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Implement the Strategy for developing mechanization in farming until 2030 in the province

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On June 25, 2024, the Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 125/KH-UBND on implementing the Strategy for developing mechanization in farming until 2030 in Binh Dinh province.

 The overall goal of this plan is to promote the application of machines, equipment and technology in agricultural production, improve the level of mechanization of stages in crop production suitable for each type of crop,  advantages of each region and locality, towards synchronous mechanization.  Change scattered, manual and outdated farming practices to production using advanced and modern machines and equipment with high productivity and quality, reducing losses during and after harvest.  Form large fields and concentrated commodity production areas to promote the application of synchronous mechanization associated with the value chain, meeting the requirements of large-scale commodity-oriented agricultural development.  Focus on developing synchronous mechanization in crop production associated with the province's key crops.

 Illustration photo (Source: baobinhdinh.vn)

 The specific goal is that by 2030, the province's key crop production (rice, peanuts, corn and vegetables) applied with mechanization in main production stages will reach over 70% in 2025 and over 85% in  2030, synchronous mechanization will reach over 50% by 2030. The rate of loss during and after harvest of key crops will decrease from 0.5% to 1.0%/year.  Fruit tree production is applied with mechanization in main production stages to reach over 50% by 2025 and over 70% by 2030. Focus on developing mechanization in concentrated fruit growing areas according to VietGAP, organic  mechanics, applying high technology in production; advanced farming, linked production along the value chain. Calling for investment in at least 02 agricultural product processing enterprises with economic potential in the agricultural product processing industrial cluster associated with the development of concentrated raw material production areas that are synchronously mechanized and connected to consumption agricultural.

 The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for presiding over and coordinating with relevant departments, branches, and People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities to organize and implement the Plan; Urge, inspect and monitor the implementation of tasks, promptly advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to adjust and supplement the contents of the Plan to suit reality. Summarize implementation results and report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on an annual basis or irregularly when required.  In addition, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development presides over synthesizing and coordinating with relevant Departments, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to request annual budget allocation from national target programs and other capital sources to implement the Plan; Research the Central Government's current mechanisms and policies on supporting the promotion of agricultural mechanization and synchronous mechanization to advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to direct implementation.

 Relevant departments and branches, based on their assigned functions and tasks, integrate the contents of the Plan into the industry's development plan and implement it effectively;  In particular, focus on implementing a number of key tasks according to the attached Appendix in this Plan. Guide, monitor, urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of the Plan;  Every 6 months (before June 15), at the end of the year (before December 15), report to the Provincial People's Committee on the results of implementation through the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

People's Committees of districts, towns and cities develop plans to concretize the goals, tasks and solutions set out in the Plan to organize and implement them; Integrate the contents and tasks into the local socio-economic development plan and balance the annual budget to arrange capital sources for implementation. Along with that, the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities proactively review agricultural production planning in a centralized direction, forming large fields to create conditions for farmers, businesses, cooperatives and groups. Rapid application of mechanization in stages from production - storage - processing - transportation and consumption of products.  Focus on innovating forms of production organization, selecting machinery and equipment with advanced technology suitable to local farming conditions.  In addition, the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities support and create conditions for businesses and cooperatives to invest in processing plants, preliminary processing zones and agricultural product storage warehouses in the area associated with primeval areas focuses on applying mechanization in agriculture, in accordance with the general development orientation of the province.  At the same time, deploy solutions to enhance regional connectivity, aiming to develop clusters linking production, preservation, processing and consumption of agricultural products associated with concentrated raw material areas with synchronous mechanization applied. Connect with agricultural product processing facilities and agricultural product consumption and distribution channels.  Develop pilot projects and key programs to develop synchronous mechanization and local agricultural product processing models. Periodically every 6 months (before June 5), at the end of the year (before December 5), report the situation and results of implementation of the Plan to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis and reporting to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development./.

Author: DHV

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