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Binh Dinh signed the Regulation on coordination with the State Audit

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of August 30, in Da Nang city, the State Audit (SAV) and the Standing Committee of the People's Council (People's Council), People's Committee (People's Committee) of the provinces: Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh and Da Nang City Party Committee (referred to as 4 provinces and cities) held a preliminary conference to review the implementation of the Regulation on work coordination for the period 2013-2023 and signed the Regulation on coordination for the next period. Attending the Conference, on the State Audit side, there were State Auditor General Ngo Van Tuan, Deputy State Auditor General Ha Thi My Dung, and representatives of leaders of units under the State Audit.

 Attending the Conference, from Binh Dinh province, there were comrades: Ho Quoc Dung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Doan Van Phi, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; and leaders of functional departments and branches of the province.


 Conference scene

 In recent years, carrying out coordination work, the relationship between the State Audit (SAV) and the Standing People's Councils and People's Committees of Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh provinces and Da Nang city (localities) has improved. achieved many results, contributing to well performing the functions, tasks and powers of each agency; Improve effectiveness and efficiency in performing audit tasks of the State Audit, as well as activities of monitoring, managing and operating state budgets of localities.


 The State Audit signed the Regulation on coordination with Binh Dinh province

 The report of the State Audit Region III shows that every year, the State Audit has closely coordinated with localities in developing audit plans. In performing audits, localities always coordinate promptly and create the most favorable conditions for the State Audit's audit teams to carry out tasks and responsibilities according to assigned plans; Regularly discuss with localities about audit progress and arising problems to promptly coordinate and handle effectively and improve audit quality. In implementing audit conclusions and recommendations, localities have directed organizational units to seriously implement the audit conclusions and recommendations of the State Audit; Local authorities always coordinate closely in the inspection and implementation of audit recommendations and resolve problems in the process of implementing audit conclusions and recommendations.

 In addition, every year, localities also promptly send local budget estimates, local budget finalization reports to the State Audit, as well as guiding and operating documents issued by localities... helping The State Audit understands specific policies related to local socio-economic management, which is convenient for developing audit plans. At the same time, closely coordinate in fostering and training to improve knowledge in the field of finance and budget for elected representatives; Coordinate in developing, amending, supplementing and propagating Law projects, legal documents, policies and regimes related to the activities of the State Audit and the People's Councils and People's Committees of localities.

 Thereby, it has contributed to improving the effectiveness and efficiency in performing audit tasks of the State Audit, as well as organizing activities to supervise, manage and administer the state budget locally in accordance with the provisions of law.

 The coordination regulations have been signed

 Accordingly, the Regulation on coordination of work between the State Audit and the Standing Committee of the People's Council and People's Committee of Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh provinces and Da Nang City Party Committee includes 3 chapters, 10 articles, regulating the coordination between agencies in implementation. Perform audit tasks of the State Audit and organize supervision, verification activities, decide on estimates and approve budget settlement, manage and operate local budgets according to the provisions of law; Supervise the activities of the Audit Team and State Auditors.

In addition, the units coordinate in fostering and training to improve knowledge in the field of finance and budget; Develop, amend, supplement and propagate draft laws and normative documents on policies and regimes related to the activities of the State Audit, People's Councils and People's Committees of provinces and cities according to their assigned functions and tasks. prescribed by law.

 At the conference, the State Audit and the Standing Committees of People's Councils and People's Committees of 4 provinces and cities agreed to exchange and provide information, documents, and electronic data to serve auditing, monitoring, verification, and decision-making activities. estimate, approve budget settlement, manage and administer local budget and results of audit activities.  At the same time, coordinate to organize discussions, seminars, and training; Organize annual meetings between the State Audit and the People's Councils and People's Committees of 4 provinces and cities.


 Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province Ho Quoc Dung spoke at the conference

 Speaking at the Conference, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province Ho Quoc Dung said that in recent times, the conclusions and recommendations of the State Audit for Binh Dinh province have been very relevant, helping the locality to implement well. and promptly correct the allocation, assignment of estimates, and administration of the budget, gradually limiting inadequacies in local budget administration. At the same time, Binh Dinh province has also fully implemented the recommendations of the State Audit with a high rate, in 2020, 98% was implemented and in 2021, 96% of audit recommendations were implemented.

 In order to continue to perform well and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of coordinated activities in the coming time, Mr. Ho Quoc Dung requested the State Audit to promptly notify the State Audit's audit conclusions and recommendations to the Government. Directing the Provincial People's Council to direct the Committees of the Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Council delegates to strengthen supervision to promote efficiency in the use of state budget and local budget management according to the provisions of law; The State Audit and the Standing Committee of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province continue to coordinate in the audit process, regularly discussing audit progress and arising problems to promptly coordinate and handle them. The Standing Committee of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province will continue to coordinate with the State Audit in propagating the law on the State Audit to raise awareness at all levels and local sectors about the position, role, and function of the People's Council.  functions, tasks and organization of the State Audit.


 State Auditor General Ngo Van Tuan spoke at the conference

 Speaking at the conference, State Auditor General Ngo Van Tuan acknowledged and highly appreciated the results of implementing the Regulation on coordination of work between the State Audit and the Standing Committees of People's Councils and People's Committees of localities, and at the same time, emphasized and oriented  of the Auditing industry in the coming time is to carry out audits to ensure neatness, quality, minimize overlap, and avoid trouble for the facility; Minimize audit teams working in the same area at the same time.

 The State Auditor General requested the provinces to coordinate closely in implementing the conclusions and recommendations of the audit teams; Supervising, verifying, deciding on estimates and approving budget finalization, managing and operating local budgets...

 At the conference, the State Audit signed the Regulation on coordination of work between the State Audit and the Standing People's Councils and People's Committees of Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh provinces and Da Nang city and awarded the Medal "For the cause of State Auditing" for 11 leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee and departments and branches of 04 localities who have made many contributions to the cause of building and developing the State Audit.

 The State Audit awarded the Medal "For the Cause of State Audit" to Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan (left cover) and leaders of Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Da Nang City. contributions to the cause of building and developing the State Audit.

 The State Audit awarded the Medal "For the cause of State Audit" to Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Doan Van Phi (2nd left) and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang (right)  has many contributions to the cause of building and developing the State Audit.

Author: DHV

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