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Prof. George Smoot had a talk with Vietnamese excellent students

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On the morning of August 18, 2015, at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE), People’s Committee of Binh Dinh Province in collaboration with Rencontres du Vietnam and Binh Dinh Youth Union organized a talk between prof. George Smoot, an American scientist, awarded the Nobel Prize in 2006 and excellent students of Viet Nam in general and Binh Dinh in particular. The talk was attended by Prof. Tran Thanh Van, Chairman of Rencontres du Vietnam, Vice Chairwoman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Thi Thu Ha, and leader representatives of related departments and agencies in the province.

View of the talk.

At the talk, Vietnamese excellent students raised interesting questions about science such as how to better understanding star and galaxy formations and the process of mapping the universe; the road to success of physics scientists; the role of informatics during the Professor’s research. The students also wanted to know how to pursue their scientific dreams and the experience to overcome difficulties during the researching process. As a scientist, should the Professor have some knowledge and fondness of arts or not?

Prof. George Smoot answered questions raised by excellent students.

Prof. George Smoot also answered most of the questions raised by excellent students and those loving science. The Professor emphasized that in order to achieve goals in science, the youth need the desire and determination to carry out their dreams. He also noticed that the youth should devote their talents and contribution to socio-economic development. The Professor also said, “During the scientific process, a lot of difficulties and obstacles occur and even failure before success, but the importance is that all of you need to have motivation to pursue your dreams”.

A Vietnamese excellent student raising questions for Prof. George Smoot.

During the talk, prof. George Smoot had good impression on knowledgeable questions raised by excellent students and (he) also said that they had such desire for science and needed to promote in order to succeed in the future.

Prof. George Smoot answered questions raised by reporters.

Prof. Tran Thanh Van, Chairman of Rencontres du Vietnam, said that this talk would be an opportunity for excellent students of Viet Nam in general and Binh Dinh in particular to meet each other and share experience and especially receive invaluable advice from leading scientists in the world. He also hoped that these students would take this opportunity to continue bettering their knowledge and pursue their dreams in the coming time.

* In the afternoon, at the Provincial Cultural Centre, Prof.  George Fitzgerald Smoot had a talk with students and those loving science on the title “Mapping the universe and its history”. 

As known, prof. George Smoot, born in 1945, is a physics lecturer at California University, senior researcher at the Lawrence Berkel National Laboratory; he has  also been working as  a physics professor at Paris Diderot University (Paris 7 University) – the Republic of France since 2010.

Prof. George Fitzgerald Smoot has been honor to be awarded prizes in physics, one of which was the Nobel Prize in 2006. In 2003, he was awarded Albert Einstein medal and in 2009 awarded Oersted medal. 

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