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Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh worked with the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town on the results of socio-economic development in the first 6 months of the year

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of June 20, at the headquarters of the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town, the working group of the Provincial People's Committee, led by Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh, worked with the Town People's Committee. Hoai Nhon commune on the results of implementing key tasks in the first 6 months of the year and implementing key tasks and solutions in the last 6 months of 2024.

 Reporting to the working group, Chairman of Hoai Nhon Town People's Committee Le Dang Tuan said: In the first 6 months of the year, all levels and sectors of Hoai Nhon town focused on synchronously and drastically implementing economic development solutions. Economy - Society and achieved satisfactory results. Of the 17 targets assigned by the Provincial People's Committee, there are 15 targets with data, the town has achieved 11 targets and 4 targets have not been met. Specifically, the total product value is estimated to reach nearly 7,890 billion VND, reaching 43.56% of the plan, an increase of more than 8% over the same period. The town attracted 5/10 new projects, reaching 50% of the plan. Total budget revenue in the area is nearly 497 billion VND, reaching 64.7% of the estimate. Retail revenue of goods and services is estimated at nearly 5,720 billion VND, reaching more than 50% of the plan, creating new jobs for 3,175 people, reaching 50% of the plan. The proportion of urban residents using clean water reached 71.2% of the plan... Among the four targets that have not been met include: Export turnover; Percentage of municipal solid waste collected; Percentage of rural solid waste collected. The work of preventing and handling land encroachment cases has only resolved 772 cases/1,983 cases, only reaching more than 38.9% of the assigned plan.

 Chairman of Hoai Nhon Town People's Committee - Le Dang Tuan reported on the Socio-Economic situation of the first 6 months of the year.

 At the meeting, leaders of Hoai Nhon Town People's Committee also acknowledged that although the total product value increased higher than the province's average, it only ranked 7th out of 11 district-level units. Site clearance work for some projects is still slow, some localities have not paid attention to waste collection and treatment.

 To complete the 2024 plan, the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town proposed 09 contents to the Provincial People's Committee, in which the province requested that the province pay attention to completing procedures to speed up the progress of calling for investment in the Waste Treatment Plant project. Snakes live in the Northern province; Dredging the entrance channel to Tam Quan Fishing Port, Lai Giang canal system, and intervening for the investor of the North-South Expressway project to ensure a drainage system to avoid flooding in residential areas; have ideas to help the town expand intersections passing through the railway line. In addition, the locality also requested the Provincial People's Committee to direct relevant departments and branches to support and help the locality successfully organize large-scale cultural and sports events held for the first time in the area.

At the meeting, leaders of a number of departments also answered opinions and recommendations of Hoai Nhon town and stated a number of development directions, including industrial production development and infrastructure investment in clusters. industry, attracting investment, strengthening livestock and poultry disease prevention, combating IUU exploitation, and waste collection and treatment;  the town's urban planning and development orientations.

 Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh assessed that Hoai Nhon has maintained a good growth rate for many consecutive years and has many very positive indicators such as budget revenue and investment attraction. Social security is guaranteed.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - Nguyen Tuan Thanh gave a directive speech.

 For the upcoming tasks, comrade Nguyen Tuan Thanh noted that Hoai Nhon town must review all targets for the entire term 2020-2025, urban development targets to become a class 3 urban area and become a class 3 urban area.  city by 2030. In particular, localities need to pay special attention to planning with a long-term strategic and overall vision.

 From now until the end of the year, the town will continue to closely follow the assigned targets and plans, propose specific solutions for each industry and field, and strive to achieve and exceed the assigned tasks and goals. go out. In the immediate future, we must ensure water sources for irrigation in the Summer-Autumn crop, prevent forest fires during the hot season, focus on preventing IUU exploitation, and controlling disease prevention; Strengthen the management of mineral resources, especially construction material mines, organize waste collection and treatment to meet set targets.

 For the fields of industry, commerce, and investment, localities coordinate with departments to promptly remove difficulties and soon put registered projects into operation; Complete the town's general planning and other plans, focus on investing in urban beautification, landscape infrastructure, and focus on site clearance to attract investment into the town...

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh also discussed and clarified local issues proposed and suggested some directions for developing Hoai Nhon town in the coming time, including the first issue. Investing in school facilities, developing tourism, attracting tourists, developing the night economy... Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee reminded Hoai Nhon to continue paying attention to promoting administrative reform and rectifying implementation. Examining public service ethics and working practices, especially at the commune level./.


Author: DHV

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