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Eighth session of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of July 15, in Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Head of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee, chaired the 8th meeting of the Steering Committee. The Government's administrative reform evaluates the results of implementing administrative reform in the first 6 months of 2024, discusses directions and tasks of administrative reform in the last 6 months of 2024 of the Steering Committee. 

 Attending the meeting were: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang; Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee; Minister, Chairman of the Government Office Tran Van Son, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee.

 View of the meeting at Binh Dinh bridge.

 The meeting was held online between the Government headquarters and 63 provinces and centrally run cities.

 Attending the meeting at the Binh Dinh bridge point were comrades: Lam Hai Giang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation and Project of 06 provinces; Member of the Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation and Project of 06 provinces.

 In the first 6 months of 2024, with the close and drastic attention and direction of the Government and the Prime Minister along with the strong participation of ministries, branches, localities, people and businesses, the review Controlling, handling problems, and updating administrative reform has been actively implemented, contributing to promoting administrative reform and improving the business environment, many of Vietnam's indexes have been promoted. Business environment ranking increased 12 places, ranked 106th in the world economic freedom index, up 4 places compared to 2022; Ranked 46/132 countries and economies in the global innovation index, up 2 places compared to 2022. 

 Institutional reform and administrative procedure reform continue to receive attention. The Government and the Prime Minister have spent time listening and interacting with people business community to direct research and handle feedback and recommendations on mechanisms, policies and administrative procedures.

 The arrangement and consolidation of organizational apparatus and completion of regulations on employment positions at agencies and organizations in the political system, and reform of salary policy continue to have clear changes, achieving remarkable results. Discipline and administrative discipline are strengthened.

 Building and developing e-Government and digital government continues to be implemented by the Government and the Prime Minister in a synchronous, drastic and step-by-step manner with concrete results, good typical model.

 Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spoke at the meeting.  (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac - baochinhphu.vn)

 Speaking at the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged and appreciated the efforts and results of all levels, branches and localities, achieved in administrative reform work in the first 6 months of 2024; along with the close and drastic direction of members of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee in deploying and implementing administrative reform work in the first 6 months of 2024.

 Besides the achieved results, the Prime Minister also pointed out the shortcomings and limitations in administrative reform work.

 In the coming time, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested ministries, branches and localities to continue to thoroughly grasp and organize the strict, comprehensive, synchronous and effective implementation of the State Administrative Reform Master Program period 2021 - 2030 according to the Government's Resolution and the Prime Minister's Directive on promoting the implementation of the State Administrative Reform Master Program for the period 2021 - 2030; have specific, practical solutions and create strong breakthroughs to improve the effectiveness of implementing administrative reform tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister, effectively implementing the tasks set out in the plan  Administrative reform in 2024 of ministries, agencies and localities, ensuring on schedule.

 Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested ministries, branches and localities to promote institutional reform, focusing on removing legal obstacles for production and business. Closely link reform and simplification of administrative procedures with digital transformation. Review and recommend the abolition of administrative procedures and business conditions that are unnecessary, unfeasible, unclear, difficult to determine, and inconsistent with practice; Strengthen decentralization in resolving administrative procedures, reduce administrative compliance costs for people and businesses. Research, continue to innovate, improve the quality and efficiency of implementing the single-window mechanism, one-stop shop associated with digital transformation, streamlined organization, consistent with practice.

 Continue to deploy the development of e-Government and digital government; National digital transformation according to approved plans and roadmaps. Ministries, branches and localities focus on developing information technology and digital infrastructure, ensuring synchronous and unified connection and data sharing; Complete national and specialized databases; Strengthen connection and data sharing between agencies and localities to serve analysis, data processing, and support data-based direction and administration to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public management and quality of public service provision for people and businesses; Focus on effectively implementing Project 06...

 The meeting was held online between the Government headquarters and 63 provinces and centrally run cities.

 In Binh Dinh province, in the first 6 months of 2024, the Provincial People's Committee always thoroughly unifies the view that administrative reform is one of the central and important contents in the direction and administration work to create motivation to promote economic growth, local socio-economic status. Right from the beginning of 2024, with the spirit of "setting an example, discipline, focus, breakthrough", the Provincial People's Committee has issued Plans and many documents directing the timely and drastic implementation of synchronous administrative reform  on the fields. Binh Dinh Province has completed the approval of the Project on job positions and civil servant rank structure for 22/22 agencies under the Provincial People's Committee and 11 district-level People's Committees, with a total of 2,611 job positions; Complete the approval of the Project on job positions and employee structure by professional title for 720 public service units, with a total of 7,441 job positions. Issue a Plan to attract high-quality human resources with 11 targets in the fields of agriculture and rural development, information and communications, science and technology, construction, and tourism; Approved 175 targets to attract doctors and pharmacists to work at public service units;  Approved a one-time support policy for 15 doctors and pharmacists and monthly housing rental support for 49 doctors and pharmacists.  Focus on promoting administrative procedure reform and reforming the handling of administrative procedures documents. To date, Binh Dinh province has completed the replacement of civil servants and public employees with BCCI employees performing duties at the Provincial Public Administrative Service Center and One-Stop Department of 11 district-level localities. At the same time, deploy the reception and return of results of handling administrative procedures documents under the authority of the City People's Committee and Provincial Social Insurance at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center. Regarding implementation results publicized on the National Public Service Portal in the first 6 months of the year: online application submission rate reached 79.4%, online payment rate reached 78.8%, application processing rate reached 79.4%. On-time administrative procedures reached 98.5%. The results of the index of serving people and businesses ranked 2nd out of 63 provinces and cities...


Author: DHV

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