party Committee, said that Binh Dinh high-ranking delegation would pay a working visit to Champasak in the coming time.

Source: Nguyen Thi Thanh

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