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Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and presented gifts to the 3rd Army Military School and typical policy families in Phu Cat district

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the occasion of the Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024, on the morning of February 1, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and gave gifts to the 3rd Army Corps Military School and its families. Typical policies in Phu Cat district.

 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and presented gifts to the 3rd Army Military School.

 Visiting the 3rd Army Military School, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh noted and highly appreciated the results the school has achieved in the past year. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh wishes that the school's collective officers, teachers, students, soldiers, and workers continue to promote traditions and unite to strive to successfully complete assigned tasks. Besides, comrade Nguyen Tuan Thanh wants the school to continue to coordinate with local authorities in ensuring social security in the area.


 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and gave gifts to the family of Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (born 1946, imprisoned) in Phu Hau Quarter, Cat Tien town.

 After visiting the 3rd Army Military School, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and gave gifts to typical policy families in Phu Cat district including: Mr. Nguyen Ba Cuong (born 1942, sick soldier 71%) in Phu Giao village, Cat Thang commune; Vietnamese heroic mother Bui Thi Hung (born 1931) in Chanh Dinh village, Cat Chanh commune; Mr. Le Van Ngo (born 1943, 45% invalid) in Tan Thanh village, Cat Hai commune; Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (born 1946, imprisoned) in Phu Hau Quarter, Cat Tien town.


 Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited and presented gifts to the family of Vietnamese heroic mother Bui Thi Hung (born 1931) in Chanh Dinh village, Cat Chanh commune.

 At the places visited, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh visited the health and life situation of the families and expressed his deep gratitude for the contributions of the wounded soldierss , sick soldiers, and relatives of martyrs who fought and sacrificed to regain independence and freedom for the Fatherland. At the same time, we hope policy families continue to promote revolutionary traditions and lead by example in movements to contribute to building increasingly developed families and localities. On the occasion of the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin 2024, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh wished policy families a warm and happy new year.

Author: DHV

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