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Leader of Binh Dinh People’s Committee met with JICA delegation regarding a basic health service package paid by health insurance fund

On the afternoon of March 2, 2016, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and leaders of related departments, agencies had a meeting with a delegation of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Ministry of Health regarding providing survey information on the basic health service package paid by health insurance fund.

At the meeting, a leading representative of Binh Dinh Province provided some basic information on JICA’s interest such as the delimitation of the poor and the near-poor to provide health insurance, challenges in the process of full health insurance implementation; how to calculate the cost of local healthcare service, measures to improve the health insurance participation of the near-poor, the organization of health insurance agent network in the province, and so on.

View of the meeting.

Ms. Keiko Nagai, JICA medical supervision and epidemiological expert, head of the delegation, highly valued the results of interdisciplinary cooperation to implement health insurance policies inBinhDinhProvince. Ms. Keiko Nagai also requested that Binh Dinh need boost interdisciplinary cooperation in the coming time; at the same time, enhance the capacity of local managing officials and staff in the field of health insurance.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh expressed his thanks for JICA’s support toBinhDinhProvinceand hoped that provided information would be necessary for implementing the basic health insurance package in the future.

According to plan, the package will be implemented in 2017 and Binh Dinh will be one of the selected provinces for pilot implementation by Ministry of Health.

Source: Nguyen Van Trang (baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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